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 Sep 2014 KB
 Sep 2014 KB
"you better be writing something nice down.."*

nice (
in your words*) adj.:  something that doesn't say you are depressed, sad, want to shoot the world, yourself, your mother, or anything in that category.

but, i think sometimes those things need to be written down. i think sometimes writings need to be as dark as the ink you write with, because those thoughts matter too.
 Sep 2014 KB
im sorry i didn't answer my phone
that night. i told you "i'll only be a hour,
i promise,"
but you didn't inform me that you were leaving too. twenty missed calls. one text.
"i can't do this anymore, please
pick up, what do i do?"

im sorry i got mad at you that one day, screamed, left, and cried. you always told me i was too emotional and to toughen up inside. you said you'd always be by my side, although i think you failed to define always, and mention, that soon, you'd be saying goodbye.
im sorry i wasn't as bubbly as you on the days you smiled with your teeth. the days you got confident and decided you were free. the days you came and tugged my hand, got this idea, like school was something we could afford to flee.
im sorry that when i questioned
you about the cuts and bruises, i allowed you to tell me "it's nothing, don't worry about it, i'm fine."
im sorry when your mom left
you home that night, you looked
but didn't find. you said you called exactly after an hour, but i wasn't anywhere around.
im sorry they teased and picked on you, called you names, pulled your hair, and kicked you down.
im sorry, i swear i ran as fast as i could after i was done. my mile takes me ten, maybe fifteen minutes, at least.
im sorry i got there too late and understood all your pain after you put it in ink.

im sorry... im so sorry... im right
here, you see? can we talk about this? rethink it?
just please, promise you'll visit me tonight while i sleep.
suicide is something that has a great impact on my heart and something i feel very seriously about. this is in honor of anyone who has dealt with a loss or experienced suicidal thoughts.
 Sep 2014 KB
 Sep 2014 KB
don't worry about me in thunderstorms
i've learned to inhale the lightning
to gasp-in every raindrop that falls
to clasp each clap of thunder in the palm of my hand
i've learned to put my head to your chest
when i am having a nightmare.
listening to Tigers Jaw and wondering how i can type things i'm not sure i actually think
 Sep 2014 KB
 Sep 2014 KB
 Sep 2014 KB
 Sep 2014 KB
i still remember how luminous
and full of life your eyes were the first time i stared into them.
and i remember how i couldn't help but want to figure you out every time you smiled and glanced at me.
god, i wanted to know you.
i needed to know you.
but i guess that's why they say
*anything forbidden, we desire.
 Sep 2014 KB
11:16 PM
each time i attempt to sleep, each time
i try to push and shove the thought of you out of my head, i fail. miserably.
1:27 AM
every moment spent with you engulfs my brain. every smile, every laugh we shared, the time you first asked if you could kiss me. an ocean full of memories i'm drowning in.
2:01 AM
i realize my days and nights have lingered on for weeks now and still you aren't here, nor anywhere near. still you are away. still you are there. while i remain here, in this bed, hopelessly missing you. hoping wherever you are, that you are hopelessly missing me too.
2:33 AM
i realize you'll never be here.. ever.
2:47 AM
my bed feels so empty and i can't stop tracing over the place where your body once filled the empty space. keeping the other half of my sheets warm.
3:13 AM
you've managed to make it through another night of running through my head. i keep scratching down things that will allow you to escape my brain and rest on my pages, but i stopped, because i got jealous of the pages, and wanted you to rest in my arms.
6:39 AM
the sun is starting to peek through my blinds. his eyes now opening, waking up to kiss the horizon good morning. i prepare to close mine, forcing myself to sleep, and imagine kissing yours goodnight.
days and nights for me all sort of seem to run together
 Sep 2014 KB
rained-on parade
Just tell them
your poetry
is now for
someone else.
 Sep 2014 KB
michelle reicks
 Sep 2014 KB
michelle reicks
There’s this beautiful girl at my school
And she smokes a pack a week

And she’s pregnant

She’s got beautiful eyes and that’s all I can see
Her baby will have beautiful eyes too.

And she moans out loud in the lunchroom, “man, I’m going to be so fat in a few months.”

And I swear to god that whenever I see her,
I want to lift up her shirt
and press my cheek against the life beating inside her
and hope that it soaks into my pores
So I can feel something as real as that.

But when I have a baby girl someday
I will love her
Like I love the taste of a grapefruit on hot summer days
I will love her like every ****** I have ever had
I will love her like every prayer I have ever whispered in my car
I will love her like how I miss my dad sometimes

And my baby girl will know that I love her because when I put her on one of those horses on the carousel, I will kiss her hand every time she comes back around to me
and I’ll miss her every second she’s away

And I’m going to teach her so much more than her daddy ever could.

My baby girl’s gonna learn that everybody’s going to die someday
So she should try to meet everyone as soon as possible.

And I’m gonna make sure she never has *** with a person she doesn’t love
But I’m gonna make sure she falls in love every day.

I’ll teach my baby girl to love the way I’ll love her
and then

I’ll love her more every day
until I die or
until I forget whose hands are attached to my wrists.
But I'm sure I’ll remember
when she holds them.
 Sep 2014 KB
i crave so badly to sleep with you. and i mean that in the most innocent way. i want to sleep with you, but not in the sense that our bodies are naked and we make love in the mess of my sheets. i want to sleep with you and and learn the pattern of your heartbeat, the rise and fall in your chest when you breathe, how you move in the late hours of the night when you dream.
i want to sleep with you and roll over to find your body beside mine, if at 3 AM i wake from the habit of missing you. i want to sleep with you and i mean that *in the most innocent way.
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