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Into the dust, His breath was breathed,
giving Mankind its first gift of Life;
therefore, we should recognize and give
thanks to God, the Holy Spirit and Christ.

Whispers of prayers to our sacred God,
create results within a context of Hope;
time spent with Him accomplishes more
and transcends Humanity’s limited scope

of understanding a lifetime of struggle.
With our voices, we acknowledge, praise,
honor and worship God in acts of faith-
knowing He accepts our prayers everyday.

He bends down to willingly listen to us,
to hear our heart-felt prayers each time.
In Him alone, we move and have our being,
within the existence of His familial line.

Prayer-less days have a detrimental effect
of allowing the spiritual erosion of souls;
so we will continue our communion with Him,
since our fellowship remains an eternal goal.
Author Notes

Loosely based on:
Gen 2:7; Acts 17:28; Psa 66:20,116:2

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.
I’m casting my cares upon You,
while praying throughout the day.
I’m thankful for our relationship
and the Love of Your sacred sway

that permeates my entire being.
For I’ll keep on talking to You,
discussing the issues of my life,
since You will bring me through

safely by Your divine guidance.
In You alone, faith is entrusted,
as this analytical mindset of mine
had been vigorously readjusted.

Knowing that You’re everywhere,
I’ll remain… unceasing in prayer!
Author Notes

Loosely based on:
Psa 42; 1 Thes 5:16-18; 1 Pet 5:6-7;
John 16:13; Eph 3:16

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.
As His children, grafted into the Living Tree,
we should be bearing the Spirit’s fruit of:
joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness,
faithfulness, kindness, willpower and Love.

Christian examples are desperately needed,
for a dying World that is going to hell.
Waving a Bible, filled with holy principles,
has never worked, but genuine actions tell

them the absolute truth about Jesus Christ.
Can we expect the unsaved to find release,
when ongoing demonstrations of poor behavior,
don’t reflect His… Love, stability and peace?

Author Notes

Loosely based on:
Gal 5:13-26; Rom 3:21-26; Eph 4:17-32

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.
Many doctors had failed to heal her;
her wealth was gone; unable to cope,
seemingly having no options left, she…
faced the idea of being bereft of hope.

A difficult issue of continual bleeding,
had bothered this woman for twelve years;
purposely maneuvering through the crowd,
she hoped to meet Christ, and draw near.

“If only, I could physically touch Him,
my personal need can be forever met.”
Summoning the last of her inner strength,
she pressed onward without any regret.

Her health was dramatically worsening
and drastic action was now required;
since Christ was visibly close by,
perhaps healing she urgently desired

would become available to her this day.
Moving boldly with faith towards Him,
silently reaching out for his garment
with her weakened, slender limb…

she briefly caressed the hem of His robe.
And suddenly- her discomfort was gone!
Without warning, virtue leapt out of Him;
and now He wanted a face to gaze upon.

To everyone’s astonishment, He stopped;
then came the simple, unexpected question:
“Who touched me?” He patiently inquired.
Initially, there was apparent confusion,

from not knowing who, He was addressing.
Scared and embarrassed, she fell face down
at His feet, ready to weep and apologize.
“Rise up my daughter, from the dusty ground;

tell me your life’s story of suffering;
since your faith was successfully released,
My strength has cured you of your agony;
return home with my blessings and peace.”
Author Notes

Loosely based on:
Mark 5:24-34

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.
O my gracious Lord,
I come into Your Presence,
wanting to touch Your Essence
and to become intoxicated
via Your Holy Spirit.

Let Your joy overflow
over this broken vessel,
as souls quietly wrestle
with faith’s development
in fear and trembling.

Permit me, patient Lord,
to let troubles fade away
temporarily on this day,
as I commune with You
and meditate Your Holy Writ.

O Lord, stir my heart;
pierce its inner hardness
with inviolable gladness,
so Your contentment imbues
my spirit’s strengthening.
Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Eph 5:17-19; 2 Cor 4:7; Job 11:13-18;
Psa 45:1, 73:23-26; 1 Cor 14:3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.
Are there real lessons to be learned,
from playing the board Game of Risk?
Is it just a fun, leisurely past time
with gameplay that can be fairly brisk?

Its premise promotes outright conflict,
albeit on a miniature scale and timetable.
With some posturing and open discussions,
attacks proceed without mortality tables.

Between uneasy alliances (based on lies)
and few verbal, unenforceable treaties,
what attitudes are honed while players
develop their world-******* strategies?

Using the armies of lifeless soldiers
to sate personal needs of global conquest,
wannabe dictators wave ideas of war-policy
with banners hiding a pseudo blood-lust.

From war campaigns with rules of engagement
that follow a predetermined, orderly sequence,
are societies secretly pushing warmongering
with unknown and unforeseen consequences?

Covert operations are not possible or deployed,
as military movements are clearly seen by all;
when acquiring territories around the World,
can a bad cause spread before an uncertain fall?

Does odds calculation for incremental success
as combatants tumble the dice of aggression,
dissuade future, role-playing battlers to not
**** others in favor of peaceful solutions?

Are we actually teaching our future generations
that war will be a permanent, acceptable ideal?
Can the human condition continue moving forward…
while the concept of peace may be sadly repealed?
Their humble characteristics are recognizable,
with a lifestyle lacking excess and opulence;
familiar with the idea of “sowing and reaping”,
they know their actions always have consequence.

Apostles of Christ examine ways of Kingdom building,
and are not tied to one specific church location,
for their daily needs are not hierarchically-based.
They avoid wants of gratuitous, personal recognition.

Operating with a pure heart, free of lust for things,
they live a simple life, without concealed agendas;
speaking The Word intelligibly, over all situations,
they promote the Kingdom without unholy propaganda.

They understand the functionality of wealth and money,
but are not motivated by King Midas’ golden greed.
Instead they lay down their lives for the Gospel,
with a servant’s heart, that’s reflective of His seed

which was been planted deep within their inner soul.
Not concerned with their reputations, they serve those
wanting to mature and grow into their identity in Christ,
while overcoming the ongoing pangs of spiritual throes.

The Apostles of Christ demonstrate a divine influence,
pushing the members of The Body in finding real purpose.
They also teach others how to develop an intimate walk
with God, in a relationship that goes beyond the surface.

Since their spiritual and psychological needs are met,
Apostles of Christ can endure periods of great hardship.
Their souls remain satisfied with God’s holy Presence
and they joyfully train The Body in areas of discipleship.
Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
2 Cor 2:17, 10:10-14, 11:17-12:8; 1 Pet 5:2; 1 Tim 5:17;
1 Cor 4:9, 9:14; Mark 10:42-45; John 10; Rom 15:20;
Rev 12:11; Acts 9, 20:24; Gal 2:19-20; Phil 3:8-14

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.
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