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Jun 2020 · 195
The Plant Of Love
Kruti Jun 2020
One evening in the season of spring
In the echo of the music of songbird sing
I saw you standing near the wooden swing
With a *** in hand having a small sapling.

The last few sun rays were falling where you stand
Your fingers full of mud smells like beach sand
You sprinkled water on the floret from another hand
And placed it with other plants at the railing's end.

In your balcony, no place was spare
Full of Roses, jasmine, pentas everywhere
Herbs like aloe and basils were also there
But you with that yellow flower is what made me stare

Me from my balcony in every sundown
Secretly watching you while walking around
You talking to plants trying to hear their sound
Your garden is like your own small town.

I didn't know when this became a routine
This constantly gazing and smiling in between
Watching you flourishing your garden green
While surrping the tea, is now my most favourite thing

Then one day suddenly
Your eyes caught mine. We waved and smiled.
You wiped the dirt off your cheek keeping trowel aside
And said:
"You watch me I know, every single thing I do
When you walk with a pen, I also keep watching you
Is there anything you really want to say
Or this is nothing but just my dismay"

I was stunned having nothing to say
Gathering some courage I replied, hey!...
"Like these growing petals in the golden hue
The times of our love will always be new
So I here confess, in the sky shining blue
I want that yellow flower along with you."

You cut those stems into two parts
And said, "keep it with you as my heart
So this is my love for you, sweetheart
It'll keep us connected, even when we're apart."

I grew it in the brown *** of mine
The plant of love bloom in divine
Jun 2020 · 1.1k
Tea Loves Coffee!
Kruti Jun 2020
It was my first visit at his place
We were meeting after so many days
With the mix of excited and nervous face
I finally entered in his curated space.
He welcomed with a smile and embrace
We sat on the couch, I kept looking at his grace.

"So all our pending chats for later we can save
First of all, tell me what would you like to have?"
He asked.

"Always Tea!!
In the morning with the first ray of sun
When I wake up every day for the long day run
I love to have a cup of tea strong, lightly sugared,
Hot, extra milk with sometimes ginger well figured."

"Aaahh! Tea lover, I see
So you start your day with tea
Well! I seek my big cup of coffee roasted dark
With two shots of espresso, brewed in french spark,
Nutty and a lot creamy.
Like you, hot and steamy"

"Oh my God!! Steamy and hot.
In flirting you never miss the shot
So you are a coffee guy, but I like my chai!!
Why don't we exchange our mugs today
You have my tea and I will have a coffee day
What say!??"

"Okay so done! Your all the tea parties you will forget
This is my special coffee dear, you will never regret"

And we went towards the kitchen to make our brews
Knowing that we were from the two different crews

"Don't secretly stare at me like this
Look at your coffee, else it'll be a miss"
I said.

"The same long hairs and oh that bliss
You didn't change at all, my shy Miss.
It has been a long time let me see,
And you just concentrate on your tea!"

So we finally sat with
His cup of coffee and my cup of tea
With the scent of fresh brews, he played smooth jazz song
His voice whispered in my ears, ringing with the beats along.
I found myself tangled in those strings of little infinities.
Listening to him constantly I was feeling special affinities.

Surrrp! We took sip after sip at a very slow pace,
He started praising me with a big curve on his face,
We discussed how we got lost in the life's rat race
And reminisced old time with a bunch of memory retrace

On this perfect scene of tea and coffee…
I look up and see a smiling face staring at me
With that sparkle in those eyes of something new.
Something worth the tea and coffee brew.
What do you Love Tea or Coffee?
Tell in the comments below
Jun 2020 · 326
Trust Fall
Kruti Jun 2020
So the rules say to stand strong
With feet on the floor, in the storm
In front of him, facing the same side
And let your body falling in backslide
Here you will be taking the risk
Your free fall should be really brisk
If your partner is able to catch
He is called your perfect match!!

"Okay, so I'm ready!" I said.
Standing straight in this empty ground
With arms crossed and nothing around
I closed my eyes, the day was turning dark
Me in my veins experiencing a different spark
With open arms, calculating the distance
You behind me stood in persistence
Saying: "Hey dear!
I will not let you fall in these farms
Trust me I will have you in my arms"

As I leaned back a little, my legs flattered
I wanted to trust you, but my mind staggered
So I took a deep breath and closed my eyes
And let myself fell under those yonder skies
My heart can hear it's pulsating sound
I was totally sinking in you when I found

How gratifying it was falling down slow
The pause at the moment when I know
That I fell exactly into your hands
The reassurance of not landing on land
And amongst all, the best part
Not letting your trust fall apart
As I fell in harmonious white light
I finally found you, my mister right!!

— The End —