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Pain is steel
as a Sunday sermon,
nothing could *****
your imagination
more than the rook
smoke it fix it poke it
is at stake
check it out
check your
Everyday we write a new book
Take valuable words of wisdom
To apply to our way of living
And learn brand new lessons
Moments come and go
Right from the start
We empower, enrich, and enhance ourselves greatly
And take everything to heart
Here the horse munches the grass
little knowing the trots of yore
for time when lays the bricks with curse
unhinges the strongest door.

Here the horse is tethered to feed
little hearing the neighs of past
for time when crumbles sows a seed
grows new order from soil of dust.

Here the horse lazes in sun
little seeing the shadow's growth
for time when ends a period's run
buries in the walls a lover's oath.

Here the horse walks in a round
little feeling the earth's spin
for time when shrinks the highest to ground
kingdoms fall in heaps of ruin.
On visiting a palace in ruins on a June afternoon, whereupon a lone horse was grazing.
Music sleeps.....
In my un strummed chords
I wait for the touch of skillful hands
To turn it into flowing melody
A lotus dreaming to see the sun!

How long can I remain silent?
Oh touch me, shake me
Wake me from my slumber
Make me into a throbbing rhapsody

Set free this prisoner
To birth soothing chimes
Note after note in tiny wavelets
Let my vibrations carve circles
Growing bigger and bigger
Oh, give me the timbre and tone
Let me sing once more!

Let the music drizzle down
In healing murmurs
Lifting troubled spirits into calm repose
Leading them to a quiet fold
Free of all fever and fret
Let my soft rhymes
Fill the empty cisterns of the night,
Wooing the hearts
Weaving mystical spells

Let it rise and sink
And finally fade into a soft breath
A hushed whisper
A faint vibration
Over a gliding stream!
All matter is fluid
She believed
As she passed effortlessly
Through the concrete -
Then realizing the passage
Was in imagination only
She felt the warm blood pumping
From her skull onto a
Cold factual sidewalk.

- fr
I remember sunlight
On my skin,
I remember feeling I was alive.
I remember your
Warm engulfing touch.
I remember feeling less alone.
I knew these
Moments would be gone.
I knew that I'd be
Swallowed whole.
It was always
A dream, within a dream.
A precognitive unreality.
The good times —
Just a sham. Giving way
To my true damnation.
It's all just a joke.
A sweetly whispered torment,
A loveless Siren song.
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