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675 · Oct 2015
Apple Pie
DC raw love Oct 2015
Your my apple pie.....
You make me cry....

You make me high...
You make me lie...

You make me sigh...
You make me laugh....

You make my path....
You make me *****....

Your like my dope...
You bring me love....

You bring me tears....
You bring me fears....

You bring me years....
You make me want to die at times....

Recipe for apple pie:

One part man....
One part women.....

A sprinkle of salt....
Some doe.....

Maybe some sugar....
Add butter....

Little Cinnamon....
Then bake it in a relationship....

Don't forget the apples.....
671 · Jan 2015
nine live's
DC raw love Jan 2015
nine live's
cat's eye's
another die's

change some
change not

lucky charm
who's fault

some hurt
some lie
some passify

failing anger
failing love

let me run a marathone
just to find your hate


surely you keep
hiding from yourself

nine live's
none left
670 · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015
Trending? This will be hard, but I'll try to make it rhyme

We had Mother Goose and Dr Zeus with bedtime stories

now to the past

I'll start with soda's in 1886
A foutian drink by Dr. Pemperton

Radios in 1920 on KDKA
By Westinghouse a electronic firm

We then had TV's in 1925
Started by a man in the Soviet Union named Leon.

We then had car's in the mid 1900's
They were manufactured cars by a man named Ford

Let's not forget Edison and Tesla who brought us important life things that we now use

Lets jump ahead from the past with simple things.

Fast food, subways, and buses

Beepers and pagers

Cell phones and lasor ligbts

And by all means, don't let a cop hit you with a tazer.

We had John Travolta with Disco's and Cowboy's

Madonna and Cindy that set fashion trends

We had Bill Gates and Steve Jobs that raced for computers

Mark Zuckerberg and Friend's, I'll give them a WOW for Facebook

We can't forget Google a d Hello Poetry
For they TREND everyday

Let's not forget the most important one, it was stared by a man, a man named Jesus
Just to name a few, did it rhyme at all
667 · Dec 2014
Proud To Have Met You
DC raw love Dec 2014
May the good Lord be with down every road you roam.
Do onto others as you want them to do to you.

May sunshine and happiness surround you.
May you be courageous, dignified & true.
May your presense never grow old.

I am proud to have met you.
This is from me to you
666 · Jan 2015
love of my life
DC raw love Jan 2015
Your always near me
When I need you

You come with me
When your gone

I love these feelings
When I'm alone

I love missing you
Because I know I'll see you

You are my ocean forever
You make it new

You bring me memories
Of when I met you

I believe in you
As much as I love you

Your my crutch
Your my passion
Your my best friend

And the
Love of my Life
666 · Mar 2015
Wish Upon a Star
DC raw love Mar 2015
A sleepless heart threw lonely nights
Eternally lost with bruised emotions

With endless doors of hurt and pain
Only to be closed when love is in sight

Tired and beatened through this lonely path
You try to hold onto to your fairytale dream

Not ever knowing what real love is
Leads you to not know what to look for

Thinking back when you were a child
Your fairytail of prince charming and chariot awaiting
Was only a fairytail

Now realizing that fairytales do not come true
You know wish upon a star
666 · Jan 2015
please read and understand
DC raw love Jan 2015
A life with herion I wish no one to experience. It is so hard to describe for all to understand. First do understand it does ****, If lucky you'll only get hooked.

The first words out of everyone's mouth is "not for me". I said it, guilty as charged!

Your first fix, you say your "just going to try it once", famous last words. So you do it. What a feeling. A warmth comes over you your eyes go shut, off to that euphoria, a land of lands, a settling feeling better then ***. Don't be fooled.
Many people die their first time.

As you said only once, the second and third time come. You want a little more each time. The money starts flowing and the tracks start. And you found a friend, the monkey. He needs to be feed all the time.

Money runs short, so you pay your bills or get high. Well if you don't get high you get sick. Just put it this way, when sick, it's paralyzing to say the least. So you say you'll pay the bill later one last time. Now your in a vicious circle. Pawning and stealing, manipulating loved ones and friends.

You think know one knows, wrong they all do, they beg you to stop. You think they don't understand. No, you don't understand. Help is the only way out.

Please understand this, ****** is bad but not the worst. ****, alcohol, coke, barbits do much more harm to the body.

These are not bad people, they just have bad ways. It's Insanity, doing the something over and over expecting a different result.

5 days to detox
28 days to break a habit
Follow up with treatment
N/A, C/A, A/A if needed.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change.
The courage to change the things that I can.
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Drug awareness
663 · Mar 2015
I shout to God
DC raw love Mar 2015
I shout to God
Why me

I shout to God
Help me

I shout to God
Forgive me

I shout to God
Bless me

I shout to God
Thank you

I shout to God
Can't wait to see you
661 · Oct 2016
DC raw love Oct 2016
661 · Dec 2014
Deceiving Eyes
DC raw love Dec 2014
Deceiving eyes they tell a tale

Of something they hide
Of something to sell

The lies you tell, to make things right
Makes life thin and nothing seems right

The lies you told and the lies you’ll tell
You must come clean and make it right

You say you’ll tell no one
But one person knows

The things that ya’ll know
Is something ya’ll hold

Your deceiving eyes tell so many lies
So keep up your ways and continue your lies
659 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to **** or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
John Lennon died today Dec 8, 1980
a Beautiful person that only wanted to help
Shot in the back and kneck
by on of his admirers
655 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
as night falls upon me
my mind wonders into a dream

as i fall into darkness
to look for that dream

a dream of happiness
with brooks and streams

a place so peaceful
that it's only in my dream

so quite, so soothing
with a soft light breeze

the smell of wild flowers
to fulfill this dream
654 · Aug 2015
Inside Out
DC raw love Aug 2015
I would swallow my pride,
I would choke on the rinds......

But the lack there of,
would leave me empty inside.....

Swallow my doubt,
turn it inside out.....

Find nothing,
but faith in nothing.....

Want to put my tender,
heart in a blender.....

Watch it spin around,
to a beautiful oblivion.....

I burn, burn like a wicker cabinet,
chalk white and oh so frail......

I see our time has gotten stale.....
The tick tock of the clock is painful....

All sane and logical,
I want to tear it off the wall......

I hear words and clips and phrases....
I think sick like ginger ale....

My my thoughts are now only stale.....
My stomach turns and I exhale....

So Cal is where my mind states.....
But it's not my state of mind....

I'm not as ugly, sad as you....
Or am I origami, folded up and just pretend....

Demented as the motives in your head....
Your feelings show no emotions.....

I alone am the one you don't know.....
You need take heed, feed your ego....

Make me blind when your eyes close....
Sink when you get close, tie me to the bedpost....

I alone am the one you don't know....
You need, you don't know you need me....

Rendezvous then I'm through,
now I'm through with you......
DC raw love Jul 2017
I know a day
Mother may i yes you may
Wait in January and May
Changing time delay
Financial gain repay
Washing with GAIN spray
Water beaches waves
Money grow on tree branch break
Taking a break from life decay
Maybe just stolen fish on bait
Men mastery *******
Mason and teplars template
Money laundering contemplate
Some words can relate
Relationships replace
Playing chess checkmate
Success i will regenerate
All along make a clean slate
The year 1776 to1778
My path clear and straight
I will eat because u already ate
Knowingly frustrating designate
This design is precious simulate
Simulating grids no hesitate
Motherboard and pannel fate
tHe 13th and 9HT gate
Souls and destined key to soulmates
The road 66 or 69 navigate
Mr and Mrs contract negotiate
Go with your gut or go with faith
Coins and diamonds a future await
644 · Jan 2015
love and pain
DC raw love Jan 2015
in times of darknes
with feelings of pain
this crushing moment
can drive you insane

it can feel like a vice
chushing your head

it can spin your head
and wish you for dead

it can make you bleed
from your heart within

it can make you cry
tears of pain

it can bring you thoughts
about love and pain
644 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
Why are people afraid
To say they love our God

Is it because they don't believe
Or what people may think of them

Why do people care
About what people think
Especially when it comes to God

People will ignore this
Because I talk about God

I've sinned all my life
And I was going absolutely nowhere

I then changed my life
And I'm not that Godly of a man

I do pray and go to church
But God is much more then that

It's more about giving love
For hurting people that's sad

Me I feed the hungry
I pray for the sick

I wish no harm to no one
Were I live in harmony
My life has changed, and I'm not even close to live by his ways. Still have plenty of fun just in a different way.
643 · Oct 2015
Control Your Thoughts
DC raw love Oct 2015
When you think of poems,
you think of rhymes.....

When you think of life,
you think of times....

When you think of feelings,
you think of healing.....

When you think of hurt,
you put love first....

When you think of pain,
it will drive you insane....

When you know your right,
you will always fight.....

Our minds we have,
will always be there....

So controls your thoughts,
that's where it starts...
637 · Feb 2015
From Love
DC raw love Feb 2015



636 · May 2015
DC raw love May 2015
How do we keep things in perspective

Is it in perspective to one's own life....
Is it in perspective to one's surroundings...
Is it in perspective to the worlds ways....

Perspective is being emotionally inclined to others feelings
If you keep this to heart life will fall in place...

People will respect you and will see this in you
Honesty, Trust, Truth, Respect and Love will show through you..

You will then be blessed with wealth which comes in two ways

Wisdom and Money
This is what God wants to see
633 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
to give is an honor
to take is a mistake

bless the receivers
hunger is a mistake

everyone should show love
with care and forgiveness

pray for the needy
pray for the sick

have compassion
for everyone you meet

don't say you don't know them
don't show them hate

life can be easy
but we still make mistakes

don't worry about problems
they will fall into place

always remember
he died for our sake
raw love impact ministries
633 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
632 · Nov 2014
caring for others
DC raw love Nov 2014
Today not Tomorrow
Is my way of thinking

Sights and sounds
With no sorrow

A love for life
Makes me complete

A passion, a thought
Begins my day

A dream, a poem
To fulfill my day

The things I think
Are not always about me

The love, the care
I want to be there

A child, a life
With someone that cares

A place for me
Where i want to be

A life with another
I want to share

I want them to know
That I really care
630 · Feb 2015
DC raw love Feb 2015
Keep yourself in a state of positivity  
Something will always be worse

Keep your head up

There is a flip side to everything
Complaining does absolutely nothing

Crying makes it worse
It's only a ******* dream

Showers in time
They will always be there if you let them

Distractions in life,
like bombs in the  night

Just splash it all away
Don't let it control your life

The only way to lose it is flush it all away
A freak of mother nature

Learn to sink or swim
Deal with it

It is sometime very hard
But the pieces will eventually fit

when they fit
wash the temple
629 · Mar 2015
Poetry in the Ocean
DC raw love Mar 2015
Deep with the Caribbeans depths of turquoises blue
A life that must people do not see
Coral reefs of all shapes and sizes of beautiful sculptures
Sites of the unusual the norm and history that dates back
Swimming though a 747  and a cruise ship is a trip in itself
Dropping down a wall 300 ft for 10 minutes is a feat of it's own
Night diving in pitch black with fish darting in and out of your light
And the almighty Whale Shark you would not believe what a creature

To sleep in a straw hut set out over the Caribbean, no TV or phone
Just *** Runners, spliffs and good island company
So relaxing, a different life in Roatan
628 · Jan 2015
challenge woo
DC raw love Jan 2015
Came from the poor
Became an addict
Always working
To support my habit
Never stole
Very young
I moved one day
2000 miles away
I didn't have a clue
What to do or who to be
I made it big
And owned companies
My habbit found me
Was a function addict
Had many good friends
Always giving
Always caring
I went to prison
To get rid of my habit
I started writing
5 times a day
It was about my feelings
And the life that I had
I'm now away
From that style of life
I still have my companies
And I now have god
I help with the teens
I give to the poor
I teach drug awareness
I manage rap groups
And I'm always caring
I give nothing but love
To people I don't know
I would change my life
For nothing in this world
626 · Jul 2017
Money and Time
DC raw love Jul 2017
As my mind,
fades away from the day...

And the night sets in,
diffetent things will soon begin...

A splash of water,
to clean the skin....

A bite to eat,
before i begin my feat...

I'll comb my hair,
so girls beware...

I'll hop in my car,
no need to go far....

A ******* around the block,
that's right were I'll stop...

My favorite stipper,
Cinnamon beware....

A gorgeous black girl,
man i swear...

The color of her skin,
gives her her name...

A body so fine,
she needs to be all mine...

With a sent of Jasmine,
is what keeps me swearing...

I love her so,
will she be mine...

The one thing i know,
it will take money and time...
624 · Mar 2015
Adolescent Days
DC raw love Mar 2015
Awaking in the dawn
Asking for a new life
As I wipe the tears from my eyes

Our life of youth is now behind us
The real special times of my life

When responsibilities were simple
To cut the grass
Put out the trash
Go to school
Do my home work

Where games were fun
Sleepovers and board games
Hide and seek, your it
Street football
Tackle the man with the ball

A fight because 2 of us got mad
Was only to fight your best friend
A neighborhood brawl with the next block
fist only

When getting in trouble was for
Not being home when the street lights went out
Skipping school and getting caught
Out of mom's screaming voice when she wanted you

A belt or a paddle
from mom, your teaches or
your friends parents
A go to your room, no TV

Our secrets were kept
Our hidden tree house with a rope swing
Our secret hiding spots
The girls we liked

Adventure were scary
Opening old coffins in the crematory
Catching snakes
Trapping whatever
Camping in the woods

When you got nervous was from
Playing seven minutes in heaven
Kissing your first girl
Friends picking on you

excitement was a trip
Holidays from school
New years & the 4th of July, fireworks
And the next dad collecting what didn't go off
Lets not forget the ice cream truck

Some of our mischievous ways
Throwing water balloons at stranger  
Making tennis ball grenade launchers
Running in the fog behind the mosquito truck

to make a buck
was to cut grass
get a paper route
sell anything

I could go own but I'm sure you get the point
Our generation is gone and the youth will never know

Now it's high tech and everything is a crime
Kid's stay in the house playing video games
623 · Sep 2016
DC raw love Sep 2016
From a crippled thought,
that resides in our mind...

Stone encriptions,
from far away times.....

The sinking sun,
the rising moon...

The pressures on earth,
of love and gloom....

A world with no war....
Would mean a world with no religion...

So, if there is a god,
then peace should be easy...

From the minerals they seek....
To the poison they spread.....

It's blood for gold,
that's harvested on earth...

For control of the almighty dollar,
they seek to keep one in grief....

There is a world order,
that dates back in time....

If you would learn the blood line,
you would be surprised.....

The banks will be controled,
possibly by one....

Now marshall law,
can play it's part....

It may come into play,
and one day be law..
620 · Feb 2015
a freak of mother nature
DC raw love Feb 2015
what s right
what wrong

a life long adventure

i don't want it
i don't need it

living on a border line

no good change coming
pleasure consumes me

nothing seems to satisfy
trying to keep it simple

half right
half wrong

from the strongest
to the weakest
i fall to my knees


keeping it real

swimming in circles
feeling shame

i've been thinking
digging through
my brain

wallowing in my own confusions
wanting to know what i have been hiding

clearing out my sins
a want to feel
change consume me

now is my time
tearing through
every memory

what does it take to step through
some say the end is near

i sure could use a vacation
from this *******
circus side show

any ******* time
any ******* day

a freak of mother nature
she'll one day take me away
620 · Feb 2015
the 2 most said words
620 · Mar 2015
Vanuatu by Pam
DC raw love Mar 2015
Darkened gray skies, followed by a moonless night
Blowing trees, howling sounds, pouring rains falls upon them

Not knowing what this time will bring them
So they can only pray to see the daylight

As the waves crash ashore and the waters flood the streets
Debris flying like bullets as car topple and houses are flattened

The morning light only shows shredded trees and a lifeless landscape
Water poisoned, no food, no shelter, no electricity, gone to the winds

They have only 3 choices, to pray, to wish and to beg for help
What is one to do after travesty hits there life not just their home
617 · Feb 2015
Try to Help
DC raw love Feb 2015
Uncertainties in life
A mouthful of words that mean nothing

A blank stare
a thoughtless mind

as uneasy feeling
trembling ways

feelings of hopelessness
emotions of despair

a crying thought

someone different
never understanding life

bag people
refuges in life
caught in never ending circle
muttering words of wanting a life

why must this be
why don't people care
why do people ignore
why do people put them down

especially in the winter
there dying in the streets
as we speak

you say it's not your problem
what if everyone thought that way
what if it was a family member

would you care then
would you work the soup kitchen

would you pass out your old

****, people!
isn't this world ****** up enough

there's homeless mother's with babies
there's the elderly as well
believe it or not they need diapers

give to destiny for diapers
i promise you, if you do something

more people will smile
then you think

you may feel good about yourself
you will be special

God is watching
God knows all

617 · Jun 2015
Poetry Saved Me
DC raw love Jun 2015
When one sings a song that they know
does one reminisce about their life

Is it a song that they really like
do they relate it to their life

Poetry in motion is what I love
no music in mind, just words from my times

Feelings from the heart is where I start
My mind then takes over thinking of my past

Poetry has saved me and has redirected my life  
it is my private journal and tells one about my life

So now my mind is clear and I still love to write
I now wish everyone a happy life
615 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
As I sit here and think about
What I should write

I think about love
I think about life

It's what's inside us
That makes us write

There could be a reason
Or it could a fight

No matter the reason
We continue to write

It's what we do best
It's part of our life
615 · Oct 2016
Hot Sauce
DC raw love Oct 2016
A tree has fallen,
in this world of bliss....

The black cat crawling,
among life's tricks...

A poisoned mind,
from what the media spits....

Two jet airliners,
crash brick by brick...

Jets then fly,
and people will die....

Like the burnt at the steak
Witches burnt offering breaks

Proactive earthquake
Tremors trembling late

Cleopatra's Alexander the great
Cut the road and then brakes

Dead cold hearted ache
Sleep with one eye open awake

Apocalypse last days great
Ultimately intimidating fate

I watch the story unfolds at 8:88
AM OR PM with a crate

Meanwhile I'll wait
Like mobster I'm MADE

U seen happy face
Voodoo Mardi Gras mask grace
615 · Feb 2015
keeping up with the joneses
DC raw love Feb 2015
keeping up with the jonenes
tends to change with love

keeping up with jonenes
tends to change with trends

keeping up with jonenes
tends to change with age

keeping up with jonenes
tends to change with news

keeping up with jonenes
tends to change with a baby

keeping up jonese
tends to change with time

keeping up with jonenes
tends to change with wisdom
615 · Dec 2014
Everybody Hurts
DC raw love Dec 2014
This is for Andy who has cancer

*When your day is too long
And the night, the night is yours alone

When you're sure you've had enough
Of this life, well hang on

Don't let yourself go
'Cause everybody cries
And everybody hurts sometimes

Sometimes everything is wrong
Now it's time to sing along

When your day is night alone, hold on
If you feel like letting go, hold on

If you think you've had too much
Of this life, well hang on

Everybody hurts
Take comfort in your friends

Everybody hurts
Don't throw your hand

If you feel like you're alone
No, no, no, you are not alone

If you're on your own in this life
The days and nights are long

When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on

Well, everybody hurts sometimes
Everybody cries

So hold on, hold on
Everybody hurts

You’ll never be alone
613 · Feb 2015
Today is Tuesday
DC raw love Feb 2015
If you have never been
you will never know
of the party of parties today

today might be just Tuesday for you

but today
Tuesday in New Orleans
******* MARDI GRAS!!

millions upon millions
in one day
parting beyond belief

so much fun
what a blast

a few quick facts;
enough liquor is consumed
in this one day
to float an aircraft carrier

and if you are in the streets after midnight tonight
you go straight to jail,
you do not pass go
you do not collect $200.00 dollars
613 · Dec 2014
Looking for Love
DC raw love Dec 2014
as she approached me
with a drink in hand

was it me or what i had

she smiled and whispers
what do you have

i have only love
so why do you look so sad

she said
i had differnt thoughts
but you make me think

no one ever said
they loved me

they just used me instead
DC raw love Dec 2014
It started on an unknown island, between Malaysia and Indonesia.

Not ever seen by rador nor satellite nor man. Ten miles long and three

miles wide. A world of it's own, with riches so bright. A strange place of

creatures not real to this world, nothing ever seen but it is very real. A

place ran by aliens, high tech in speed. Things we couldn't dream of,

things we can't see. A second plane just disappeared, that we know of

today. I know these things because I work for the government. It's land of

it's own in time and space. With government knowledge and help from the

two planes. They manipulate there minds from a drug that's real. With the

aliens minds and the governments control there building things that we

will never know.  A ship that can travel in light years and a light that kills.

It leaves no damage, and let's time stand still. There's no death or

poverty in this world, there no world hunger or sickness or hell. There's

only illusions of peace in this world. How can this be, how can this

happen. Just close your eyes and one day it will happen
612 · Sep 2016
Signs of Life
DC raw love Sep 2016
Sitting in a moon lit night,
were the stars are so bright....

Tucked away from the city lights,
give a whole other meaning....

Gives a wonderful array,
of stars in the night....

If you've never laid on your back,
and watched darkness so busy....

Thing so unbelievable,
you feel it's a dream....

You see signs of life.....
Satalites in the sky....
UFO's were nothing grows old.....

The Milky Way...
Orion's belt

Dreamers and believers...
The young and the old...

Will always look to the sky's,
for signs of life....
607 · Jul 2017
Your Life
DC raw love Jul 2017
From the top of a cliff,
can I buy some time....

As I stare at the world,
I no longer have to climb...

I have reached the peak,
is this my summit....

Will I now have happiness,
as now I plummet....

Into the depths,
of this planet earth...

I now feel,
I must run to the sea...

As I flow with the currents
to the ocean...

To the abyss I must go,
so I will take it slow...

Can I find freedom,
in the bottom of this hole...

From the top to the bottom.....
in the middle between...

What have I learned...
What have I seen...

Is to understand forgiveness,
and to never be mean..

The moral of the storey,
is one to be told...

We all climb to the top,
to only fall in a hole...

Truth be told....
Truth beware...

It's your life,
you can go anywhere...
606 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014



606 · Apr 2015
I Will Fly
DC raw love Apr 2015
I am the sun, I am the air
I am the dirt, I am human

I have the right to grow
and to stand in the rain

Things will always happen
and my hope will stay strong

I am one, I am spoken
I am real, I am chosen

Things will be sometimes strange
and I will always look for meaning

I have the right to learn
and to choose, what I want to choose

I am me, I am strong
I am week, I am bleak

To fight for what I want
and to cry, when I want to cry

I am my own person who can think
and I will live, the way I want to live

to grow, to learn
to know, to love

To be attracted to that one certain person
and I will love, who I want to love

To find what I am looking for
and to do, what I want to do

I will try, I will die
i will cherish, I will fly
604 · Feb 2015
who will win
DC raw love Feb 2015
chickin wings
chips and dip
a keg of beer
along with mixed drinks
maybe a dooby or two
with a girl by my side
were me and my freinds
go buckass wild
a superbowl party
like no other
from 12 to 12
with no lack of nothing
who will win
i've placed a thousand
that billchick won't smile
until the game is over
take seattle +4
602 · Dec 2014
You got to love this one
DC raw love Dec 2014
what do you think about a poet who writes
about how depressed they are
about how lonly they are
about how heart broken they are

but yet has,
two kids
two dogs
a beautiful husband
drives a Lexus
goes to soccer pratice

has a very large checking account
forget their savings and retierment
thats beyond belief

eats caviar
has diamond ear rings
a rolex
and lives a great life

whats up with that ****
this is true i've met one
602 · Dec 2014
meeting people
DC raw love Dec 2014
As my mind subliminally guides me
My true thoughts lead me

To a place where I'm not sure
That I should be

Curious about life of others
I will talk to anyone

I seem to be pulled in
Through a look or a stare

Questioning reasoning
For their thoughts
From their stare

They say what do you want
Do you know me

I say take it easy it's just me
I'm just a curious man
You don't have to fear me

What is your name
Please feel free

Tell me to leave
And I'll let it be

Meeting people
Is important to me

It teaches me life
And how I should be
600 · Mar 2015
DC raw love Mar 2015
Lonely people lonely lives
Lonely people often cry

Lonely people lonely lives
Lonely people lead a lonely life

Lonely people lonely lives
Lonely people die a lonely life
598 · Jan 2015
i still love her
DC raw love Jan 2015
i come with roses to your grave threw rain or shine
with a tear drop in my eye, so sad but my hearts alive

i come to tell you, how much i love you
you were my first and you will be my last

i stand here and think of our memerious of love
so vivid, so bright, so happy, with you in my life

i built my life around you and now i'm getting older
yet my love is fresh for you and always will

i would climb a moutain, just to say i love you
and to sit by your side

i now have a snow covered life from your tears of joy above
a life of happiness, love and forgiveness in heaven

20 years later i still feel the same
it feels like the first time i said

i love you
597 · Aug 2016
Life's Ups and Downs
DC raw love Aug 2016
To the heart,
that sometimes aches so.....

To the girl,
that caused the heart ache....

To the hurt,
that we learn to deal with...

I thank her,
for the love she gave me....

To the disappointment,
from things we couldn't work out...

To the people who stare,
who did not understand us...

To the haters,
who achieved their goal....

To the stake,
that was driven between us...

I thank them,
for ******* up my life....

To the girl,
who I will always remember...

To the good times,
which we had were many....

To the times,
she went out of her way for me...

To the times,
I could be there for her...

Are the times,
that will be hard to forget...
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