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Julia Supernault Feb 2020
the last man she had laid next to in bed, she could not look him in the eyes, solely for the reason that if she did, she would not find the kind eyes she was used to.
  Jan 2020 Julia Supernault
Lamar Cole
Kobe Bryant is with us no more.
The good do die young sometimes, that's for sure.
He was a basketball hero in LA.
He always played the game hard, that was his way.
An NBA legend he will forever be.
Always an inspiration to people like you and me.
Julia Supernault Jan 2020
She just wanted to be loved again, by the right person and at the right time.
Julia Supernault Jan 2020
Today on the last day of the year, I wanted to give up.
To give into the voices, the voices that tell me that I can never do anything right.
I wanted to curl up into a ball and just let everything continue to fall off my shoulders, crumbling until there’s nothing left but the dirt in my grave, six feet deep.
I’m tired and I don’t know how I’m going to last another year like this.
Julia Supernault Dec 2019
there were small fractions in time,
small moments I still remember as if they just happened, where I felt like I would never survive the pain that came along with missing him.
the way his voice sounded and the way his laughter rung in my ears.
for a few moments back then, I would need to grasp at my chest as it began to tighten when I would feel the overwhelming tidal wave of who we once were come crashing down to my core.
a small fraction of time he was to me, but a long standing memory of how much I love him.
Julia Supernault Dec 2019
I was somebody who loved the next sunrise,
And I was somebody who loved the next chapter in life.
Now all I look forward to is the time I am out of this hurt,
Until I’m okay and I can smile again.
Is that so selfish?
Julia Supernault Dec 2019
I am in a position I have never been before,
For once I do not see the positive side of things apart from 'everyone makes mistakes'
Do they? Did I?
Will my foolish mind be forgiven?
I feel as if I am running out of places and people to go to.
Do I even want to crawl back to who I was before?
She was not happy and she craved to feel something different but she did as she was told and not a second late.
Will I ever want to come out of this dark place?
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