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310 · Dec 2014
Peace at Last
The roaring never ceased.
It grew louder and louder as it drew near,
Trapping itself in my eardrums so it could continue its assault forever.
The sound mocked me with its resonance,
Constantly reminding me of my mistakes.
It enjoyed demoralizing me
And watching me choke under its unneeded pressure.
I could see the light in the distance.
                                                       ­     It was coming.
A soft wind encircled me as I stepped further into the darkness,
Trying to persuade me to stay with its false warmth.
I was no fool.
I knew what really lied behind its sympathetic howling,  
                                                      ­                                         hatred
The wind despised me as much as the heinous roar.
However, it no longer matter.
                                                     The light was coming.
I took my final step,
Collapsing onto the cold welcoming brass.
I was finally going to be free.
                   The light was coming.
As it drew closer with its warming glare,
The roar grew more desperate in its horrendous attempts.
But the sound became muffled by the alluring brightness.
I didn’t care anymore.
My heart felt at ease now as they approached me.
I opened my arms so that I may embrace them when they arrived.
                                                        ­                               The light was coming.

— The End —