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Katy Souse Jul 2018
It's a lovely day
The sun is shining
and somehow
the rain
seems far away
Rain rain
come again
please don't
stay away
another day
Katy Souse May 2017
Check - in time was nine  for pre-op
The drama had  just begun
To the ward at eleven out by three
Or so they said to me
We left with nighttime nigh
My sister and I
Katy Souse Nov 2017
My friends arrived in Bowness for a week

To stay in a Holiday Let

above a Nursery Shop...

The place was beautifully decorated

The advert not overrated

in a beautiful scenic spot

Overlooking the Lake

We shopped and walked around Bowness

Eating out in a nice Chinese restaurant 

Where we relaxed with ease

My friends enjoyed and were eager to please
Katy Souse Jul 2017
I went to lunch on Wednesday
a special day, my birthday
We didn't have to go so far
Windermere village, how near we are

Twelve o'clock was the time of the date
however she turned up a half hour late
but I didn't let this spoil my treat
We enjoyed as much as we could eat
Katy Souse Oct 2017
A very bad storm hit us last weekend
It came across like storm Desmond
We have been fortunate up to now
We did not have to fear
Help was near
The field nearby was flooded
A threat to everyone in the 'hood'
Katy Souse Jun 2017
It was time to rise up with the sun
Meet some friends and have some fun
On a day out across the lake
A tourist boat was there to take

We found a cafe, had a snack
Variety they did not lack
Five hours out in the sunshine
The time went by just fine
Katy Souse Sep 2016
The autumn air is cool
Weather forecasts unable to fool
The people know global warming
Has given everyone a warning

The nights are getting darker
The moon the main marker
Shining bright at night
Providing distant light

We have had a lot of sunshine
Winter  creeping in with time
Hoping for winter without flood
The leaves are turning brown in the wood
Katy Souse Oct 2017
Is a lovely  time  of  the  year.....

In  Windermere .

Leaves turning  into  a  rustic  brown,

Some  are  gold  and  yellow,

Falling  leaves  line  the  footpaths,

They  shimmer  in  the  rain,

And  blow  all  around  in  the  wind.
Katy Souse Mar 2017
An unexpected visitor was best
From routines to rest
Marie stayed for six days
Happy she could laze

Away from her own life
Some troubles and strife
Now in sunny Windermere
Where the weather was clear

Mainly sunshine this time
The week enjoyable and fine
Katy Souse Jun 2017
Lovely sunny days are gone
Now rain one again has come
To water the thirsty plants
I'm out in the rain wearing pants

Dress for the weather and it's fine
We go out without sunshine
Staying at home and watching the news
Certainly suits a few
Katy Souse May 2017
Another national holiday

Celebration with family

This time we went to Kendal

And had a delightful meal

With niece friends and family

What a lovely day, everyone had lots of fun

Kathleen McEgan  May 2017
Katy Souse Sep 2017
How do we beat the rain
at its own game?
Prepare for it
Beckon it
To fall on your umbrella
Katy Souse Sep 2016
We are caring and sharing
In our family when we can
You see thinking about each other
Stems from our dear mother

I often think of her fondly
The love she delivered to me
Was strong and nice to see
Her first name was Dorothy

A good friend and companion
I hold Dorothy's memory dearly
Katy Souse Aug 2016
We now see summer going
Winter seeds are sowing
Nights are getting darker
Sky being the marker

Dark dusky clouds appear
Cold winds and rain, I fear
Leaves are starting to turn brown
The end of August makes us frown

As the summer is seeming shorter
The winter is getting longer
Winter and summer merge into one
However there's still some fun

We're used to weather turning
Cloud and rain never burning
Abroad the weather may be too hot
Here some sun shines, but not a lot

(English changing seasons!)
Katy Souse Jan 2018
The family gathered around,

In a cottage my sister found,

It was loveley to be together again,

Even though we had heavy rain.

We went to Kendal to visit friends

Their time with us they enjoyed,

All the jolification of a nice meal,

No less than the Lamplighter in the deal.
Katy Souse Sep 2017
It will be Dorothy Wordsworth's
birth day on Christmas Day
Katy Souse Jul 2018
A seven-hour stretch
across three hundred miles
of motorway
I had a very hard time
trusting a coach driver

The temperature dropped
below seven degrees
as the bright blue sky
changed to a gorgeous cascade
of pink

We do not normally experience
these scenes
in our everyday life
They are for the traveller's eyes
Katy Souse Nov 2016
A seven-hour stretch
Over 300 miles
Of motorway
Across country
It was a tough trip

The temperature dropped
As the bright blue sky
Changed to a gorgeous cascade of pinks
It was breathtaking
And made me think
We do not experience these scenes
In our everyday life
It was for the traveller's eye
Katy Souse Apr 2017
The weather was good, plenty of sunshine
A good day and a nice time
With a friend in the club and a relative
A good afternoon surrounded by friends

We were in Windermere
Then went to Bowness for dinner
The food was a winner
The place well-named, ‘The Angel’

Katy Souse Mar 2018
Easter is on its way
time to play

Little ones are off school
Sunday is a treat day

We will be out 'making hay'
while the sky is bright

Spring brings along lighter nights
and the days are longer.
Katy Souse Jun 2017
Election day
and whoever wins
will suffer for their sins
Katy Souse Nov 2017
Floods like small rivers, everywhere

Our mobility slows down there,

Imagine the sea merging with the sky

That is what floods are like passing by.
Katy Souse Nov 2017
Ice  cold  is  the  theme

Of  weather  news  this  week.
Katy Souse Feb 2017
Frost has dominated the weather
Snow and ice at the end of our tether
Beautiful blue skies with an icy ring
Migrating birds do not sing

The frost looks like diamonds
On the windows where it has stuck
Ice is on the pavements
And walking without falling now depends on luck
Katy Souse Dec 2016
Another great event in Windermere,
Really has improved the atmosphere,
Beer tents in  the main road
Food and trinkets amongst the load,

People lining the street, eating
Drinking and enjoying the fun,
All this jolification in the absence of the sun
The moon and the stars being light

The delicious smell of food
Brought more gaity to the public mood,
Happy to be out and enjoying,
The mulled wine with food.
Katy Souse Oct 2017
Another  great  event in  Windermere,
Has  improved  the  atmosphere,
Beer  tents  in  the  main  road,
Food  and  trinkets  amongst  the  load,

The  moon  and  stars  gave  light,
People  lining  the  street  eating,
Drinking  and  having  fun,
All  this  jolification  and  absence  of  the  sun.

The  delicious  smell  of  food
Brought  more  gaity  to  the  mood,
Happy  to  be  out  and  enjoying,
The  mulled  wine  with  food.
Katy Souse Jan 2018
Keep safe don't catch the flu

Call a doctor if you do

Lemsips is the prescription for you

Otherwise antibiotics might do

Snow has arrived so watch your step

Icy roads and pavements may slip you up

Watch all around you it is surprising what snow can do

Snowmen appear where children play

On a cold and chilly day

Slippery underfoot icicles appear

Tread carefully without fear.
Katy Souse Feb 2017
Christmas came along and went
After all our money was spent
Then the change in weather came
Frost and rain, all the same

January sales start
Searching new clothes to look smart
Spending more of our savings
To grab a bargain

The aftermath is harder
Affecting even in our larder
The weather is colder
We're soon one year older
Katy Souse Dec 2017
An exciting night on Windermere,

The tree light procession was near here.

I watched father christmas on his sleigh

Driven by six horses while children play.

There were a few hundred people out,

Watching the lights get put on,

Where did all the people come from,

Filling the village all around

There was a massive firework display,

Lighting the air and the ground.
Katy Souse Jul 2017
A heavy thunderstorm happened last night
It made the strollers disappear from sight
Lightning ripped through the back
Then it gave my TV the sack
The sky dish turned off straight away
Even the light bulb send in its way
The rain was heavy and looked frightening
As the domestic electric was stuck by lightning
Katy Souse May 2017
A musical festival in Manchester
Tragic it turned out to be
Many of the murdered were children
Terrorism raising
Its ugly head
In our face

The nation is in mourning
Katy Souse Jul 2018
Here in Windermere
we are missing
her beguiling smile
Our Birthwaite Bard
has been missing for a while
Her Liverpool humour
and her laughing eyes
Her social life
so full of surprise
With her mobile phone
she is never alone
In the end she is always
surrounded by friends
Katy Souse Mar 2018
I enjoyed the day with my neices

Smooth without going to pieces,

No searching for a restaurant

We went to one in the village

The position I had was nice,

Sitting with three nieces

We enjoyed an a la cart menu

Yet another meal deal treat.
Katy Souse Jun 2017
My dearest love why did you die
The reason I know but I hide it away
My friend my love my husband,
No lie

Twenty seven years together
Through trouble and strife
Happy and sad times
Your death the story of my life

The romance we felt was strong
But my darling you did not live long

We had a lovely wedding day
And better was the night
A good time was had by all
The day was sunny and bright

We did not part except by death
Your spirit lives on and I do not forget
No divorce tainted the memory
Of the man my husband used to be

We had a lovely wedding day
In the night we made hay
The sun shone stronger
And you lived a lot longer
Katy Souse Jan 2018
2017 has been and gone.

2018 has just begun.
Katy Souse Apr 2018
I am sitting outside in the sun

In my garden enjoying the warm breeze.

Only last week I was stuck in the freeze

After a heavy shower of hail

I was sat cold wet and pale

Now the sun is cracking the flags

I am ducking and diving for a shade

Air con is on and the car is nice and cool

By this sudden change in weather I am prepared for anything

But if it is nice i will be sat by the pool
Katy Souse Oct 2017
What  a  stange  day  that  was,
Black sky , red  sun, dangerous wind ,
I  travelled  to  Morcombe via  the  motorway,
It  was hairy and scary with  the  wildness  of  the  wind.

Usually  rain causes tension
But   the  wind  increases  the  apprehension
It  was  almost   shifting  the  car
In bad weather  thats how vulnerable  we  are.
Katy Souse Apr 2017
My sister has just been here
We laughed together
And we were so near

Since she last came
It has been one year
She is always smiling
And has no fear
Katy Souse Jun 2018
Sixty bottles of water came
and landed at my door
A very kind gift
and someone's bringing more

Not a drop of rain for weeks
The land is getting dry
People whinging everywhere
wondering why oh why

Michael then dropped by
talking about hands
how much they don't know
He said "Their heads are in the sand"

And Maggie gave a print
Of some flowers that she painted
Wildflowers multicoloured
placed into a frame

Had some visitors last night
a friend and her son
bringing another bunch of flowers
now five with the other ones

Keith went to The Old England
a lovely auld-worldy place
and he hid under the table
just in case
Katy Souse Feb 2018
Well the rain has turned to ice

The weather is not very nice

Hail sleet and rain

Banging against my window payne

This is after snow and in between

Snow storms too it never stops

One day follows another

In no particular order
Katy Souse Feb 2018
Ploughing through the snow is hard
however here it is pretty
like a picture on a Christmas card
Frosty patterns shine like crystals

The hilltops have been covered for a while
The snow is falling in style
Large flakes floating to the ground
not making any sound
Katy Souse Mar 2018
Spring is here
and weather easier,
a more settled view
It's such a relief to be able to walk,
visit friends and talk

On Tuesday my neice was twenty
food and drink aplenty
We went to a French restaurant
for an evening out

March is a lovely month of the year
I enjoy the air and I am happy here
Katy Souse Feb 2017
The wind today was dangerous
Over the north and south

Britain is a weather victim
Abused by the blustery skies

The treacherous rains and storms
Mostly damaged the south

The weather brought a barometer of change
I am going on about it as usual
Katy Souse Oct 2016
Today the sun is shining bright
Providing blue sky and light
The grass outside has a lovely dew
Hope it lasts the whole day through

The sun is lower in the sky
Autumn now is nigh
Brightening the country lanes
And reaching through the windowpanes

Blooming are the flowers
Kept alive by sun and showers
Water rippling through the stream
Faster than it seems
Katy Souse Feb 2018
The sun is shining at last

For a full day not just a quick blast

The sky is bright with the sun's rays

Shining down on us wherever we say

We can see the beauty of a clear day

Daffodils are staring to bloom

As snow drops fade away.
Katy Souse Apr 2017
The bridge is still bouncy
The water calm and clear
Horses’ hoofprints churned the grass
Bright yellow star-shaped Cellandine
Bluebells and wood sorrel
Shoals of fish
Delighting people

Maggie Sorbie
Katy Souse Nov 2017

Katy Souse Sep 2016
No one has looked at a tree
Quite like thee
The leaves are beginning to turn brown
However, do not frown

The brown leaves often turn to gold
A change in color as they grow old
Waiting for winter when they fall
Not one not two, but all

The tree stretches it's wide arms
Towards the sky like palms
How can we compare
The winter woodland tree so bare

     K  Sept 2016
Katy Souse Dec 2016
What a lovely sight it was last night
To see the village lit up bright
Thousands of people walked the roads
With Santa and his heavy load

The air was filled with happy sounds
From this very joyful crowd
The hot dog vendors were all paid
In the park the fireworks were displayed

The fireworks rang loud and clear
Everywhere was full of Xmas cheer
In Windermere village ending another year
And welcoming Father Christmas
Katy Souse Nov 2017
With  the weather  

I'm at the  end  of  my  tether
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