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Apr 2016 · 809
L Apr 2016
I'm officially leaving HP. I'm about to graduate high school, go to college, start a new chapter of my life... And I feel that  leaving this site behind is what's best for me. I may join another site, who knows? But for now, I'm writing in my head. Everything sounds so much better there anyway.
Thank you.

With love,
Apr 2016 · 786
L Apr 2016
We always took nap time for granted.
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
L Apr 2016
You tap the vein and push love into my bloodstream
Apr 2016 · 638
L Apr 2016
Some hurts never heal
Some ghosts are never gone
...but we move on
Lyric from Next to Normal

You can't catch me

Apr 2016 · 459
L Apr 2016
What is the music of Your Soul?
For whom do You play?
Apr 2016 · 532
You Don't Know
L Apr 2016
Do you know what it's like to die alive?
Next to Normal
Apr 2016 · 465
L Apr 2016
I'm not breaking down
I'm breaking *out

Apr 2016 · 389
L Apr 2016
These sheets hold the scent of your skin like your hands hold the warmth of my heart
I'm a fool for you

Mar 2016 · 421
L Mar 2016
A whole year of
Laughter and chemistry
Tears and memories
Time and patience
Anxiety and embraces
Safety and angels
I've loved you for a year
Say you'll let me love you for more
For my angel, the boy who saved my life

Mar 2016 · 436
L Mar 2016
Let me pour my beating heart into yours
Mar 2016 · 358
L Mar 2016
Everything feels so right with you
My heart threatens to overflow
A single, incomplete thought and it still makes me cry

Mar 2016 · 386
L Mar 2016
I was ***** by someone who "loved" me.
Why should I be afraid of strangers?
My mom always told me to be safe when I went out, but she never warned against about the people closest to me.

Mar 2016 · 922
L Mar 2016
Spinning around my room at 2 AM
Empty wine bottle in hand
Huge smile on my face
Cool breeze passing through the drapes
This is what it's like to be alive
This is what it's like to feel brand new
Mar 2016 · 366
L Mar 2016
You can't look me in the eye
You can't stand to hear my song
You can't be in the same room
I've won
Finally... *I've won
I was broken for so long
but now I'm the one rising above it

Mar 2016 · 895
L Mar 2016
Spacious galaxies  
Intense heat  
A flash of light in the dark corner of a distant world...
Dark matter
Glowing nebulae
Debris of time making something new and full of promise...

...Does it hurt when a new star is born?
Mar 2016 · 1.4k
L Mar 2016
Lord, fill my heart with Your love
Allow me to see You with open eyes
Forgive me for my transgressions
Take my hand and lead me home
Mar 2016 · 619
L Mar 2016
Your smell lingers on my skin, your taste on my tongue
Your image is burned into my mind
Let me not hold your body close
When I am not worthy to even hold your hand
Mar 2016 · 481
L Mar 2016
You always wanted to be a Heartbreaker
You're making a ******* fool of yourself.
I almost feel bad for you.
But hey, karma's a real *****.

Mar 2016 · 414
L Mar 2016
Now the user is being used
What a pleasant turn of events
"You're a fool, Jesus Christ."

Mar 2016 · 317
L Mar 2016
Tomorrow I tell the truth
Tomorrow I let you in
Mar 2016 · 399
L Mar 2016
Let me show you how to love
Since no one has before
*...I'll love you.
My angel

Mar 2016 · 362
L Mar 2016
You're disgusting
Pure filth
No amount of "love"
Could change you
Mar 2016 · 339
L Mar 2016
I hate that my name is associated with yours;
They think of you, they think of me.
I ******* hate you.

Mar 2016 · 359
L Mar 2016
It's out now
Someone in authority knows
This will either help
Or go up in flames
Mar 2016 · 503
L Mar 2016
Rumpled grey sheets
Slow sleepy smiles
Breath warm from dreaming
Pillows cradling thoughts  
Fingers intertwined with stars
Soft lips pressed against dry
Say we'll never have to leave this place
This heaven we've found in each other's arms
Afternoon's spent in your embrace
There's no place I'd rather be

For my angel, my saving grace

Mar 2016 · 486
L Mar 2016
The surgeon asked if I could feel my toes
And for the first time...
*I was afraid to die
I've been remembering a lot recently.
One is how I felt before a life changing surgery

Mar 2016 · 376
L Mar 2016
I'm finally speaking up
I'm finally letting it out
Senior retreat is coming up and my theology teacher wants me to give a speech on all of the **** I've been through in the past four years.
Nervous to tell my entire class about these things, but I'm ready to clear the air.

Mar 2016 · 375
L Mar 2016
You have to sing quieter
So soft no one can hear
It's an alto's time to shine
I'm singing loud and clear
I'm in the school musical and I NAILED my solo tonight.

Watch me shine.

Mar 2016 · 297
L Mar 2016
Cry for me
Mar 2016 · 771
L Mar 2016
You lack character
Poise, responsibility, honesty
And they all know it
Mar 2016 · 369
L Mar 2016
"I was just a kid, I didn't know what to do... so I did nothing."

*"That's not true... you survived."
Mar 2016 · 337
With You
L Mar 2016
There surrounded
hungry, fast, frenzied
Here alone
loving, affectionate, desperate
Mar 2016 · 370
L Mar 2016
When did I stop saying "I" and start saying "We"?
Mar 2016 · 662
English 5E
L Mar 2016
We laugh at evil characters in literature
And wonder why antagonists matter...
But do we ever laugh at our evil characters?
Do we wonder why the antagonists in our lives matter?
This is idiotic
But I can't think of any other way to put it

Mar 2016 · 366
L Mar 2016
We're above the influence
Alcohol is for Them
But here We are
Drunk as happy hour regulars
March is our month
I love you

Mar 2016 · 429
Leap Year
L Mar 2016
I've spent 366 days loving you
Say you love me still
I'll never get enough

Feb 2016 · 331
L Feb 2016
A year ago, you urged me to do what was best for me - and that changed everything.
A year later, you're urging me to do what is best for you - and that changes everything.
;) Know what I mean?

Feb 2016 · 766
L Feb 2016
My spine is made of iron
My blood is acrylic paint
My tears are holy water
My eyes are raw stone
My mind is made of gold
My heart is matte polish
My thoughts are sinful fire
My dreams are wasted air
I don't know

Feb 2016 · 393
L Feb 2016
You lie to push away worthy blame
But what will you do...
when the lies are turned back at you?
The truth hurts.
Careful, kitten.

Feb 2016 · 321
Crystal Clear
L Feb 2016
If you feel the urge to see me
Well you'd best pretend you're blind
I don't mean to be unkind
But all the reasons I left you behind
They should be clear now
Feb 2016 · 403
Godawful Things
L Feb 2016
Only an angel can know there's love to find behind closed doors
In time you'll know when you're ready for more
Though you have not a lot to say, let me roll the
stone away
Through you I am saved...
Thank the good Lord
For those godawful things
That brought you to me
Lake Street Dive

For B

Feb 2016 · 437
L Feb 2016
What have I become afraid of, self consciousness or confidence?
Inability or the risk of flying high?
Losing or winning it all?
I've spent a lot of time second guessing myself lately and I ******* hate it. It's like I'm scared to succeed.

Feb 2016 · 375
L Feb 2016
I know you're contemplating suicide.
I know you're wishing your pain would end.
But you are not your pain...
So don't let it become you.
Feb 2016 · 362
L Feb 2016
And you're a liar, at least all of your friends are
And so am I, just typically drowned in my car
It's my party and I'll cry to the end
You must try harder than kissing all of my friends

It takes a bit more, yeah it takes a bit more than you
It takes a bit more, yeah it takes a bit more than you

You're alive, at least as far as I can tell you are
And so am I, you beat me down and then we're back to my car
And it's so ironic how it's only been a year
And it's not my fault that you ****** everybody here
You // The 1975

Not mine
But I wish it was
(One pronoun tweak in that last line)

Feb 2016 · 517
L Feb 2016
Is God who I turn to in order to feel safe?
Feb 2016 · 358
L Feb 2016
You're a fool, Jesus Christ.
How can I help you?
There are so many misguided, unknowing people in my life. If I could save them from what they don't know, I would.

Lyrics from Jesus Christ Superstar, "Trial Before Pilate"

Feb 2016 · 316
L Feb 2016
We dance around each other
Call it The Tango of Fear
Feb 2016 · 395
"You're so pretty..."
L Feb 2016
Cat calls choke my confidence
My responses aren't so strong  
Skirts always feel too short
Shirts always too long

Some say I was asking for it
Others say it was my clothes
I say it was a misfit
Letting lust fall like dominoes

So here I am stuck screaming
Black and bruised and used
I wasn't asked to be born pretty
If I had been, I would've refused
For **** victims everywhere
Don't stay silent
Speak up
Speak out

Feb 2016 · 302
L Feb 2016
I took you off your leash
But I can't, no I can't make you heel
God you're pathetic

Feb 2016 · 766
L Feb 2016
As I sat in a room full of hundreds,
   crying and shaking and remembering,
I fully realized that
I am not my pain...
I am not what happened to me...
I am not what she did to me...
I am more than my depression.
I am more than my suicide attempt.
I am more than my ******.
**I am still here.
I am stronger than ever  

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