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Nov 2014 · 1.8k
Pyrrhic Victory
Kelly Rose Nov 2014
Voice unheard
she tries to remain silent
Words twisted
turned back upon her
She feels compassion
for Pyrrhus
as she may have won the day
but the war,
she has been totally defeated
Deviant that is what I have been deemed
I am pagan, I got a new tattoo
I laugh
but it is not fun
Nov 2014 · 424
Dare I Say It
Kelly Rose Nov 2014
How I wish...
to be accepted for who I am
Yes, I am outside of the box
I yearn to be loved
for who I am
Are you the one
can you pick up the gauntlet
Can you love someone on the fringe
Flawed and damage, am I
but I long for that....yes that
love that is acceptance
Please won't you find....
Yes , please look beyond the surface
find that which is lovable
Am I worthy of your
Dare I say it...
Oct 2014 · 414
A moment of Comfort
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Your pain has
reached across the miles
I know you are no
stranger to grief -
I know no words
to bring you comfort
Just know...
Despite the distance
you are in my thoughts
Despite the distance
your are in my heart
I hope to bring
you a moment filled with joy
Despite the distance
there is a place in my heart
that only you can fill
Despite the distance
please know
I love you!
For my best friend who
lost someone she loves
Oct 2014 · 764
Thank you Tim <3
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
On gossamer wings
beauty, love, and kindness
wrapped their lovely
wings around
this old torn heart
sending a healing warmth
throughout and within
and I
quietly hug
the smile that  
my soul
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
He helped drag me
up from the pit of despair
as no other would
How much loyalty
does that warrant?
His unhappiness
chips away at my armor
I hate his unhappiness
and my uselessness
I yearn for happiness
and contentment
But, his sorrow
erodes it
leaving frustration
and anger in its wake
as I sit and wonder
how long does it
take for love
to die?
useless am I
in the face of his sorrow
his anger
his pain
Oct 2014 · 362
Hope less
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Lo, she thought she saw
A ray of light
but Alas
No, tis the darkest of nights
Oct 2014 · 890
Tree of Books Prophesy
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Raven and Crow
an odd mixing
A powerful child
is created
Guardian of the Worlds
Rare is she
as that of a Blue Rose
Battle, she must
She is the Key
to the Lock
Once brought
Forever shall they be locked
Forever opened
Raven symbolism - Raven- Healing, Initiation, Protection, Magic, Shapeshifting, Creation, Help with Divination, Wisdom, Eloquence, Magick of the Crone, Trickster, Teacher, Hoarder.
Crow Symbolism - Crow- Guardian of the Place Before Existence, Carrier of Souls from Darkness into Light, Working Without Fear in Darkness, Guidance While Working in Shadow, Moves Freely in the Void, Understands all Things Related to Ethics, Shapeshifter, Secret Magic of Creation, Thief, Trickery, Boldness, Skill, Cunning, Single-Mindedness, A Bringer of Knowledge, Swiftness, Eloquence
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
There is nothing
that brings more contentment
than listening to music
I love
and lazying
on a Sunday afternoon
Yeah, for my music library
where the music does not have to make sense
Oct 2014 · 954
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Bittersweet feelings
wash over her
The scent of roses and lilacs
perfume the air
Feeling cast adrift
as she walks that tightrope
of knowing and feeling lost
loving life and sorrow
Feeling the distance
between them
Knowing he doesn't
Wondering how to feel
about that
as the fragrance of
roses and lilacs swirl
through the air
and bittersweet feelings
wash over her
Oct 2014 · 348
Odd Dreams
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Odd was her dream
attending a curious
tea party, was she

Sipping her tea
she recognized
some of her companions

Mr. Loneliness
Ms. Sorrow
And one
who was unknown

Sorrow made the introductions
Dame Fortune
dressed in wild splendor

Feeling lost and bewildered
"Why am I here," she asked

Laughingly, Dame Fortune
"Choices, my dear
choices and taking risks"

Hand trembling as she
put her tea cup down
"Choices, risks, what
does that mean?"
she asked

"Darling," Dame Fortune replied
"Why the choice
to play it safe
forever being companion
to Sorrow and Loneliness
take a risk
and happiness may find you"

"May find me..." she queried

"Darling," Dame Fortune
said grinning
"there are no guarantees
when one takes a
chance at living life ---

But dear lady
Life and Love
are always worth
the risk

the choice is yours
trying something new
Oct 2014 · 756
Lessons Learned
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Why is it so easy
to hate myself
then love myself?

Lessons in self love
were lacking
whereas lessons
in hurting myself
were bountiful

Better to hurt yourself
than others,
Yes, that was the motto
I grew up with

A lesson well learned
I have become an Artiste
in the lesson of self hatred

One lesson I pray to unlearn
but fear it is too ingrained
Oct 2014 · 750
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Words have power
They can reveal
our desires
They can be weapons
that tear another down
They can bring joy
and lift another's spirit
They can be used
to form laws
and bring justice
They can spread love
build empires
bring forth destruction
So choose your words wisely
Words have power
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
She lives in
a Faery Tale World
Odd from conception
She never quite fit in
Flawed and damage
Her parents sought
Others more perfect than she
So she lost herself in Faery Tales
and tried to live her life
like a romance novel
Always knights,
Too many knights
And well maybe not so shiny
Dragons, Griffins, and Unicorns
Yes, these were always
part of her dreams
Now the years
have gone by
but still
Like Delta Dawn
She wears her faded rose
Looking for a love
Looking for an acceptance
that maybe,
that maybe...
Can only be found
in Faery Tales
and Romance novels
Always on the outside
Always looking in
Always wondering
Why or what it is
that is so unacceptable about her
Even she thinks she 's odd
Her head up in the clouds
Searching for something....
Making impossible demands
Living in her Faery Tale Land
Living on the outskirts of reality
She's an Echo,
A Shadow of something
not quite real
She just a Faery Tale Myth
Real, but not....
Sad to think I live in sandcastles in the air
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Little Changes
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
How little changes
Can bring about
A great divide

Our humor was in sync
I don't recognize you at all

I know we grow
and change
I never thought
I would find
Your humor so repulsive

Queer even
How little changes
Can bring about
A great divide

As I ponder
This chasm
That has opened
Between us
I feel my heart
Well, maybe just a little
Sad by changes I see in one I love
Oct 2014 · 492
Dark Moments
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Dark Moments...
Sometimes I desire
the pain that
hurts sooo good
Illicit pleasure
runs through me
Intoxicated from it's
forbidden taste
I fear...
I'm too easily seduced
Oct 2014 · 945
Missing Autumn
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Summer's heat
Its coiling caress
is slowly choking her
She dreams
of Autumn's cool breeze
Gently playing
across her heated body
As wanton goosebumps
kiss their way down
On her knees
she pleads...
Throwing off Summer's
coiling heat
and longing for
Autumn's chilled embrace
What I wouldn't give to see Autumn's vibrant fall as Winter takes her place
Oct 2014 · 476
Heart's Desire
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Caught in that place
between dreams and waking
A rainbow is illuminated
Showing the path
to my Heart's Desire
The desire for love
And to give love
I awake with a smile
upon my lips
My Heart's Desire
is found
As the hearts of many
have illuminated my path
Giving my heart
the knowledge
That Love fluidly flows
and has always been
A Heart's Desire
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Empty, am I
The well
Has gone dry

Not empty,
You simply need to breathe
Maybe even cry

Black is the Silence
That fills me
Madness reigns

Not black, just hurt
You need to find words
To express the pains

And all is Lost
Hope has Flown

Never lost,
You've just grown

No light
Do I deserve

Brighten up,
Keep a smile in reserve..

Even the moonlight
runs and hides away

But my sunlight
Is forever here to stay

Scared, am I
of that forever night

Don't be scared,
Take my hand
Together we can fight

That empty place
that does devour
and holds me tight*

No, a special place
For only you and I
Where our smiles
Will shine bright
Melz brought light to the dark, a great pleasure to write with her.  I hope you enjoy this flip coin of ours.  So flip the coin, I hope it lands on the light for you.
Oct 2014 · 474
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
It is so easy
To fall
Allowing those dark feelings
To take root
It is so hard
To get up
And allow the sunshine in
A battle rages on
And on
Never ending
Leaving one Exhausted
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Moonlight Kisses
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Moonlight at midnight
Weaves it's beautiful spell
As its kisses rain down
Like silken rose petals
Spreading love's glow
All around
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Sly and dark
is the Monster
that lives within
Her cruelty
knows no bounds
Hearts are *****
Left torn and ******
They never see her coming
Sly and dark
She does devour
Leaving one
Blind and Hollow
Oct 2014 · 308
Her Gift
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
A Beautiful gift
was bestowed upon her
she found a way to
Express herself
Explore herself
Know herself
Is she a poet?
A Writer?
Maybe one in the making
Does she care
what others call her?
Not as long as
She is able to keep
This Beautiful gift
bestowed upon her.
Sep 2014 · 267
Have your ever?
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Have you ever
found someone who
accepted you enough
that you call it love?

Have you ever
been afraid that
no one else
would accept you
like they do?

Have you ever
felt something was
but too afraid
to find out?

Yeah, me too!
Sep 2014 · 742
Heart Bleeds Blue
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Poetry deserted her
Are all dried up in her heart
she desperately
tries to gather
her scattered thoughts
as her heart bleeds blue
Sep 2014 · 709
Tomorrow's Pain
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Do I have the strength
to face tomorrow's pain?
There is no way to tell
Only by taking
One step at at time
One day at a time
Am I able to face
Today's pain
There's the answer
Facing Life
Step by step
Minute by minute
Day by day
Come what may
That is how
I face Life's pains
Inspired by Maria
Sep 2014 · 863
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Joy bursts forth
as her life
finally resonates with her landscape
Sep 2014 · 345
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Her heart beats
for acceptance
Tears fill her eyes
as she realizes
That she still shuns herself
Her time is not now
Her heart has not bloomed
Slowly she turns away
Knowing this day
Loneliness embodies
her heart and soul
Sep 2014 · 1.8k
Whip of Intolerance
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Pain slices through his heart
As he watches her
Once again
Beat herself with that
Whip of Intolerance
Each time he is Stunned
By the Violence
She directs at herself
His heart bleeds
As he wonders....
          as he wonders
If she will ever find
Acceptance and Tolerance
Of her self
That she so freely gives to others
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Do not give me
your empty words
Words that let me down
Lead me astray
How carelessly you throw them around
Man up!
Stop throwing empty words around
Rather, lend meaning to your words
Back them up with action
Sep 2014 · 687
My Only Hope
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Rarely do I see myself...
As only the broken, damaged
     pieces seem to draw my attention

Is it any wonder that you
     take my breath away
You accept my
     broken, damaged pieces
And that is a wonder

But the greatest gift
     the greatest wonder
You have ever given me
     is looking at me in such a way
That now I too can see the
     pieces of me that are whole

Now I too know that
     I am more than the sum
     of those poor broken, damaged pieces

My only hope
     is that I return the gift
Sep 2014 · 512
A Poem? - Very Questionable
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
"I am not going to be the person
I am expected to be anymore"

I heard this thought and was
kind of blown away
Making me question
all sorts of things

Who do I expect me to be?
Who do others expect me to be?
Am I
Do I even care?
What do these labels even mean?
Why can I not label me Friend?
Is there anything expected of
    an acquaintance?
I am trying on new labels
Whatever the label
   poet, daughter, wife; maybe even friend
These masks sit uncomfortably upon me
What of the unspoken and often unseen labels
Do these fit me any better? --
I don't think I have ever been
The person others expected,
Certainly not myself

How extraordinary!
"I am not going to be the person
I am expected to be anymore"
Heard this in a commercial and it must of hit a nerve.
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
My life story is nothing new
dysfunctional family
with scars upon my heart
mistakes I have made a plenty
still striving to know myself
dreaming dreams
while, not even knowing if dreams
really do come true
learning life lessons
trying to open up my heart
going forward even as I stumble
hoping to live each day
to its fullest
and that tomorrow brings
beauty, laughter, and love
in everything I do

Like I said, my life's story is nothing new
just slugging along trying to make some
dreams come true, aren't you?
Sep 2014 · 564
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
With the cooling
of Summer days
I reflect upon
a mother's pain
at having to say

Loosing her daughter
to the deep dark depths
of the underworld
Demeter's tears and
sorrow forever changed
the weather into four differing seasons

Though I feel a mother's loss
I am so thankful
for Hades' Love
So Blinded was he
to True Love's call
He stole Persephone
for his own

Lost in despair
at the loss of her daughter
Winter ruled the realm
Feeling the bitterness
of Demeter's pain
the gods did come together
and a bargain was made

Three months of the year
would Persephone live with
her love, beneath the world
The other nine months
returned she will be
to her Mother's love

All four seasons
do I cherish
and isn't it strange
that without Hades
having fallen in Love
we might only know
unrelenting sameness
One season of never change....

Lost in contemplation
on this most
beautiful Autumn day
I marvel at how Love
gave us this wondrous gift
of beauty and
four seasons always changing
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Harmony is what she most wants to achieve
Balancing her ying and her yang
She does battle her darkness
But not with much success
They say insanity is
doing the same thing over and over
and expecting a different outcome
Lord knows she's earned
That right to be named
Quite Insane
Though it took too many years
She is finally smartening up
There is no way she can
Battle the darkness
and come out a Winner
Acceptance is the Key
She is dark
and always will be
On the other hand
She is light
and always will be
Only by accepting
this Dichotomy
Within herself
Can she finally defeat
such darkness
For without the darkness
There can be no light
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Only Thorns
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Looking back...

She could never
exactly pinpoint
when her love died

It was all the
little things really

That first argument
that threatened violence

Harsh words spoken
in anger
over and over again

Turning away
from a kiss and a cuddle

Ignoring words spoken

Belittling the importance
of her beliefs

Like petals falling
off a flower
one by one
they did drop

Leaving no life
Only thorns that hurt
Sep 2014 · 2.1k
Light Bulb Moment
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Shedding that
overwhelmed me
I found balance
between work and pleasure
Sep 2014 · 290
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Joy exploded
within her heart
Lightening her smile
She shined with beauty
All because....
    he finally understood!
Sep 2014 · 511
Grain of Sand
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
If I had a grain of sand
for every tear drop
you made me shed
for every time you
yelled because of your unhappiness
I would have enough grains of sand
to fill an entire beach
no wonder I hate sand
Sep 2014 · 353
Teller of Tales
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
A teller of sad tales
How I long to write
something inspirational

A teller of love gone awry
How I long to write
of the love
begging to be free from my heart

A teller of dark desires
How I long to write
about the cleansing of my Soul

A teller of disinterest in life
How I long to write
of the joy
of living life to its fullest

A teller of crisis of faith
How I long to write
of the spiritual

I yearn for
full life

I pray....
I pray for it all
Sep 2014 · 900
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
I am lost
Doubt infuses
my every breath
New to following
a dream
I know not
how to navigate
this foreign terrain
I feel like a
fish out of water
Wondering if
instead of success
I will drown instead
Sep 2014 · 2.6k
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Why is he portrayed
as ugly and scary?
Shouldn't he at least
be pleasing to the eye?
Yes, he reigns over the
land of the dead
But, is death necessarily heinous?
Shrouded in mystery
He's the essence
of all our fears
Tomorrow holds the unknown
An unknown
I do not fear
I choose not to fear
the Great Unknown
Giving it a softer countenance
One pleasing to the eye
Sep 2014 · 2.8k
Pumpkin Pie
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
I am the Pumpkin Pie
I rule....
Woofer drools with envy
Over the Pumpkin Pie
Oh, yeah he tries so hard
To Usurp me
But I grab that dude
by his ear
And drag his *** about
Cause that Fool
is no Pumpkin Pie
I rule the Roost.

Just a few words
by Pumpkin Pie
The most supreme
dog of the Land
Two puppies who constantly fight for attention
Sep 2014 · 443
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Love just is

Self hatred is taught
It is all that she
has ever known
Leaving her
uncomfortable when love
comes her way
With Machete in hand
She whacks those choking weeds
Come hell or high water
She will find
her way
That path that leads to Love
Sep 2014 · 3.2k
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
***** and Pillaged
At a young age
A veil descended
Closing her heart to others
Yearning for love,
She understands not
That the veil must drop
For love to fill her heart
Sep 2014 · 425
Love's Lost Embrace
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Curled upon a porch swing
Bathed in the soft glow
Of moonlight
A gentle breeze
Stir memories
Long forgotten
As her finger tips
Caress her lips
She dreams...
Of a Passion lost
Her sigh blends
With the whispering leaves
As her tears mingle
With the evening mist
Longing for
Love's lost embrace
Sep 2014 · 2.1k
True Love Scorned
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
True Love Scorned

She scorned true love
betraying her soul mate
with another

Finding his lover
in Love's illicit embrace
a dark rage came upon him

When the dark cloud of rage cleared
he saw what his rage had

He left the bedroom
stained blood red

Just remember....
those who scorn true love
end up dead
                 or worse
Sep 2014 · 13.6k
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Her inner beauty
Shone so brightly
And was seen by others
blind, she knew not her own worth
Sep 2014 · 894
Lost Magic
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Beauty was in his smile
But within his eyes
Only Terror could be found

Love was never welcomed
within his heart...

Tears refused to well -
dried eye
He tried to tell the truth
Words got stuck
inside his throat

She saw his inner conflict
She offered him
A small sad smile

Both knowing the
Magic was gone
And death awaited him

— The End —