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Mostly numb
In my mind    je peux vous aime mais vous êtes tout simplement pas la peine ma chérie et je me souviens comment j'ai gardé espoir tout allait s'arranger …
the Terror
21/Other/tn    just some stream of consciousness bullshit
Age: 14 Gender: Male Relationship: Taken Perspective of life: Optimistic
Ships    Just a girl, in love with all things real and beautiful. Writing about love and longing when feelings turn into words, because - really - …
Ian Cairns
Ohio    Writer in the making © All work is the original property of Ian Cairns
~Wonderland~    Christopher Poindexter is AMAZING!! Message me, if you want. I love talking to and learning more about interesting people. (and of course you're interesting, you're …
I'd try to sound poetic and inspirational, but rather i feel like a poem, written and rewritten, til the pieces, so broken, would never quite …
Tide Islands
Lost at Sea    A clusterfuck of ramblings from a manic depressive stranger. Artwork: Me Everything here is my original work unless stated otherwise. © J.E. DuPont
salad    I like stuff
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Alan Dickson
Prince Edward Island    I don't consider myself a "real" poet... I marvel at your delicately spun golden threads, your jagged barbed wires, your hissing dynamite fuses. I have …
CDO, Philippines   
🇸🇬    Wield them proud for they are your own. Words are yours to cast in stone. Unsheathe them with reason and rhyme. Reveal them so they …
Bruised Orange
United States    "This poetry. I never know what I'm going to say. I don't plan it. When I'm outside the saying of it, I get very quiet …
r e l e a s e m e
Arjun Tyagi
24/M/New Delhi, India    This account holder is dead.
Dean Eastmond
Weymouth    English Language and Linguistics student at University of Birmingham. Inspired by Ginsberg, Plath, Murakami and Kerouac. Aspiring "one day" and hopeful "could be". I write …
Anna Ray
Joe Roberts
College student, studying English.

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