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Oct 2017 · 216
Lost words
Kadeem D Calhoun Oct 2017
She talked into my ear with a sweet tone, not even a canary could match;
She scaled the cat walk with a stride, not
even a feline could scratch;
She moved so smooth like butter on toast;
She dance so smooth like yesterday into tomorrow;
She played my mind so good that my heart did explode;
She stole my breath like the heat steals the night's cold
But she didn't see me like I thought
and I guess I'll never know, dressed like a bell boy stuck on an elevator...
Pressing buttons and holding doors;
She talked into my ear and whispered the 12th floor;
That was the last we spoke after she left me
in these elevator doors.
Kadeem D Calhoun Oct 2017
I had a dream and I was laying on the grass of a football field with a girl. we were just talking. I asked her who her favorite composer was and she replied "Mary lou Williams" I had no idea who that was and had never her that name before, I lean over and say "I have to check her out" she said, "Yeah, we can do that, you'll be in love", she asked me the same, I replied "Alexander Scriabin". She said, "I love his work, he was before his time and completely underrated" That was the first time I felt that feeling. You know that feeling when you don't feel completely different because someone knew what you were talking about... That feeling.

While sitting there, This guy walked onto the field and into the stands and asked if we could listen to him conduct and we said, "yeah". He puts his stand in place, raised his baton and began to tell us that people had called the piece "the Planets" but it wasn't holst, her and I looked at each other, looked at him then closed our eyes while he struck the downbeat to what reminded me of the StarWars opening mixed with Jupiter but Holst. She leaned in and I did the same. My heart was beating so fast... then my grandmother woke me up to tell me that there was still BBQ chicken from last night if was still hungry...  YEP
Aug 2016 · 480
I just...
Kadeem D Calhoun Aug 2016
I just broke my arm,
   playing songs with no melodies
   motifs like lizard scales.
I just broke my arm,
   remembering where my fingers go
   bass on ivory like Scriabin at midnight.
I just broke my arm,
   dancing to crumbled up manuscripts
   timbre so soft like bags of nails.
I just broke my arm,
   singing sweet tragedies off key
   ostinatos like "I told you so's" from a book I didn't read.
I just broke my arm,
   begging for answers
   arco off strings like hate off the tongues of babes.
I just need help
I just want sight
I just...
I just...
Jul 2016 · 425
Far bound
Kadeem D Calhoun Jul 2016
Sleep and content  with nothing to hold'

I bare all that was new on my flesh and held a bronze crucifix to all which was old.

I failed to wake when the fire broke out but I woke when I felt the chill in your breath.

I laid alone with your ******* in my chest and I walked in dreams with that same burden.

I failed you more times then one but I've fail myself more than enough to know I was bound for nothing but a far and lonesome walk.

Bare feet with jilted emotions. Sleep and content, I walk with no destination in sight.

Too far gone and far bound.

— The End —