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 Apr 2014 Kodis
and i wish i knew
how to love you
He was given a notebook
to write whatever on its page
quite some years it took
before it came of age.

All these years he kept writing
he thought it was his everything
to him mattered what really
was no page should be left empty.

When he exhausted the last page
he found he had missed a lot to say
there remained unsaid at each stage
that he put off for another day.

He needed one more page in the notebook
to fill it up with what was till then unsaid
but the rule did not permit a re-look
no provision for a revision was made.
you are the closest thing i think i have ever had to perfection

you are the cliche perfectly imperfect to me; you are the pathetic love story teenage infatuation boy who makes me smile more than i should when i think of you, the boy who makes me want to stay with him for the rest of the hours in the day, the boy who makes me wish i could stop time, the boy who makes everything feel right

you are what makes my day complete

your laugh, your eyes, the way you always smell like clean clothes, the fact that i have stuffed my head in your chest enough to know your scent, the way you're always warm, the way you do things just to make me smile, the fact that you always continue the conversation even when we have nothing else to say, the way you say my name when you're concerned, the way you hug me, the way you just touch my hair, the way it falls back from your touch as paralyzed as i am

you are more than just a boy

you are my 4am thoughts, you are my 2am thoughts, you are my thoughts all the time, you are the lead in my pencil, you are what forces me to write, you are why i look forward to the mornings, you are the reason i dont study and cant sleep, you are the reason i want to sleep, you are why i constantly stay on my computer during class, you are what fuels motivation, you are the only boy i cannot lie to, you are the only boy i have never wanted to lie to, you are the only boy i have ever thought was this worth fighting for...

there is an invisible barricade*

sometimes i stand in a pocket of space with you where it just feels right, where everything seems to melt away, where i go home and listen to songs and just think about you, and hear the words "we might be dead by tomorrow" constantly from my computer speakers, telling myself that one day i will send you that song so you can understand that today is for today because there may not be a tomorrow and yesterday has already gone, but i know that deep down i can never get you to understand this

your presence lingers far after you leave

when you walk away i don't want you to; i've never wanted you to. it sounds ridiculous but your presence makes me happy and i don't understand it but i just understand that i like the feeling and i don't want that feeling to end, and when you leave it does end, but you seem to stay in my memory for a long time after that

i am frustrated

i am frustrated with how much i happen to like you, with how much you impact me and how happy you make me, because this puts me out of my element, and i am frustrated that there seems to be so much potential between us, there seems to be so much happiness, i know things about you no one does, remember? and i will always be willing to learn more because i do not want to stop learning more; i learn more about you everyday...

i am scared, too

the prospect of whatever this is that we have, whatever you want to call it, scares me too, because that means that we have to sacrifice a friendship in the name of something better, knowing that it may end. but i am willing to drop everything and sacrifice it all for this, and i know that deep down you are too, and i know that right now if you ever see this you will say i do? and i will respond, gently, with a you do, because sometimes things mean something more than what we think they do, or they mean more than we are willing to admit them to

when will the barricade fall

let me perform a coup d'etat on your heart, let me break down the remnants of previous love and pain and let me build my own wall there, myself, one that you and i will stabilize throughout time, together. let me let your guard down, let me let you finally fall on a cushion, let me be the person there at 4am, let me be the one there in your worst moments and your best, during summer nights watching the sunset, during winter nights when the dark encompasses everything and everyone
 Apr 2014 Kodis
Mattea Marie
I am not a psychotherapist
But sometimes I think I'm just
And I give out therapies
Like I gave him too many tears

I ask all the questions
That no one wants to answer
In hopes that the truth will smack them
Open their eyes wide
Like it did mine

I listen to their answers
Testimonies of their pathetic attempts
To convince themselves of happiness
No one changes unless they want to
And quite frankly
Sometimes it feels good to hate and hurt
To convince ourselves that we're different when really
We're all the same

Tell me why you want to die
And I'll tell you not to
But this circle ends and begins with
I cannot save you
I can lend out a hand to your drowning soul
But you must decide to help yourself
And take it

I am not a psychotherapist
But I am a ****** therapist
I'll tell you to save yourself
While I number my days
 Apr 2014 Kodis
 Apr 2014 Kodis
She whispered to the many creatures of the night
They discussed their hopes
Their dreams
                        The what could be's

The moon was curious
"no one stays awake when I come out"
To much surprise, she was the no one
She had to let the moon know
How wanted he was

               She began to run with the wolves because, she too,
                           wanted to shine from the moonlight
To anyone who has ever felt like the moon. You're not alone. Follow the moonlight.
 Apr 2014 Kodis
 Apr 2014 Kodis
How awful it is to lay numb on your bed late at night & think about someone who isn't thinking about you.
How awful it is to dream about someone but wake up alone.
How awful it is to remember everything about someone who doesn't even remember your name.
How awful it is to write about someone who never wrote about you.
Awful, that's how it feels.
Wasted time, wasted years.
How awful it is to sit here and type your name but hitting the backspace button because typing your name gets me nowhere.
This poem is getting me nowhere, and that's an awful feeling.
But it is not as awful as thinking about you.
 Apr 2014 Kodis
the angels carry you away
because the devils on his way
you never deserved this life
crying alone every night
you've been acting strong
while everything's been going wrong
And every time you said you’re okay
You looked down and walked away
You fought this battle on your own
Praying every time you’re alone
You needed saving tonight
And for you, the angels would fight
 Apr 2014 Kodis
Amber S
morning sex
 Apr 2014 Kodis
Amber S
i have mentioned i like morning ***.

but i have forgotten to talk about *** late at night. after one am. when you’re drunk. when you’re sober. when all you can hear is the sighs of the mattress and the far distant squalls in the streets, the sirens mewling past as your cries muffle into blackness.

the later the better, for you tend to hold on tighter, curl your legs behind his knees until he buckles. your name from his lips sounds like rainstorms. it is when your inner demons are released.
when his fingers dig deeper, his teeth scrape harder. he pulls until your scalp is burning, throttles until nothing but spit emanates.  
it is dangerous, it is lovely, it is living. you bite each other’s lips until you taste nothing but him, guzzling him until your internals are churning and gushing with him. you remember thinking how one drunken night at three am was enough.
but then he came again at four. then he came again at five.
and it was at seven in the morning when you were covered in his crux you couldn’t turn away. you wanted the morning ***, you wanted the late night ***. you wanted to be flooded and whisked until your
body was nothing but his
 Apr 2014 Kodis
Marshall Gass
The landscape blurs often
as poets go about their business
crafting metaphors of unexpected delight
in forests of jangled words and visuals
unable to contain their excitement
at having conquered that crystallised
moment of love, hate and everything else
in a frozen sliver of time
inescapable from their minds excursion
into unknown unshaped lands.

Not all succeed in this endeavour
most try, few unable
to melt the metal in a crucible of colour
sound, taste or touch, to smell
emphasis and cocktail curiosity
bringing the best to the fore.

The newcomers tremble at the awe
of maestros watching their work
and dissolve in disasters.
There is the odd one that unknowingly
write splendid poetry
and when noticed and heaped with praise
often springboard into showcasing talent.

Reading the works of the masters
is always good. If they think it
is good then it must be good.
So many footsteps to follow and learn.
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
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