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So much more than flesh I seek
In any one human being
In you I find something exquisite
Draws me in, makes me revisit

In moments, mere seconds
I feel the flutter
My stomach
However words remain unuttered

My love for you runs deep and far
You saved me from my mind
You didn't even know
My darling, you're just kind
 Feb 2016 JQ Lu
February 1st
 Feb 2016 JQ Lu
I'm not here on this earth for self advancement, for money, fame, good looks
for friends, even-
those things don't last anyway.
I'm here to love, to console the poor and lowly,
to stand on my own two feet and do what God asked of me
to welcome all with open arms
to expect nothing in return
to seek not to burn bridges and to tie my loyalties to my Father
and through Him, all my neighbors
to look kindly on people and smile often,
to bring joy, to develop my character, to weep where tears are needed
and shout when shouting is called for
to make a change in the hearts of those I encounter
to follow my own heart when it chases God
and abandon it when it leads me astray.
I will not apologize for this. I will not apologize for who the Lord
has called me to be. I will not cater to the whims of people
that expect less of me. I am more than that. I will be more than that.
we focus so much on our day to day lives and other people's opinions but at the end of the day, God doesn't look at you through their eyes- He looks at you through His eternal, loving, and truthful eyes. "All that is hidden will be revealed, and all that is in darkness will be brought to light." God knows who you are and what you do better than any other person. Trust in Him, even when it's lonely. Jesus walked there before you.
 Feb 2016 JQ Lu
Keith Manzano
when I said I love you,
remember that it's true.
When I said I trusted you,
Remember that I still do.
When I said I hated you,
I hope you know it's not true.
Remember when I got mad at you?
Because you said you loved me,
You said you trusted me.
But at the end,
You said you hated me also.
You hated me for something I didn't do.
Though you hurt me,
Know that I still love you.
But now........
*I am letting you go.
 Feb 2016 JQ Lu
 Feb 2016 JQ Lu
You don't know how to love
You just know how to take
 Feb 2016 JQ Lu
 Feb 2016 JQ Lu
I've lost you over a thousand times
In this dreaming mind of mine
Missing you in subtle ways
Counting numbers and passing days
I wish you the best yet, hope the worst
Hope you're not truly happy, being with her
But I know you wouldn't waste your time
In worthless words and meaningless lines
I hope you find
A place back home
A cozy place
To call your own
I know its over
Though I hate to say
Everything's felt so empty
Since you've been away
 Feb 2016 JQ Lu
Keith Manzano
If only you cared for me,
I would not be the way I am.
If only you loved me.
I would not be feeling this way.

— The End —