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crickets serenading the crows to sleep
trees send out calls to one another on the wind
rustling branches
what a masterpiece the stars make
nestled in the spun navy blue of the night sky
fawns and deer scream to one another
grunt warnings and snort dry grass
baby bunnies chirp to distant moms
being chased by auburn tailed foxes
the frogs try and calm their throats of the
incessant pockets of air that erupt from their
the moon's veil casts lacy shadows on the leaves
filling the gaps in the branches
white moonwashed asphalt sparks with diamonds
the sun trying to break the barrier of darkness
pushing and bulging over the horizon with a pop
hazy pink lemonade spills over the edges of
distance mountain ranges
orange Starbursts melt on the tips of the crows' claws
lavender wax seeps around the sleeping bunnies
still chirping in their shortening sleep
the stardust that fell during the night
sparkles like dew on the blades of grass
and floats like fairies through the
apple juice air
thick and warm cinnamon roll clouds
roll by in the liquid gold sky
the scent of cherry pie and toast every morning
in the summer
and the scent of honeydew melon
with bamboo extract right before
I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,
I walk very slow,
I can't do a handstand--
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--
I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Don Bouchard
"First day of Spring tomorrow!"
The Weather Teller says....

Outside, the Death of Winter
Drags along,
Over-acted, under-cut, and slow...
Decaying, ***** piles freshed again
In wet and heavy snow
While water fowl vee North,
Circling low to find slim-margined waters
Lining shores and cupping
Cakes of ice the size of lakes,
Brooding in their rotten state,
And waiting Orders from the Sun,
Whose work it is to usher Spring
In all her greening garb to stand
And bless the annual Burgeoning.
We've had a long, cold, hard Winter in the Midwestern U.S. Spring is slowly moving North, but she is in no hurry.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
A B Perales
The moon light rippled
across the sea.
A shine full of
might that burned against the
swells as quiet as dust.

The waves crashed and
Poseidon laughed as I rested
the bottle against
my teeth.

I smiled for
the moment
then drank for
the ages.

Stones shifted with the
tide,gentle and sometimes
as silent as mice.

Shine I said as another
tear tumbled and  my minds
eye flashed a far off memory
I came here to try
and forget.

The Pacific came and
with a fury and
other times in
that silence only something
as deadly as the sea could produce.

I took a pull as
another sin filled
Gull cried his
curses into the wind.

Only I and the Gods
were listening as the
hiss of the receding
sea swirled
between the maze of
that made up the
thriving silent life
filled tide pools.

I looked to the heavens
and realized in that
moving moment beneath the
That I would
either go completely
crazy here or leave
this place a Saint.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
karma woke up
said she's restless
picked up my arm
to see if i'd notice

karma woke up
said she can't take this
"its not what i asked for,
why don't you care?"

i woke karma up
on the wrong side of bed
she left me for good
left me for dead

i played her for a fool
lied right to her eyes
i ****** around with karma
or at least i tried

(she said)
"believe in me or don't,
but don't use me.
you kept your mind,
but forgot about me.

how could you do that?
make me feel so naive.
every time things are good
you **** up and i leave."

i woke karma up
on the wrong side of bed
broke her heart
with what i never said

karma woke up
on my side of bed
she left me for good
left me for dead.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
my hair's getting long, love
about as long as you would have liked
long enough to pull and squeeze
when we shared our kaleidoscopic bliss at night

people i haven't seen in a while
all have something to say
"hey man, i didn't know that was you!" they joked
last night as i set up my gear on stage

i'm glad you asked me to grow it, my fallen love
it's getting to the perfect length;
long enough to make me invisible
but long enough to give me strength

you see i always wanted to be a ninja
wear the ponytail of a samurai
i always thought it would just be cool
but last night i discovered why:

so i can be invisible to your love, my dear
like a ninja in the night
my hair will guide me right past you
without getting caught in the light

i'll slip right through your fingers
as my hair would slip through yours
using every new millimeter of every follicle
to remind me how long I can be strong for

the next time i see you, sweet dream
you won't even recognize me, i pray
i can only hope my heart won't be made of stone,

and just maybe

you'll be in the mood to talk to strangers that day
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Theia Gwen
Love is a game of cards
Which I play with hands that fumble
While others hide the hearts on their sleeves
I try to speak without it coming out jumbled
I've been dealt a better hand than most
But I have no idea how to play it
I don't even have an adequate poker face
And my cards fall when I attempt a trick

Love is a game of Monopoly
In which I have little to offer
In a world of Rockefeller's and Morgan's
I sit on the side like a wallflower
An infinite cycle of going round and round
And I'm perpetually trying to catch up
But everyone's so far ahead of me
And the whole affair is quite corrupt

Love is a game of chess
In which I will never win
My moves come slow and hesitant
And I am trusting and easy to convince
Playing on a board of black and white
Although the game itself is in shades of grey
Drive me into a corner and call checkmate
Capture my heart then leave and I will never be okay

Love is a game of tug of war
An equilibrium between our ebb and flow
Keep pulling until we're hanging on by but a single thread
While I debate if the glass half empty or full
I'll always be the one loving more
Even when I don't let it show
And I'll be the one who ends up hurt
When you inevitably decide to let go

Love is a night of games in a casino
In a city of temptation and sin
Seal your covenants with a kiss
Sell your soul to the devil with the handsome grin
Make a wish,
And roll the dice,
Remember every rose has its thorns
And when jealousy blossoms, you'll pay the price

Love is a game of Russian Roulette
Which we all play willingly
Just another character flaw,
A human vulnerability
It's no use trying to protect anyone
Luck can save you time and time again
But you can't escape the bullet forever,
And we're all just victims of love in the end
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
JK Cabresos
is when you find somebody
who is absolutely perfect.
Infatuation says,
"I love you because I need you."

is when you realize
that they aren't
and it doesn’t matter.
Love says,
"I need you because I love you."
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