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Unsure, don't be.
I can end your misery.
Unsure, don't worry.
I will never make you cry.
Far, from it.
I'm here to make you smile.

The love I'll be given will be tested.
That with your friends, you'll be willing to make a confession.

Unsure, I'm not.
I really do love you a lot.
Maybe too much for you too handle.
That it be lit with a flame of a candle.

But you be loved like a panda.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
i'm so scared and sad and sick
and i just want you

that's all
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Nolan Davis
Howl at the moon, lone wolf.
For your anger fuels your cry.
Left to roam, but without a home.
Your voice echoes to the sky.

Howl at the moon, lone wolf.
For you have left the pack.
Prideful and strong, you refuse to follow.
And for you there's no turning back.

Howl at the moon, lone wolf.
For the forest will spread fear.
Late at night, with no hope in sight.
Your call will catch their ear.

Howl at the moon, lone wolf.
The blood flows through your core.
The flesh of your enemy torn to shreds,
Leaves you only wanting more.

So howl at the moon, my dear lone wolf.
For it's they only way you know.
You'll cry to the unforgiving sky.
And never find where to go.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Letter no. 1
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Dear graduate
Class of 2013

I hate you.
Probably more than anyone I've ever met
I hate you
I hate you so much
I want to tattoo it on you
Tattoo my hate
In bright red ink
Right on your forehead
So everyday
When you snicker at others
They can see
The hate I have for you
So everyday
When you look at the waste you call yourself in the bathroom mirror
You can remember
How you made my life hell
How I never felt good enough
Because of you
I didn't fit in
You called out all my flaws
Made me feel like an idiot
Talked **** about me
And called yourself a Saint.
Ha, no.
You know,
Even if you ever say sorry
(Which you'll never get the chance to,
Cause if you come face to face with me ever again
You'll come face to face with cold concrete
And a ****** face)
I won't accept your apologies
Not a one.
Because I hate you
I want you to burn in hell
Even if you become some great guy
I'll still hate you.
Til the day I die
I'll roll in my grave in hate
I'll be on the other side of heaven
STILL hating you
You've ruined your own name for me
If I ever meet another person with the same name
I'll only see your face
And hear your snickers
And feel the hate
I feel for you

Do yourself a favor
And *******.

The Freshman Girl You Tormented Your Senior Year
This is a hate letter (obviously) to the senior boy that I can't think about without pulling up a face of disgust. This boy made my life hell my freshman year of high school, making me feel like a idiot ****-up all the time. I'm so elated he graduated last year, and that I'll never have to see his stupid blue eyes ever again.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Lucky Queue
I want you.
I want to snuggle between your arms and your chest, wrap my legs up with yours and feel you breathe.
I want to nuzzle into the curve where your neck meets your shoulder and feel your warmth against my skin.
I want you to kiss me and rub my hair softly like you do sometimes.
I want to mumble sleepily into you and somehow you understand.
I want to laugh and goof off together and curl up under blankets and feel safe and warm in your arms.
I want to lie a little bit away and watch your expressions and play with your hair.
I want to stroke the soft skin on your cheek and neck and kiss you.
I want to say I love you a thousand times and once more for luck.
I want to slip my hands under your shirt and press them against your back to pull myself towards you and nuzzle into you and breathe you in.
I want to press close and confuse your heart beat and the motion of your lungs.
Mostly as long as I'm close to you, I feel safe.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
I know you can tell
I don't try to hide it

When you come around
I always get excited

My face flushes red
And my palms get sweaty

When you lay in my bed
My eyelids get too heavy

Your hands are much bigger
I squeeze them anyway

I'm intoxicated by your voice
I crave it everyday

When you speak to me
I cling to every word you say

I savor every taste
We kiss until my vision blurs

I know you notice
I've fallen in love with you
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
If I were to disclose the pain that is inside me
You'd never believe
You'd call me a liar, an attention *****
So I keep it to myself

I smile for you, I laugh
I hold my head high every second
All the while, I'm crying inside
Breaking within myself

But you'd never know
You'd deny it if I told you
Everyone would
So I only write about it

I hide it away
Lock it up inside of me
Simply cry myself to sleep
When I'm alone

Never would you know
How broken and crushed I am
How this life has taken its tole on me
You'd never see it

Ask for help
I'd never do such a thing
That would require someone who cares
I can't find that anywhere

So I'll stay this way
For the rest of my existence
You'll continue to greet my smile
And ignore my suffering
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Carsyn Smith
"It's a shame,"
A mother  says to her daughter,
"that such pretty girls think such dark things."

But there it is --
The very reason why us girls think thoughts so dark:
There is beauty in death.

As soon as we're gone,
People suddenly want us.
Celebrities will pray for the poor young lost soul,
We'll suddenly be beautiful in everyone's eyes --
And everyone will want to be our friend.

Suddenly those bullies want forgiveness,
And your out-of-your-league crush likes you back.

You'll never age -- a constant beauty.
You'll be pure -- negativity buried with your body.
You'll be smart -- the one "with the bright future."

Suddenly we're wanted,
We've gotten all we've been searching for!
But what good does it do us,
if we'll never feel the suns warmth again?
Never again to catch loose snowflakes,
Or smell the spring dafodils?

If you can bring yourself to never laugh again,
To never kiss again,
To never dream again,
Then it's on you.
But don't tell me you'll go without regret:

Maybe you'd still be alive if someone told you sooner?
Maybe we should stop praising those who take their lives?

~C E Smith
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