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  May 2015 KIO

by loving
by loving
by loving
by loving

by loving
by loving
by loving
by loving

by loving
by loving
by loving
by loving

by loving
by loving
by loving
by loving


(c) 2/23/2015
I've known both love and hate
  May 2015 KIO
Have you ever noticed how birds seem to fly to a melody unsung?
That the eyes seem to speak a stronger language than any that we've known?
How the stars keep their shine no matter the time,
And no matter how much time passes, our souls stay young?

Maybe you've never noticed the story your face tells in between the seconds it takes for me to say, "I love you"
And maybe you've never noticed the way I look at you like there's no concept of time,
The moments you cross my mind when there's no reason or rhyme,
Yes, maybe this isn't the place or time but how much time are we really guaranteed?
No, you'll never understand how much of me you've possessed,
How little time it took for me to become obsessed,
You'll never understand how much beauty I see when I see you fast asleep,
No words to describe how much you already mean to me.
But the truth is, no matter how much time I have with you, no time will ever be enough,
Because time brings limitations,
And its endings are too abrupt,
We are bound to it, enslaved by the mere idea,
No, it doesn't matter how much time passes or how old we get,
*There will never be enough words or time for you to understand a love which has no limits.
KIO May 2015
why do people live in the past? what's so good about the past? nostalgia ain't nothing but a element you cannot grasp. something you couldn't clasp
why you tripin? why you mad? who hurt you so bad? was it in the past?
I bet this is why you hate this much, because it couldn't outlast
sometimes you act like a bluff
trying to remember the thing you felt nostalgia for, the unconditional love
the unconditional trust, the unconditional what?
foreign to my vocabulary when all I do is build my walls up
not to hide, or isolated myself from the outside stuff
but just to keep myself safe when reality decides to catch up

Catch up to what? I've been at the same point for years on end repeating myself
depending on but "Him" but even he can't find a remedy book to help me cure myself
at times you get tired of asking, man I don't need your help
I'm lowkey dying bc of me who's gonna help me help myself?
i get caught up w/ the rich kids from the west side
redirect to the truth but even gps' can misguide
I'll say it again, wait no I can't because my brain's fried
tried to accumulate the words that's been said, access denied
I like staying in the past because it's a place where I knew simplicity could last
it's a place I could contrast with now, and look way back when
when I knew who I was, when I had real friends
when I knew my place between the complexity in the text
and when I wrote how I felt and I wasn't perplexed
when I loved myself and my individuality
I guess I got stolen by the media and the kidnapper is reality

- k.o.
KIO Mar 2015
(5) 11:55 11:56 11:57 11:58
the moon rolls out and you're still awake
school starts in 7 hours but it's okay
"I'll just glide through class half asleep, half awake."
(10) did it even occur to you that people care about you more than you think?
like your mom, dad, friends, her or me?
when I say her I mean ya girl because I'm not sure of her name
you've never mentioned her to me until 3/23/15
but **** it, tip buckets, kick rocks cause life zooms in a flash
(15) cause when you're older it won't matter about the money and CASH
I mean it will because everything in America is revolved around money
but at least you'll have good finance and a fine *** honey
sooner or later you will realize who is important
you'll remember that person or phrase that made life seem un-shortened
(20) you'll remember the face that left an imprint in your heart
that every time you see them you would re-meet them from the start
you're mysterious like a plot off of goosebumps
not slimy grimy or gross the part where you get butterflies in your stomach
not sure how that ties in with the series
but it makes sense to me, oddly
(25) you seem like you find euphoria in loneliness, but you probably don't
I'm categorizing you again with my heart of stone
creativity flows within you, I can see it within the hazel
even though I've never seen you face to face, I know I've seen you cause I'm able
right minded, but you talk with your left brain
(30) music whirls within your soul, but you speak like politician, John McCain
great lover I can tell with the way you tweet
I know you love your momma like Norman Stark loves the sea
I know you got sweet talk in between your white teeth
I know that you use it, maybe not towards me
(35) I'll never forget you JPSM, or should I call you jack?
you never told what the PSM meant in fact
or maybe I never asked, or maybe I'll leave it quite mysterious
disclaimer: after you read this line, I'll probably end up deleting this

- k.a.o
  Dec 2014 KIO
Melanie Melon
I don't usually wear my seatbelt
because if I die driving,
I want to go enthusiastically, smiling.

I only want to die
if in a gore-ific scene of carelessness,
I want to exit with a bang, part of a mess.

And I don’t find this morbid
Because if I die cruising down 33,
I will die my mind at peace with the rest of me.
KIO Dec 2014
I don't want to live in your shadow, no please don't let that happen
I am me and you are you there's no we so please, don't keep me in your shadow
Don't pass me the baton, don't throw me the ball, I don't want it don't put me in your shadow
I love who I am, I love who you are, so let us be separate but we are still together at heart
On the contrary, I like being in your shadow because you're better than me and since you are we will have a love hate relationship for eternity

- k.a.o.
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