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Kyle W May 2015
Around a crowd I feel every heart stroke
Discomfort is the reality
Invisibility creates a cloak
Corrupt thoughts lead to fatality

No one seems to notice I have a heart
Drifting through cities not even a glance
Searching the world for my counterpart
Waiting for the day I can get a chance

I latch on to attention like a chain
I stand in a group yet I feel alone
I hope no one else ever feels this pain
I hope its your name when I check my phone

One day I will find the one who is right
And then I would no longer need to roam
From that point on forever holding tight
Maybe then I could finally have a home
  Apr 2015 Kyle W
The most tired fraction of society
social studies leads to social anxiety
anxiously waiting for life's entirety
entire life of impropriety

improper ways lead to isolation
isolated due to my frustration
frustrated by my hearts starvation
starving for any type of relation
Kyle W Apr 2015
I've never been someone's first choice
I suppose I'm the one to blame
Yearning for the sound of your voice
You tease my heart like its a game

Dealing with another defeat
I shouldn't be upset once more
My life never seems to be sweet
I'm stupid this happened before

Once again a girl brought me down
Will I ever be good enough
I want a smile not a frown
This isn't fair but life is rough

— The End —