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 Mar 2015 Kara Jean
 Mar 2015 Kara Jean
Some people are beautiful in their look's
Other's in their souls.
But you, you're this special kind of beautiful.
You're the kind of beautiful that people see in sunsets and shooting stars.
The kind of beautiful that starts at the depths of ones soul, and travels to the outer workings of ones body.

Comments and opinions greatly appreciated!(:
 Mar 2015 Kara Jean
 Mar 2015 Kara Jean
She's just an old soul that was placed in a teenager's body.
She hopes for the world, but does not ask for much.
Just a kind word, a hand to hold, and some decent company.

 Mar 2015 Kara Jean
Your Words
 Mar 2015 Kara Jean
Sometimes I write words that I think are perfect and mighty

but when I read your words ,they ******* me ,they make me feel like a nonsense trying to make sense

They make me Wonder, why should i call  me a poet
With words that don't rhyme  
or flow

But again I believe that this words are perfect and mighty
they gave me hope
I found peace whenever I wrote them
I floated like a feather and forgot my permanent scars
with these words am a Knight and a hero
what are you with your words
The dexterity of created complexity,
to at which rate what we ponder--
to fabricate or conceal,
which is harder?
Or maybe a bit of both.
 Jan 2015 Kara Jean
 Jan 2015 Kara Jean
She's the kind of girl
who's been left multiple
times, but doesn't have
the heart to leave him
no matter how badly
she's been hurt.
my wrists still hurt more from your rough hands
pinning me to the floor,
than anything I've ever done to them before.

my head still aches more from screaming,
rather than by an old concussion lingering.

my eyes still cry and leak over,
but I'm not sure why anymore.

But as long as it's don't ask, don't tell,
I'll be fine.
 Jan 2015 Kara Jean
Joshua Haines
When the girl, I loved, died,
I locked myself in her room
while her parents were in Arizona.

I went through her things
and found
**** photos;
A few where she seemed
and a few where she
liked her body.
She had a gummy smile
and in others
she looked down at her *******
while having a blank expression.

I found empty
alcohol bottles.
Cheap bottles of wine
and a bottle of red,
stuffed with tissue paper.

Under her dresser
I found an unopened
letter she intended to
give the boyfriend before me,
where she admitted
to being ***** as a teenager
and how she hoped
it wasn't too much

I threw out the photos
alcohol bottles,
but not the letter.

I don't know why but I kept it.
I occasionally read it,
because it's her,
and I love her.

I told my friend
and he called me a
because I made sure
she was remembered
as an angel.
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