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596 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
Passion for love
Passion for desire

Eyes of pearls
Eyes of fire

A nose that tells
Things we can't hide

Ears that never listen
Ears that never hide

When eyes decieve you
The lies you'll tell

When it's to late
We then think its hell

But if we cared
We should of not sweared

Is it love
Is it desire
595 · Sep 2016
Life and Meaning
DC raw love Sep 2016
Crimson sky's,
and moonless night...

Dreary days,
leave me in a daze...

Thoughtless moments,
I can never find....

Grander illusions,
fill my mind...

Like a penny on the floor,
most pick it up....

Wishing for something,
when they find it heads up.....

Yet a strager being hurt,
most will walk by....

Life and meaning,
what does it mean....

Like a turning river,
it has its reason...

Sometimes things,
are not meant to be changed..

But if thought out correctly,
change is healthy...
593 · Dec 2014
The Dingle
DC raw love Dec 2014
Walking though a ******
Filled with trees

A beautiful place
With a small stream

So quite, so secluded
This place  for me

This valley I'm in
This valleys for me
592 · Aug 2017
DC raw love Aug 2017
As the falling star,
lies beneath my feet...

Has a life of love,
finally defeated me...

Crushed beyond words,
that would only be absurd...

Is when love can go right,
So why must it be a fight...

With love in the air,
and *** without a fight....

She was gone the next day,
yet I saw her that night...

Love is still in bloom,
after a year of fights...

Fights that were meaninglessness,
Without a showdown of doudt...

Will she return,
is what I yern...

For a life of love,
that keeps me above...
591 · Jan 2015
Don't Stand So Close To Me
DC raw love Jan 2015
Young teacher, the subject
Of school a girl fantasy
She wants him so badly
Knows what she wants to be
Inside her there's longing
This girl's an open page
Book marking - she's so close now
This girl is half his age

Her friends are so jealous
You know how bad girls get
Sometimes it's not so easy
To be the teacher's pet
Temptation, frustration
So bad it makes him cry
Wet bus stop, she's waiting
His car is warm and dry

Loose talk in the classroom
To hurt they try and try
Strong words in the staffroom
The accusations fly
It's no use, he sees her
He starts to shake and cough
Just like the old man in
That book by Nabokov
589 · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015
589 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
signs of deception
without even thinking

it's always done
with manipulation

something you want
you sometimes take

only to cry
if you don't get your way

never thinking
wondering why

you want you want
you don't even care

never the right choices
but you always swear

is it because you don't know
you were never taught better

did any care
maybe they were scared

take what you will
you would if you coud

i hope you can change
i wish that you could
DC raw love Feb 2015
Every night I Sit down by the river
Where things are so tranquil

Watching the river flow
Feeling the cold damp air

In the quite of the night
Under the stars of the night

I close my eye's to find my peace
To go to another feeling, another life

So tired of the everyday rat race
Never having time to stop and breathe

Just wanting to be alone
Not wanting to talk

Clearing my head
Wiping away my thoughts

Mediating on the word
To get me ready for next day
585 · Aug 2016
Is life real
DC raw love Aug 2016
Like a stone...
I feel alone...

Hoping for motion...
A glimpse of change...

A back wet ally....
Where the black cat strays....

Only a half moon....
As the night turns to day...

In the sun's rays,
I now begin to pray....

For a life,
that I cannot find....

Caught in a illusion,
where colors constantly change...

I dream about love,
but some call it ***...

As my life has become splintered....
I try not to hurt...

Hurt comes in only one form,
which eats at the heart...

I wait for it to pass.....
Only to know it's coming back...

With passion comes pain...
With hope comes let downs...

If I was a tree,
I could only fall....

Like a dog without a bark....
I could only moan...

So what can I do....
What can I say....

To feel that love,
I felt that very first day...
583 · Jun 2016
The Moment
DC raw love Jun 2016
I sometimes feel so lost,
only to realize I have no place to go...

Can the past present itself,
in the future....

Or could the future,
be a glimpse of out past...

What is the moment.....
Is it a snapshot of time...

Something that's always there....
Yet always goes away....

You can never catch
or hold on to it....
Its gone once you do it....

How do we enjoy the moment,
once the moment is gone...

The moment changes,
with every tick of the clock....

Yet what does a clock,
have to do with time...

It's the sun and the moon,
that tells us what to do.....
583 · Mar 2015
Doesn't Remind Me
DC raw love Mar 2015
I walk the streets of Japan till I get lost
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

Getting a graveyard tan carrying a cross
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like studying faces in a parking lot
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like driving backwards in the fog
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like gypsy moths and radio talk
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like gospel music and canned applause
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like colorful clothing in the sun
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like hammering nails and speaking in tongues
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like throwing my voice and breaking guitars
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like playing in the sand what's mine is ours
If it doesn't remind me of anything

Bend and shape me
I love the way you are

Slow and sweetly
Like never before

Calm and sleeping
We won't stir up the past

So descretely
We won't look back

The things that I've loved the things that I've lost
The things I've held sacred that I've dropped

I won't lie no more you can bet
I don't want to learn what I'll need
581 · Jan 2016
As the city wakes
DC raw love Jan 2016
The darkened roads of the night,
Will soon see the morning light....

As I drive down the hwy of I-10
I see my old city as this trip will end..

It brings up thoughts of the past,
that quickly change to the future...

I am now in the city of New Orleans,
as I will soon begin to wake....

What's on the streets is the homeless, drunk and me....

I park in the french quartes and make sure not to get towed...

I wall to the river and what do i see....
Two young girls kissing on a bench...
A homeless man making no sense...
And a man on a bike without a life...

I then myself gaze upon the river,
As the sun comes up, so do my thoughts...

Watching the tugs push barges,
and the ship's filled with life...

It's a lonley romance the city life..
Yet filled with adventure for live of the night...

Sitting in the exact same place on the railroad tracks as a child...

It was 3 am in the morning, I was smoking *** and watching a recking ball, tear down Jax Brewrey for a mall.

Thought of the past how quick they come and go... How we lose them and choose them is not for me to decide...

Back to the streets as the city come alive... The city will now begin to strive...
581 · Apr 2015
True Love
DC raw love Apr 2015
thoughout the years
I  hold my tears
from my only fear

of a life without you
if you only had a clue
of how much I love you

I have given you my heart
from the start
for a life I shall never part

you are my meaning
you keep me gleaming
a love that is always streaming

I know that you know
From the life we once knew
That my love for you will always be new

I shall never cry
But I can only try
To love you
As much as you love me
580 · Apr 2015
and so on
DC raw love Apr 2015
If I had a dollar
for everytime she hollered
I could be a millionaire

If I had a stitch
for everytime she *******
I could mend everyones clothes

If I had a bread crumb
for everytime she cried
I could lead a path to paradise

If I hand a grand of sand
for everytime she lost control
I would have a hour glass with unlimited time

If I had a chair
for everytime she cared
I would have no place to sit

If I had to walk a mile
for everytime she smiled
I would never go anywhere

If I had a perk
For everytime she hurt
It would never run out of benefits

and so on
and so on
and so on
578 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
living and learning
is what we must do

it's a lifelong adventure
for me and you

there's death in love
that we must face

things that are hurtful
things that are great

our emotions we can't control
but our lives we can

learn to love others
let people in

into your life
into your mind

were all GOD's people
in his IMAGE we are

JESUS died for us
so our lives can go far
578 · Mar 2015
The Doves Cry
DC raw love Mar 2015
As the heart bleeds
So does it heal

Pain hurts
So does it fade

We breath
So does it stop

We love
So does it die

As the doves cry
So do they fly
578 · Nov 2014
Sadness To Love
DC raw love Nov 2014
Sadness in my Heart
Nothing in my Soul
God forsake me
I want to be whole

A child, A women
I want to hold
Things to share
Something to Bare

Things to hold
with nothing but care
I get my strength
From this word of LOVE

It will make me whole
As I grow old
578 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
Do you need somebody to love
Can't find somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
You better find somebody to love

How do you find love
Give love and love will find you

Some people can be difficult to love
So we don't even try or even care

But GOD says
Love them as I've loved you
You'll bring me Glory
And my love
You will share
577 · Jan 2017
A Poem
DC raw love Jan 2017
If i could write a poem,
how would it read...

Would it be about love,
or would it be about hurt...

Would it be about pastures of green
or would it be about fulfilling ur dreams..

Will i write between the lines,
oh how we walk that narrow line...

Can i write about the moon and stars,
or can i write about life afar....

The thing about a poem is,
you can never go wrong...
576 · Nov 2014
Lemon Yellow Sun
DC raw love Nov 2014
daddy didn't pay attention
mommy didn't care

life wasn't made to be simple
no one really cares

they tell me life wasn't meant to be simple
so never stop and stare

they tell me GOD be with you
your life has just begun

with sadness in my heart
nothing in my soul

with no place to go
not knowing what to do

Lemon Yellow Sun

Now that GOD is with
My life life has just beun

Lemon Yellow Sun

With every Lemon Yellow Sun
A new day will come
575 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
Within our soal
Within our heart
Within our mind
Within our thoughts

Things we seek
Things we feel
Things we think of
Things we believe

This time we spend
Building these things
Leads to wisdom
Which brings us
Great things

Our life
575 · Nov 2014
Life or Chess
DC raw love Nov 2014
life vs life
good vs bad

a sight to behold
a sight to unfold

a game of chess, is it a game
king vs king, feels no spare
pawn vs pawn, their easily spared
always remember, their always there

SNITCH vs USER, a hell of a pair
always remember, always beware

their all out to get you
so you think and you stare
whats your next move
always beware

we try and try
but we still get caught
it ***** when it does
but it's only the start

king vs king
they do what they do
always remember
their out to get you


give up the game
as long as try
you'll try again

should you give up
is it a game

as you were told
575 · Mar 2015
The Dark World
DC raw love Mar 2015
Falling into a deep sleep
My mind wanders in darkness
Seeing my life through delusional eye's

I see things I have never thought of

I see Terra and stars
yet, I have never been to the moon

I see freight and death
yet, I have never seen anyone die

I see poverty and hunger
yet, I live a great life

I see unthinkable monsters crush the earth
yet, I have never ran

I can float in my dreams and bring happiness
yet, I am not a God

I try to hide from these thoughts
yet, they always find me

Where do these blurred thoughts come from
How did they find a place in my brain

I feel that I am sane

What takes me under
to this dark world
575 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
Don't be that person
That says I'll do it later

Putting things off
Does nothing

It makes you
A procrastinator

Be that better person
Do what you say

You will find in life
That the better person

Does what they say
Be a person of your word

This is something
That makes life easier
Words of Wisdom
575 · Mar 2015
Pardon Me
DC raw love Mar 2015
Pardon me, while I burst
You lit the fuse in me

From the passion in your love
I will never be the same

Pardon me, while I burst
and rise above the flames

From that look in you
I will never be the same

Pardon me, while I burn
and fall back into the flames

A life without you
will never be the same
573 · Feb 2015
poor me or poor you
DC raw love Feb 2015
1.  running in your darkened shadow

2.  running through your trampled weeds

3.   dodging your stifling trees

4.   walking in your thickened mud you've spread

5.   always stepping in your *******

6.   drowning in your lake of sorrow

7.   walking in your accidents ridden shoes

8.   drinking my fill of your pity

9.   holding on to your last bit of hope

10. what is your last excuse

always slowing me down
is how you make me feel

poor me or poor you

pick 1 in 10
when does it end
because it makes no sense
572 · Dec 2014
Poppie Feilds
DC raw love Dec 2014
As I walk through these
poppies in an unending field

In a small village
In Afghanistan
A place of people's dreams

The one's who live there
Want a better life

The one's who don't
Want what's produced
From there crops

***** they make
That's in pain pills we take

Herion on the streets
Was once my dreams

This flower is known to be
A flower of God

It helped Alexandra the Great
To conquer this world

It's is only a flower
That helped define this world

There a lot of history
In drugs throughout this world
570 · Mar 2015
Home Run
DC raw love Mar 2015
The fun we had
The life we had

The things we did
When we acted like kids

We played the bases
And I wasn't faking
When I hit a home run

First Base
the first kiss
I made it last

Second Base
was soft
not much of a fight

Third Base
a hard steal
back and forth
but I made it

Home Run
A tough and shaky play
I had 2 strikes and blue *****
somewhat scared to but I made it

and the fireworks were there
and we both enjoyed the game
569 · Feb 2015
love and pain
DC raw love Feb 2015
in times of darknes
with feelings of pain
this crushing moment
can drive you insane

it can feel like a vice
chushing your head

it can spin your head
and wish you for dead

it can make you bleed
from your heart within

it can make you cry
tears of pain

it can bring you thoughts
about love and pain
567 · Jan 2015
dot, dot, dot
DC raw love Jan 2015
dot, dot, dot
please stop, please stop

dot, dot, dot
let it go, let it go

dot, dot, dot
no, no, no

dot, dot, dot
dont hurt me, don't hurt me

dot, dot, dot
why, why

dot, dot, dot
because I can, because I can

dot, dot, dot
I think not, I think not
567 · Jul 2017
DC raw love Jul 2017
As the spiders,
crawl above my head...

To all the flies,
around my head...

Lets not forget the roaches,
that crawl beneath my feet..

As the lizards awaite,
their mighty feast...

There are also,
stinging bees an
bed bugs that bite...

These are things,
that irratate me...

Stink bugs, critters
and slimy worms....

Caterpillars morph
and so they change...

A baby cries,
as another one dies...

The world around us,
can be ugly and cold...

How beautiful it can be,
with riches and gold..

If i can only find,
where i lost my soul...

I need to learn,
to lose my pride...

I'm no longer bold,
as I grow old..

Never throw in your hand..
And always make a stand..
565 · Mar 2017
DC raw love Mar 2017
My face into the wind,
With only a blind eye to see...

My senses are sharp,
yet I can no longer feel...

Numbness surrounds me,
so why do I still feel pain...

As my heart is cut deep,
so why don't I bleed...

My life is dullisional,
which helps me breath...
565 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
564 · Mar 2015
Lonely Girl
DC raw love Mar 2015
This lonely girl in the push up bra
Her blood stains on the bathroom walls

If you look at her and grab her eye
She plays for keeps, yet she is meek

Close your eye’s when you kiss her
She’ll scar you with her sarcastic gleam  

She’ll lick your heart just to be tasten
She’ll take your money that’s her taken

She softly says goodbye, I’ll see you later
The shock waves she gave, keeps you shaken

This girl you used is a professional bleeder
She hurts from within and is always faking
563 · Mar 2017
DC raw love Mar 2017
Two by two,
they'll come for you...

From the start,
play it smart...

Like a beach at night,
with only peace...

Soft breeze,
palm trees,
washing waves...

No longer a slave,
to all of life's ways...
562 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
558 · Feb 2015
believe to be truthful
DC raw love Feb 2015
like birds riding the rocking horse of time
we all ride the waves to where they take us

we are only blocked by the wind
as i am myself, i am like you somehow

to believe in yourself
you have to be truthful to yourself
554 · Sep 2015
Faithful to our Creator
DC raw love Sep 2015
Where our fears,
try to become our God...

Where our life is guided,
by misprinted lies...

Where truth and honesty,
is far and few between....

Where trust in one,
is a hard thing to accept....

Where words are spoken
with numb feelings....

Where distractions,
take us from our path....

Where manipulation,
is part of everyday life....

Where people hold on to,
resentment and anger.....

Where the word commitment,
is losing it's meaning.....

Where known flaws,
are our biggest enemy in life....

Where is the direction of society?

Where are the morals in life?

Where are the real inspirational figures?

Are we taught correctly and then change?

Are not taught and just adapt to our surroundings?

Where and when does life really change?

How does one change their ways?

How does one change their thoughts?

How does one change hurt,
and hurtful ways?

Why does one compromise their life?

One can only try to change...

The one thing that I have learned
is to stay faithful to our creator.....
553 · Feb 2015
never ending DECEIT
DC raw love Feb 2015
when does the truth mean anything
when does the truth mean something

is it over rated
is it jaded
is it forgotten

those who lie
don't have to say a word

they  sometimes say
i just forgot
that's your conclusion
you didn't hear the whole story
what *******

dancing with the devil
is what it is

but when it effects the faith of a person
they will never believe you

the term truth kills is wrong
it's the lack of truth that kills

wake up
lost souls
never ending
553 · Dec 2014
Compassion to Ourself
DC raw love Dec 2014
do we fear or
can we offer compassion to ouself
without hurting another

as we travel through time
with these thoughts in our mind

it takes us places
were we lose it sometimes

i often wonder
what makes us free

is it a place
is it a dream
552 · Aug 2016
No Girls Land
DC raw love Aug 2016
It's a showdown,
in a no girl's land...

Come on devil,
I got a gun,
let's have some fun...

There's never a plan,
in no girl's land....

Also I am the drifting
Shifting astonishing

Sound clerafying
Inside dull dying

Drive is inclining
Street corner climbing

I am rythym still smiling
Front row front porch reclining

Future promising
Rose and candles piling

Harsh pile in
Pack the club stylin

I'm Royal and wildin
WiLDing out now and theN

Now and later and stay again
552 · Jun 2015
DC raw love Jun 2015
It's a new Monday....
Some say it *****....
Some dread it....
Some are confused by it...

Not many like it and
can't wait until its over......

Now for the positive person...
It's a new day..
New things...
New excitement..
Fresh ideas...
And to make the almighty dollar...

Perception people.....

Life is what you make it...
**** the drama....
Plenty of it right here on HP and Facebook....

Focus on what you want out of life
and not on what you had or have....

The past is going and
nothing can bring it back.......

Grab that golden ring in life....
Don't be fearful of the "what if's".....

If your comfortable in life...
Then your bored......

If you are content in life....
Then your lazy...

There is always something
more in life that one wants.....

If one says no
they are only lying to themselves....

Stay real...

Stay away from games that lead to drama...
And chase that dream...

dreams do come true
551 · Jul 2016
For Real
DC raw love Jul 2016
Her beauty is so everlasting....
Her words are so real.....

The way she treats me,
cannot be described....

Our hearts are so linked in....
Were we know what our words always mean....

With bundles of joy,
that make our life....

This girl I know,
will one day....

Be my wife....
550 · Mar 2015
Intrepid Mind
DC raw love Mar 2015
His intrepid mind
His weakened heart
His boxed out life
He's losing sight

His charismatic thoughts
His empty soul
His losing spirit
He's growing old

His thought bewildered
His thoughts were quick
His winning mind
He's lacking life

Wanted for his mind
But not for what he is
He spends his time alone
With only books

He now reads about love
The one thing he doesn't know
Trying to fill
His empty soul

It is a start
To the heart
This man of brilliance
Wants love in his heart
548 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
where do i think i'm going
where do i think i've been
who the **** do i think i am

my best freind Paully
along with my other freinds
this narcotic charm called herion
took them all to the end

this ******'s dream called herion
they think it's fun
you might as well use just a plain old gun

prolong the agoney, keep ******* around
think about them, when you use again

it could be your last time
remember it only cost a dime
so you think you can do it
but it could be your last time

you shoot it anyway and you don't even care
to you it's only that very next fix

i tell them all the time, you better beware
don't do as i do, but it's all up to you
you can't ever tell a ******, whatever to do
always remember, it's all about you

this dope called herion
is no ******* game
always remember it's out to drive you insane

if your luckey, you'll only get hooked
so give it a try, so do what you do
to just get high

this world of herion
doesn't only want to get you
always remember it wants to **** you
547 · Oct 2015
It's Not About One
DC raw love Oct 2015
If you have it all......
Remember, you could lose it all....

If you think you have your **** together....
It could easily wither away....

To learn to be happy.....
You first must be sad to know the real meaning....

Is heartache really about Love or selfishness....

Heartache goes away,
but selfishness does not...

When does one change their ways.....
When does one accept reality.....

When does one quite putting them self first.....

I have learned in life the more I help others....
The easier things come to me in life....

Have you ever bought a hungry family groceries...
Have you ever put gas in a persons car who has no money.....
Have you ever tried to guide our youth.....
Have you ever actually helped the homeless.....
Have you ever let someone cry on your shoulder....

Life is not about one,
It's about many.....
546 · Apr 2015
love and care
DC raw love Apr 2015
To the ones who love, to the ones who care
My hat is off to you, along with my respect

So many people lose track of what life is really about

If you are in a bind with problems
It is because you put yourself their

A problem is only a problem it you let it be
It was once a circumstance that you did not deal with

Life is hard enough on it's own, be responsible
Love and Care, you will then have things come to you
544 · Dec 2014
Raw Love
DC raw love Dec 2014
this world is out of control
everyones looking for sympathy

with the governments
trying to control

everyone tring to make money
from tragedies and lost souls

the news reports it
so they can find their next job

why do people continue
to feel sorry for themselves

do they not have a life to live
or do they live a misrable life

why doesn't anyone have hope
hope for another life

a life  with love
a life with joy
a life of happiness
raw love impac
543 · Nov 2015
The Basket Lady
DC raw love Nov 2015
Hungry and cold,
she talks to herself as she grows old....

She pushes her basket,
with all her clothes....

With tears in her eye's,
with no signs of hope......

Collecting cans is a full time job...
Walking in circles to make a dime....

With a spot under the bridge,
that she calls her home....

Her friends she fights with,
which are her only thoughts....

A losing battle, from the start....

I see her every morning,
sitting in my car...

I say:
God bless that lady as she has come far....

Someone with a heart,
with love and care....

And now she's alone,
and no one really cares..

If you see someone hungry,
give them some change....

Tell them God loves then,
and I'll do the same....
543 · Apr 2015
Storms in my Life
DC raw love Apr 2015
I have weather so many storms in my life and
I can only pray that the last was the last and
hope the future holds calmer weather for me

Storms seem to **** the emotions out of me
And leaves me fragile in every step I take
I try not to look back but I always do

Never knowing what the outcome will bring or
How it will effect my life that lies ahead of me
I sometimes don't think of others, which is selfish

Storms of my life have been very strong, hurtful and painful
Some have hurt and brought tears to my eyes wanting forgiveness
Some have just totally ****** me up and left me confused

I think back on how things should have been handled
Could I have done anything different, like maybe prepare
How can one prepare for the unkown without knowing

Can I see a pretty day turn gray and then run away
I cannot predict my storms in my life nor the outcome
All I can do is curl up and pray that I have hurt no one
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