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 Sep 2014 KB
 Sep 2014 KB
I was never meant to hear
you say
"Nothing lasts forever"
It was never for me
It was yours all along
It was the last bit of bait
you were throwing
to reel your drifting sanity
back into your veins,
Wasn't it?
I don't want to lose you
 Sep 2014 KB
 Sep 2014 KB
I could feel you imagining
your voice lost in the waves
of my raw hysteria;
drowned instantly
in the rip tide
of my shaking wrists
and growing headache
God ******
I don't want to lose you
 Sep 2014 KB
rained-on parade
I heard we
ran out of papers
so you ran up
around the walls
of this house-
thoughts scribbling
on them like the paint
we could not decide upon;
like a troubled mentalist
looking for solace
the sound of your pen
against the walls-
how they went from
flowing to screeching-
hands now bleeding
heart; you reached the
porch where you underlined
your first steps and her last;
the bedroom a serenade
between the sheets some-
times a lie tucked away
there are fractured stories
in the woodwork finally
seeping out.
You are making the
ceiling cry in the eulogic living room; the kitchen
is a mess of lonely dinners.
You left the library for the last.
This was where you began a
passion never ending
fantasy; open up
the curtains.
The world will one day
listen to the way
a little scribble went
to a house
and came back
a masterpiece.

Le muse de fataliste
 Sep 2014 KB
 Sep 2014 KB
I remember thinking
if I could just coordinate my
thoughts and my tongue
for more than a focused second
I could tell you
that the lack of
permanence in our nature;
the same one your lips
relentlessly describe
is the swamp
sitting stagnant
at the core of my anxiety
You don't ******* get it
I don't want to lose you
 Sep 2014 KB
 Sep 2014 KB
You sat with your hands wrapped tight
around your knees like safety bars
& hopelessly whispered
"nothing lasts forever"
over and over again into the
chaotic sea of tears, I was
emptying recklessly all over
your bedroom floor
I don't want to lose you
 Sep 2014 KB
Tyler Durden
 Sep 2014 KB
Tyler Durden
I have this weird feeling
The feeling you have when you miss someone
Or when you're homesick
But I'm  home
And my friends are too
I still feel nothing is here
Does anyone know what I mean?
 Sep 2014 KB
Tyler Durden
Would you please take my hand?
I know it's cliché but let's run away from here
No let's walk
It'll give us more time to talk.
On nights like this I wish you were closer.
The thin air is turning colder again.
It brings back the memories I don't have of you.
And I'm not sure what I'm feeling but it won't go away.
So please would you take my hand and walk somewhere with me?
I dunno
 Sep 2014 KB
Tyler Durden
37 m.p.h
 Sep 2014 KB
Tyler Durden
I have this bad habit
When I wake up all
I can think about is
 Sep 2014 KB
Tyler Durden
Right now
life feels
like a late night drive
into the middle of nowhere,
it's 3 am and
I can't see.
Okay I guess I could use map
Yet no one has one.
Oh well,
I'm not going places
Maybe All I need is a hiatus.
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