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  Feb 2017 Kayotic Tragedy
Judge me in that final moment
I deserve my childish fate
Stick in pins and I won't feel it,
Purgatory won't have to wait.
I've been there all the time we've talked,
I called you from its darkest bank.
You didn't know my disposition,
Drowning, further still I sank.
It's okay to doubt my heart —
A piteous thing with little nerve.
It blisters in the fire, it sickens,
Your scorn is all that I deserve.
So take care and walk away,
I hope good fortune finds you soon.
Leave me with my tilted mind,
Howling underneath the moon.
I've said goodbye so many times.
  Feb 2017 Kayotic Tragedy
My actions have a name —
Social Suicide
A cannibalistic act.
Burrowing deep
into the earth
Where the dead lay twitching.
Unhook myself from the past,
The people I knew,
Counted as friends.
They never grieved my loss,
Superficial love kills quickly.
Ain't it funny?
Can't sleep anymore,
I just wander in the dark
Till morn.
The moon and stars
Looking down,
they won't miss me either.
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
I want to shove a bullet
Straight through my brain.
Forget all these ******* people,
I think I've gone insane.
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
I once met an angel
His wings had ruffled feathers
They showed his trials in life
This angel claims to love me
But I couldn't help but envy his wings despite my feelings for him
So even though I envy his wings
They also scare me
For if he has wings he could fly away and leave me
One night out of fear, he became my experiment
As he slept so peacefully I grabbed the hedge trimmers
And I brought them to his gorgeous wings
And snapped straight into the bones
They snapped loudly, his blood staining the feathers as he shrieked
And once I saw what I had done
My experiment was complete
But my fear came true, as he still chose to leave me.
I sleep with his wings every night, regret still eating at me.
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
Falling down a rabbit hole
Deeper than I had ever dreamed
I fear this is my story
A once normal life from what it seemed

I live a life of deception
Afraid to tell the truth
I have no true recollection
Of who I once I was, because I washed it all away

I never answer to my name
For now I only go by Kay
It seems alien to me when someone says it
I wish it would just go away

I hurt the ones I love
When I begin to fall
Because when they try to help me
I try and take it all

All I am is selfish
Blinded by my own greed
Pretending to be selfless
Feeding off of those who succeed

And when you are done with me
I'll just go make some new friends
That shower me in pity
Until that next friendship ends

Because my life is falling
In a downward spiral
And I don't have much time left
Before my own health disease takes it all
  Feb 2017 Kayotic Tragedy
Shylah S
I'm convinced they're made of something not of this world
a base of molten gold
swirled with chocolate caramel and speckles of silvery glitter
a dash of fresh honey
a depth only I can see
let me stare into them for the rest of eternity
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
Such a lovely sound
It's an infection, but one that should definitely be spread around
It brings to those, joy and warmth for their hearts
And that small baby's smile is the brightest light I ever did see
Especially when her baby blue eyes were locked on me
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