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Persephine Feb 2016
I was sitting on a wooden chair
Wondering what life could share
Does happiness for real?
If I have no hope and no one could heal.

I am surrounded by thick walls
No one could hear my woeful calls
I am covered by fainted gleam
Which no one could see my enormous pain.

The briny fluid keeps flowing around me
Screaming blatantly; this loneliness kills me!
I’m trapped and no one’s glad to rescue me
Why letting this happen by Thee?

Someone answered abruptly
“You’re not alone and always accompanied by me”
“I never leave even in your darkest day”
“You just have to kneel your feet, close your palm and Pray”
loneliness is just normal for us as a human being. But we must remember that when things goes wrong, Almighty God is always with us.
Persephine Feb 2016
I was wondering  why you think you are loser..
If in my life you are the winner..
I was wondering  why you can't stand when you were down
If you were the superhero  when I lie on the ground

Why you made your life miserable  
When even you could turn this into fest.
There are many reasons to be happy
Than  thinking that it could  be better not to breathe  

When will be you want to bring back to life?
When you realize  that people who loves you
Are no longer in your sight?
Or its too late to bring back what's already  elapse?

You don't know how it damaged me
When I'm seeing you in pain
It teared my heart off
knowing  the fact that I can't stop  the rain.

Even I would say..
You is more than enough!
With you everything  is clear  in sight
That you is the gift from above..

But that words will never ever registered   both in your mind and heart
Because she was just the one that you think is right.
But no matter   what..
I will still remain to be your bestpart! :-)
This poem was my message for the person  whom I treasured the most..
Persephine Feb 2016
I woke up with this treacherous world
And it seems that there’s an absence of right
Every spot I go, I could always see the wickedness of man
And the cruelty of universe

I was searching for a goodness of ones
Someone whom I could find the beauty of this world
The one who shows the glory of his dreams
And somebody that could give life on my perishing soul

I was searching for someone whom I could lean on
Someone who speaks on my unspoken humanity
Someone who listen the yell of my entity
And someone I could share my mental imagery

I was searching for so many things until I found you
You solved the questions that puzzling my  mind
You gave a freshly hope in my desperate life
And you escort me into the righteousness and light

Until I found you, I found a light
I could see the goodness in your loving heart
I finally found a helping hand that pulled me from apart
And a shoulder that I could cling on in my darkest times

You’re the one whom I couldn’t  ’t leave behind
In my life you’re the one of the greatest kind
A true friend that I could hold on when nothing’s seems right
And I can say.. searching is over now.
I created  this poem when I felt so down until I met this person who happened  to be the love of my life..

— The End —