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I am letting go of all of the things not of him.
I am letting go of all of this here worldly things.
Leaving my hands free to hang on to the Lord.
Nothing else matters, except following Jesus.
Nothing else is important except Jesus Christ.
For only his ways lead to eternal life in heaven.
Only his ways shall bring true life to us here.
For only through him can we come to the Father.
For how can you hate Jesus , yet confess to be a Christian.
 Aug 2015 kenu
 Aug 2015 kenu
Would the taste of joy be less sweet if we didn't experience pain?

Would success be less triumphant if we never knew failure?

Would the innocence of a child be less endearing if corruption wasn't pending?

Would the right to freedom be less powerful if we didn't experience tyranny?

Would this poem be less impactful if we could not find an answer?
 Aug 2015 kenu
Kelley A Vinal
Romantic, isn't it?
The giant, blue, ice-cold
Air flurries, quickly
Hydrogen and helium
Methane ice - like an oddly-
flavored slushie, likely unpalatable
But surely nice to see
So far from Helios' reach
A blizzard of cerulean rushes across
A mass so great
It would require Herculean strength
To move her but an inch
Mathematically predicted
And there she was
A beautiful, azure conclusion
To our solar system
 Aug 2015 kenu
Akinbodewa Rachael
I am happy when you fail
I am glad when you fall
I am joyous when you are broken
My selfish thoughts

I want all for myself
I want all by side
I want what is yours
My selfish desires

Oh, I had no choice
Oh, it was a mistake
Oh, it just happened
My selfish deeds

I am full of zeal
I am full of ambitions
I am full of  excitement
All to a selfish end
 Aug 2015 kenu
Akinbodewa Rachael
Oh the tears
Oh the pain
Oh the anguish
The suffering of the people
With their sorrowful heart
Broken to pieces by wickedness
Smothered and shredded
Afflicted and forsaken
Seeking peace and comfort
Calling out to whoever
Crying out for help
But all to no avail

I dwell in self gratification
I live in a conceited world
My words are to your derision
Denunciation is my motto
I care less about the world around me
Stinginess lies in my marrow
I am aroused by an inordinate desire for greatness
Treachery lies in my heart
I am impenitent and obdurate
I am consumed by my profane thoughts

And yet I say
I am chosen nation
A royal priesthood
A peculiar person
Dwelling in Glory and Splendor
Enjoying the Goodness of The Almighty
Not minding the world around me
Ignoring their cries
Overlooking their pains
Oblivious to their anguish
Though I know the way to peace
And God as made me a light of the world
I covert this light for myself alone
**My selfish deeds
 Aug 2015 kenu
Akinbodewa Rachael
I may not always say it
I may not always do it
I may not always  show it
But my heart beats for you

Thousands of miles away
Several Kilometers apart
Over the seas and oceans
My heart beats for you

When the day is gone and the dark night approaches
When the wind is calm and nature is at rest
When the birds are no longer singing
What keeps me company is my heart beats for you

My heart beats when you smile
My heart beats when you whisper
My heart beats when you touch
My heart beats when you are close or far

Nothing can compare to the rhythm of my heart for you
My racing heart is forever singing your love
My love for you is as real as my beating heart
 Aug 2015 kenu
Akinbodewa Rachael
What is your beauty?
Is your beauty a pool of deceit or honesty?
Is your beauty a phony display or sincerity?
Beauty is how you say what you say.
Beauty is how you perceive what you see..
Beauty is how you receive what you hear...
Beauty without virtue is like a rose without scent.

Where is your beauty?
Is your beauty in the mask you wear or deep in your heart?
Is your beauty in the words you say or in your action?
Beauty is in your understanding.
Beauty is in that kind word you speak..
Beauty is in that encouraging smile you give...
Just like the petals of a rose your beauty blooms from within.

True beauty is a source of light
True beauty is a source of life
True beauty is a source of strength
True beauty is a source of hope
The question is *
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