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 Apr 2021 kolette mae
Grace E
I traced the texture of your words
Like my heart was blind
And your voice was braille
Her eyes glistened
Not unlike the moon
Or rain drops
When the clouds
Parted and let
The sun through
Her skin felt like
Warm honey
A feeling
You couldn’t
Quite shake
And her lips
Tasted; almost
The same
Her words were
Like ash in the breeze
Effortless and
A sound sure
To please
My heart shattered to a million pieces
As my happiness decreases
Struck to the core
Unable to take it anymore
My heart ceases to pound
All the words we’ve ever said surround
The tears start to fall
But I don’t feel them as my world grows small
My mind goes numb
Not able to see what I have become
All the effort I put into all the years
But I guess that's what love is
I'm not in love with you,
But I everytime I look into your eyes I'm drowning in it.

I'm not in love with you,
But when I look at your lips, I am left parched and wanting.

I'm not in love with you,
But when I see your face light up with a smile, I feel a cathartic release.

I'm not in love with you,
But everytime I see you I have this insatiable longing that tells me otherwise.

I'm not in love with you,
But my brain is sending me these signals which I don't know how to respond to.
 Apr 2021 kolette mae
i spend my days
pouring myself into the cups of others

only to find that
when it’s time for myself
to take a sip

all that’s left
in my cup
is the remainder of a girl
who gave too much
self care is extremely important. most days I fight my depression by putting smiles onto others faces, but forgetting about my once bright smile.

— The End —