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Chapter III
The Roosters crow in Persepolis

His disloyal mortals came from 70 km from the Iranian city of Shiraz, Fars province, near the place where the Pulwar river flows into the Kur (Kyrus). Its construction and destruction would be provinces that will be submitted until the conquest of the Persian Empire submitted in October by Alexander the Great. Persepolis was converted into harem rooms and bizarre magnet *** between slaughtered Gods. The transitions from the porticos to the sides are joined by angular towers in the Apadana of profane knots. The two great doors remained open for eternity, moaning salts of endless assets of predefinition and recharge in their ill-fated destiny.

Here were Vernarth's comrades groggy with preparations and attire from the slabs of Mars upon their shoulders, after tempests of oracles from the scorching sun on their heads. Anahita; goddess of nature, pouring out the blessed waters of nature that washed with morbid rains the bodies of those who died in the cheating battles with the roosters of Zoroaster, slicing the palanquin where he sat enraptured in polytheism Ahura Mazda almost like a cloister and hat, ad portas to wear the monarchical robes of Macedonia, before his kingdom defeated by the subjugated constitution of golden blood of Alexander and Vernarth linked to his Macedon or Zeus, fully Hellenic that ran the vast paths strolled by its reefs of muted streets, of basaltic cobbled stones and obsidians between vintage havens and fans. Accurately to reside later in the house of Hera and its windmills, of the fertile blood of the Aegean and death, or a narcotic poppy capsule, for matchmakers in the mills of the south pole of Tel Gomel, as a new foundation of their new lands for Hellenic Macedonia and the matriarchy of Hera.

In Tel Gómel vertical hope, fraternal Alikanto in addition to Beelzebub, were encouraged to leave towards a rough road of the encounter in the stormy and cloudy morning, even of discouragement and morality were alone in the footsteps. From Persepolis, once sacred, in great splendid rows, the calm of the Cosmos could be seen disturbing, of how the earth sowed the rigor of reign to delimit the overwhelming Fold of the Macedonian.
She stood ***** over the fire warming her mitts and shields, she thinks of her beloved wife Valkerina, and sets out to ride her steed that shook her head disconcertingly from so much cross rein on her long way to Gaugamela. After mowing down so much grass and chewing dream poetry, he thought about his beloved Valkerina, how he would wait one day to be together with the windows open, and then to be with the doors closed. From upstairs to the mandrake at night after drinking Convital wine, setting fire and cooking, talking until the greeting is mistaken for a sunrise with deep feng shui disorder. And from the magenta drunk night the constellation of Orion with the image of the candlestick that rests in its angular and calloused hands. Valkerina did not demarcate to stop incense spaces for her Hellenic warrior, go to her offensive in a fair fight.

As Persepolis comprises an enormous palatial complex on a monumental terrace that supports multiple buildings that had precise protocol, ritual, emblematic or administrative functions: audiences, royal apartments, treasure administration or reception, Valkerina always assisted the wounded of great confrontations. Near the terrace were other elements: royal tombs, altars, and gardens where she lay in the afternoons near the base of the graves of her cremated ancestors at the expense of the vultures' claws gargling acid. There were also the houses of the lower city, of which almost nothing visible to any visiting eye left today. Many bas-reliefs carved on the steps and doors of the palace represent the diversity of the peoples that made up the empire. Others consecrate the image of a real protective power, sovereign, legitimate and absolute, where Xerxes is designated as the legitimate successor of Darius the Great. The multiple royal inscriptions in cuneiform script of Persepolis are drawn in Old Persian, Babylonian, or Elamite. They are recorded in various places on the site, intended for the same purposes and specify which kings ordered the removal of the buildings. Especially in the arms of the ****** of Alikanto that run almost inciting to leave from where they should be, as an anti tatoo, enemies of their own being of the true protective gods.

Only 52 kilometers away, in the surroundings of Nurruguma that could be identified as Gaugamela, from the Neolithic to the present Ottoman period to the present day. Since then, so many lines of numbers of attendees could not be seen with their legitimate blessings and indulgences for this great event of warlike promise. Vernath on Alikanto,  as a single rider facing the horizon. He rode awake when his horse galloped; he rode asleep when his horse walked slowly. With only one eye open when the sand wind hit his face and his great War Animal presence until this great feat that is his regression session of man in several lives incarnated from the current periods until 352 years B.C.

Before reaching the neighborhood of Alejandro Magnus, you have to go through 36 oases where you will be attended by odalisque angels. They will place the energy probes of Macedonia of the immortal lineage of Macedonia, with extensive alchemical probes of the Bumodos River, on the front of his breastplate, to assist him in the conflagration of his existence placed at the great risk of being degraded by some arrow with poisonous of sudden physical death.
The great celestial umbrellas were opened with their straps on their backs, their arch stretched by Hera when I consecrated his espousal to Valekiria in the pilgrimages of Saint Corinth with its substantiated liturgical Doric columns, of which cycles, characters and before the recipe of poets are mentioned tragic, alluding to Theban cycles in the presence of Oedipus to Corinth son of Zeus.
Alikanto comes from the Blood of Horses of the Cordillera of harsh winters in the transverse valleys where the Amazon Luccica; her mother fed the herds of hazelnut and oatmeal lace to the herds of Chilean Thoroughbred Horses. Alikanto means "Fire Hoof". Its ceremonial premise is the back room, before leaving the ritual of insulting Judas in Lenten periods and preparing trips with resinous black flour, Patagua tea, bacon and two sentries with winchester on the massive cord to the adventure sands in Horcondising. He had wide legs with fever and his elbows were like ratchets to cut through the masked enemy grievances. On his forehead is the sphinx of the Mandragora; species of florae anthropomorphic irregular pom-pom, which every year took him from his head and took him through the black forests to shout howls of new lives to save eternal glories of endless agonies by the nine moons of Sudpichi, raining lagoons on the back of their embraced ancestors.
His namesake Beelzebub means "The Lord of the Flies because in the sacrifices the meat was left to rot until it covered itself." He is, among other things, the lord of darkness, the unmentionable, the very demon of the Philistines Beelzebub!! ... Its name means in Greek Ox head, nickname that the animal apparently received for the rounded appearance of its dolichocephalism face and the considerable width of its forehead, where a white spot in the shape of a pineal star also shone.

To be continued… / under edition
Chapter II
War animal in Tel Gomel

Three decapitated white eagles flew through TeL Gomel, carrying blood in their twisted claws of serous spines. They brought him the prediction of his anticipated double death, with his double breastplate on and his double helmet that would transmute the putrid Thanatos rings of feces through his weak dingy lips of Him .. Alexander the Great had sent him a letter with the Flying Eagles low; all of them were dressed in the stench of a field of yellow mist and black battle. Alikanto's stood on the slimy Bucephalus hoof, they hiccupped over the six-decade-old dream-sized lymphoma in its ridged crucible, whipping purges from its muzzle full of lymphoma debris remaining in the interstices of its teeth. - Alans. His heart was converted into an ad limitem red cuirass with a blossoming blue endocardium. As the twilight of the wind-blown blowout set, Eolionimi and Shamal were breaking the Vertical and the Jachyma of their greedy steed to spit out Sudpichi's blood gushing over the smelly cowards of sleepless Gaugamela. In helical flying carpets, catacombs in Markazí where residents of their lineage have lived in the abominations of the Lives that were reborn victorious from the fire of the cult of the city that houses their true Life and Soul.

Before handing over his dreams to Borker, master of all the forests in the world. White fire was made and seasoned the amputated meat of the obese ghosts who dared to flee from their mouth in grace of law without a sword or shield, to smoke it as a Valhallic morning wafer where the Fallen Surrounded by sacred beastly animals dwell with the shells of meek personalities. Perhaps Asgard, perhaps Sudpichi granting the host to the one who lags behind. Lullaby's pergola from her steed even in her placenta. From the first night and first Dew of a presumed and total Ahrimána intimidation, "Destructive spirit" or "spirit of darkness and evil", he created the demons by launching an attack against Ahura Mazda, who manages, however, to reject him until darkness telling him: "Neither our thoughts, nor our teachings, nor our plans, nor our beliefs, nor our words, nor our souls, agree." But Joshua de Piedra with alkaline quartz flour renewed his attack and pierced the sky in the form of scorching fire and with it brought hunger and disease, pain, desire and death on the Gold Chariots as monumental as a Psalm or a journey of Faith for thousands of years, keeping linear faith to travel to have equipment to return in silence for the hunger of a thousand years without satiety. Ahrimána was feared by all the Devas, especially for his sinister countenance and reddened eyes even when his sons celebrated his namesake sharp rubies. He was represented by a humanoid and black creature, wearing full armor, and from his shoulders came living snakes that poisoned anyone who tried to be upright.

"Ego Vernath; Primo Muneris Historiarum Alexandri Magni Macedonis,
  Im 'iens ut Sudpichi imple immortal ad vitam Cyrine pingues,
Ut apud Gaugamela facta pizote garnet *** eis.
I will plead with you, Pater caelestis.
Et ex millibus venit ad Chiliometra Alikanto claudus ex Akuleo.
  Morbi exords exequie et transitu urgentibus telis duo vel tria a righteous
Debemus sine confessionis velo noctu aquam psalm iris.

Et mollissimas lancinant sum obumbratio eius de collo tuo pro XII hours sum hodie computatis Sanguis rubeus, ut esset itineris fertur super gradm in agris inferre posset explain aciemque per agros ".

"I am Vernath; Alexander the Great First Officer,
I'm going to Sudpichi to fill Immortal life with Cyrine logs,
To granate them with my pizote in Gaugamela.
I fervently ask you, Heavenly Father.
I come from thousands of Kilometers with Alikanto lame from Akuleo.
Crossing the exords and destinies of millions of mortuary arrows, duo or trio, by dozens
Without rest, without confession, without water from the night veil over the iris of my psalm.
I was lacerating the shadows from their necks for 12 hours, today I was counting the red blood cells that I would spread over the fields of the step and flank over the offensive fields ”.

Vernanth, taking his dagger and charging himself with his steed, biasedly cut the jugular veins, retracting the subclavian. In an arcane ritual he did the same with himself, to be reborn before dawn, when both beings of the peat breeze that shone from the tremulous ascending wind of Eolonymy and twitched the hedges that surrounded the Voices of Vigil that secondary him before going to meet with the troops of Alexander Magnus, as host of the black bugles fading to the Persian horizon.

It gets up before dawn. She remembers her childhood and picks up a blue stone to scrape it off her steed's ears and sinuses to revive her. Her legs grew countless meters, to later adapt to her real size. She takes her dagger, wraps it in cloths of lazy warm grass of tomorrow, and rubs it on her temples. Alikanto is active and stares at her to adore her again in a life with her.

As the morning sang the subtle and gentle twisted threads of time from the light of nature, she was encouraged to wake up crawling over the weevils and face to face with her sentry. It lifts its tail and lifts it up for the first comeback of daring to ride together through the white clouds and the feverish white skies. Erected like a graveyard pulled by its fanatical stampedes.

Scents of tasty foods appear for both of you, perhaps to get rid of so quickly gobble up the food riches that the holy land that allowed you to still be awake and have revived again, before heading to the fiefdoms of the offensive liana of the trapezoid expired.

There were only a few hours left to leave and meet his compatriots, to seize axes and weapons of war. Maybe to take one last look. And perhaps to see if he should survive taking the remains of his comrades to Horcondising, Asgard or Pairi-Daeza, to some Sufi labyrinth, so as not to disdain the hearts of the brothers in Silsilá.
under edtion
Usque incorruptibiles aeternum vivet in aeternum
                                         (356-323 B.C.)

The Regressive Legend tells that this good piece of muscular meat and brain too, was born to write his entire story dying with the blood of Etruscan Steeds, each one had golden piercings on the internal hanging of their six paranasal sinuses, to seal life by this blood-tightness. Franciscan timeless swordsman, so that with his last four molars it would give way to amalgamated crystalline light and overflowing from the gums of the period that soaked blood in the equestrian fields. With which from the ventral turbinate he would be in the first row giving pendency to the Troops of the Great Darius, from where his Alikanto Horse, dressed in degrading dust, changed his Etruria marble saddles with his paranasal attributions, and his brain roots of the hypothalamus pillar who gave them super alchemical excitements and compulsions, super powerful attack to arrive at Tel Gomel 7 days before, supported by the elixir of the Fires of the reinforced steel legs of his Alikanto, with whose entity they came out in droves looking like when they ran at great speeds pretending to be more than a thousand equine Etruscans escaping from the Culture of the Vulture war in a rectilinear scourge of speed in an inordinate trajectory by the Gaugamela tapestries.

Vernath; in one of their lives he was aware of broker comments. Along the long avenues there were countless soldiers who had taken possession of their regression! Many spoke loudly through the pavilions of their stateless conscience. After putting their good feeling of great good sufficiency, they called to him to loud voice which with little will he could hear. Then he heard himself say saying ...; They talked about me? Sooner or later I will be with my therapist, she says that before going to her office she was already dictating to approach her great Christus Martial test in Gaugamela. From the six strings of his devotional he came, taken with both hands with great force, to bend from the eyelids of his intruding Sibyl, to travel through the minimum must of the Solstice to reach the point of apogee closest to his epic, which I rescued with Eternal Life an obese arm from wars won by the peaceful Death, in the Way of oblique perpetrated committed soldiers that from Mosul swept him swirling with high bravery mounted in his Alikanto, before arriving at the low meadow forest of the Lid.

If it was a boy ... it was a Man. If he was a Man ... he was an offender of the fortress. If he was leisurely unfolded he always carried his sword, he never left it. Even his reconciling dreamed would be damaged if he deported him from his daily Christian offices. Vernath, is a living survivor precedent to the resurrected Alexander the Great, after 323 BC .. But when they breathed the same glorious air, both looking at each other, brandished cutting the sharp rudeness that divided them with the 6 Golden swords, from 6 angles of strategic fords to die. several times to challenge the pain that surpasses all life the golden strings with blood "Hexachordia Caelestialis Mortuorum", From the musical scale of agony of the sheep plains that are prey to the melodies of the scythes strengthened by the fear of the trembling of the charismatic migrant .

Vernarth was raised as befits a Greek prince, with heroic tales from Joshua de Piedra's epic poetry. He was part of a culture that demanded that great men despise personal danger and take risks to gain experience. His genealogical ancestors came from Sudpichi, near the Talamitense / Chile reign.
He also received teachings from Kalavrita's Etrestles himself in philosophy and science (Kometerium Messolonghi / Editorial Palibrio - Bloomington USA). Since childhood he was a charming guest for the guests of the court. Etrestles was named their teacher, largely to control recklessness and aggressiveness by at least tempering them with more philosophical and civilized values, far from all insomniac excess.
In this he did not achieve complete success, because his obstinacy led him to run around the world barefoot and without clothes. Vernath, far from obeying his parents. He would go out at night and chase the Moon pregnant with pale Solar light on foot to attack it and tame its silver enclosure on its Etruscan steeds, exuding the naused locked in its loopholes.

He learned a great deal from his tutor and became a highly scholarly man watching for Messolonghi and a keeper of the confines of the Kalavrita macro heavens. But he remained essentially the brave boy who spat too blasphemous atomic alcohol on the Cyclops, who wanted to be Hercules surrounded by himself without parallel. Alexander's inspiration was Etrestles; Homer's accounts of his exploits inspired Vernath in his general attitude of putting his books beyond his memoirs and bibliographic insights.

It is likely that he was seen as a brand new version of the classic Greek heroes with divine blood in SudPichi ..., good piece of muscular meat and brain. To a large extent, this was true more than her own Sibyl lying in her lived regression in the decadent heights of Gaugamela's flushed proximity.

Vernath was an extremely aggressive commander who considered any type of defensive preparation as a sign of weakness, so he dared to speak out in opposition to Saint Augustine; The personality of Saint Augustine of Hippo was iron and it took very hard anvils to forge it, attributing to her apathy not to proceed with the courage of the great Maker, for her encyclopedic fervor and scientific rigor. Perhaps in cowardice, for not facing the mysteries of the word of the present Gods. He was therefore encouraged, rather than dismayed, when the Persian army rallied behind the Gránico river, forcing him to stun across it in front of his predicted opposition, like a sovereign crusader. It is the cross of the plain that in oblique route, can rescind the old word task of the ritual punishment of the sacrilegious Pharisee death that lacks.
Vernath with more than 180,000 faithful followers, declared that the ******* did not have confidence in the victory of the greatest affront, and they counted on the pronounced banks of the river to restrain the intensity of their attack enough so that the Persian cavalry defeated him by accumulating centimeters, to gain deadly meters. He launched his cavalry across the river at the point where the enemy seemed strongest brooding, degraded soldier, and after a fierce skirmish he succeeded in driving the Persian cavalry absent from twilight elixir value alongside the extermination of the voiceless I neither sing nor sing.
The second Persian line expired, the Greek mercenaries, held firm, but was slaughtered in less than five variations of the Sun as a declaring manifesto. Depleted of jubilant water resources, the Granicus established the moral dominance of Vernath's army over his enemies and forced Darius to adopt an even more attitude. Local populations Halicamaso, a nearby port moved their lines more than 5 kilometers in their retreat retreated, before the victorious siege since he was awarded by the natural immensities of the forests of Sudpichi, together with his beloved father Bernardolipo, after consonating suspicious corners from the Osho Tarot, when he drew his sword and upright lunge on the first card, on the instep of the undefeated and naive ignorant warrior, versed strenuous mercenary.
Dodecanese Sunflower Raeder

From Patmos, hundreds of children could be seen hanging from the legs of the blue pelicans of the Dodecanese. Raeder hung with both hands over the jasper-plated iron hoops from the Greek "iaspis", which means "stained stone." It is found in hydrothermal veins, in volcanic rocks, and in sedimentary rocks. With their four webbed fingers they wore the amethyst rings for the housewives who celebrated Thanksgiving, and the celebration of the guidelines of Saint John that they were sent transported in a golden shoe peak. Generally there were more than five thousand who passed through the counties; they swallowed canonized water from the Ionian Sea, with its great advantage of reproducing seas salty water in fresh water to drink. They were taken to each house to fill their vessels and also during planting periods, they watered their farms in summer periods when it was scarce. With their golden brown plumage they raffled for the olive fields and the ***** vines of the Goddess Aphrodite. And with their white feathers they sprinkled the barley fields with vinegar and recently slain wheat fields on the feet of Petrobus, their pelican of dreams. From here all the recipes were born in all the regions when the Bread was depressed, without firewood and tears. Patmos has engraved on the legs of pelicans that plan every day looking for houses where they can get to take the Gospel to them. All the children like Raeder are accompanied by other blessed ones, to bring them the good news and the families were waiting sitting near the end of their social limits, when they were waiting for them in the afternoons as thanksgiving. They ate in the afternoons to wait for the children to taste Tzatziki; Yogurt sauce with cucumber and caramel with poppy and honey drinks.

The women received them in the apartments near their Gineceo, and right there they exchanged gifts that they brought from the Grotto of the Evangelist in Patmos. Children from the moment the expectant mother was known or suspected to be pregnant. They came quickly so that the cast did not have problems, they were considered a divine gift the only children, the first-born or those who were born to older parents, it was the privilege of these birthright.

Reckless is its popularity at the mention that appears in the Apocalypse of John, in whose introduction it is said that the author was exiled to Patmos, where he had his encounter with Jesus in the so-called Grotto of the Apocalypse, which gave rise to the book. The early traditions of Christianity identified this character with Saint John the Evangelist.

For this reason, the island of has become an important Christian pilgrimage destination; aside from the one in Hora, there are several more monasteries dedicated to San Juan, and visitors can see the cave where, according to tradition, it had its visions. The churches and religious communities of Patmos belong to the Eastern Orthodox tradition. Petrobus was more distant from its flights rather than knowing how to arrive in the mornings and at night after three, past the meridian, since here San Juan was in prayers for the holy animals that distributed their parcels to the Dodecanese families and surrounding towns. Raeder was the son of two farmers from Kinaros, who live in Dodecanese. They form this super boy who has a great affinity with the Petrobus pelicans. A kind of prodigal Zeus poultry that anticipated the wishes of farmers. His webbed pet was Petrobus. This super bird, resided in the San Juan grotto, and always recruited more of his kind to take them to the Dodecanese neighborhoods, the encyclicals that he promoted emeritus. The Saint ordered him to order and bring all the families in a Eucharistic tone. These birds were never deprived of flying because they had the gift of their living soul in them to transmit wishes of great fulfillment by order of the Saint, who worked with the beads of his rosary and did not leave any discounted olives.

Raeder, among all the chosen children with super powers. They would be distinguished to travel over the pelicans to Gaugamela. They, as a childish personality in each of Alejandro Magnus' Falangists, pierced with their replica odyssey the breaks that the Petrobus made for them. Even on the overgrown and disoriented ranks, leaving them exposed on the open flanks of the Achaemenides, their leather and wicker shields softening, the same without even being able to retreat and shelter.
In the Dodecanese islands the carmine morning dew that falls in its crystalline waters, sandy or gravel beaches, important archaeological remains as scenes to compete in athletic leisure is subjugated, he ran naked after the outfits that his mother had made, was overshadowed by crystalline Byzantine monuments and medieval architecture due to the long Venetian ******* in its mannerisms. What unites these islands is their history and their occupations: that of the knights of the crusades to that of the Turks, the Italian occupation to the Greek annexation with their volatile useless attire to dress.

Patmos is very popular with pilgrims since the time when one of the caves on the island of Saint John the Evangelist, a disciple of Christ, wrote the Book of Revelations, and Astypalea is the westernmost island in the archipelago and has architectural characteristics of both kinds. Dodecanese Cyclades. It is also related here in Kalavrita's Etrestles Novel in his victorious boast to Patmos, when he resorts after the reverie of the Laziko Dance that they hold on to the little finger and circulate in commemoration of the stripping of the rebirth of spring with La Sousta del Dodecaneso . These dances, generated on the infra-ocean floor of the Ionian Sea, generated the force of the ethereal emanation of Etréstles from Kalavrita by daring to put an Eclectic confrontation on the invisible portal of the Evangelist Saint John in his sacred basaltic cave in the Patmos archipelago (Koumeterium Messolonghi, Chapter 16 / page 114. Editorial Palibrio - USA)
In the Chapel of Ministers
They were seconded by the high representatives of Kalimnos, among them the curious immortal serpentine Raeder. Son of farmers, natives of Kinaros belonging to a group clan of six small islands and six small families. Some islets used to flaunt the genealogical beams of the Antigone challenges and documented inspirations found between Leros and Kalymnos in the east and the Cycladic island of Amorgós in the west. To the south is Astipalea, this group of islands is made up of Plaka in the west, Glaros, the two Mavra islands and Lebynthos in the east. Kinaros is accessible through the islands of Amorgós or Kálimnos by wooden architecture boats.

Raeder always got up before dawn and a petite blue Bonsai Pelican always appeared on the threshold of his window; called him Petrobus. In the mornings, he ran, beating this Olympic bird Petrobus in a quick dispute. Sometimes he could not say goodbye to his friendly bird, because he ran so fast that the days used to be weeks in a row, while Petrobus snorted through the skies with his wings of Hellenic Artificial Intelligence. With his hyper exhalation he moved large rocky cliffs, even moving and disorganizing the geographical nomenclature of these twelve polygonal islands of the Dodecanese.

The least known and uncontaminated are Leros or Pserimos, while Rhodes and Cos, the largest and most cosmopolitan islands, are the goal of migrant Blue Pelicans throughout the year. Before returning home, Raeder stretched out on the grasses sheared by the heels of the Petrobus migrants and their minions. In this dancing grass he could feel the dances with gag bread dancing on all the hips of the maidens of La Sousta by his arms. He ran after Petrobus in his golden mask and hung on the legs of his bird (Wings Mate), the art of flying with magical golden birds and his Ancient Antigone Mama.

When he sometimes flew by the feet of Petrobus, he thought...
Tierra Mía… a thousand times I will lift you up with my arms, don't hesitate my arms believe it…
Oh my revered Ionian, I will apnea to please you a thousand times to become your Ionic molecule ... Wind of Kalimnos himself ..., I will make the Oda flute that goes through the twelve pierced epitaphs of my ancestors in Dodecanese asleep of paroxysm in the chapel where I was baptized for the ninth time!
And by the fatuous lavish Fire I will put the ceremonial ribbon of the Sousta Dance in the siesta of the new migration of my transparent Pelicans….

Raeder says to Petrobus visibly excited, imagining crying with his imagined friend. The little Raeder from the Dodecanese region tells his imaginary friend Petrobus what more lack of bread crumbs for next winter?

Petrobus tells him not looking at him ..., just placing his palm-legged hellephilia on his other equal ...: Nothing you fear Raeder, God does not exist!. Now He and you are the same. You can lift the sphere of the flat earth with your arms and convert it into a healthy land of Milk and Kalimnos honey that runs with mud through the mountains of your Life turned into a new House dressed in a new house. In this way we will tackle the colossal heroic deed of our Vernarth in Gaugamela, the league in which we aspire to be lying on the grasses of Cibatus that awaits us. It would be better if it rains on the shoulders of its meadows!
Raeder super boy
It was a Thursday approaching the weekend when I knew that this Family reunion would exist. It was a surprise because I had not found out until the quoted day arrived around 2:00 p.m. The place was a plain like the places I could see through the window; It was the Messiah who brought me this glee with weekend window bulla.

There were all those who only I met that day, from my family only I who joined you, to this celebration. My great company was sitting by the side of the window and watching you cook and do cooking and dining with your family, glowing every minute. While the others enjoyed talking around us in that space that was no more than two pieces of a normal house, on a normal afternoon. We are all happy and very pleased to have us all together, before dinner. I looked out the window, waiting for the seconds that I needed to enjoy as my eyes watched you, because they complained every two minutes for having you near them.

The table is very tidy, food services and snacks are very arranged, a welcome tablecloth for the guest. Wood stove and crockery nearby for everyone who would not want to limit the talk of such a rich aroma of food to taste. In the center a vase with Bonsai Sunflowers turned as if dancing around us to smile at us overwhelmed.

The other two minutes would be fulfilled to leave the abstraction of the Ventanal and look at you to compete with who to look at more, at the place of feet marked by the mischief of the one that comes and goes or Look delighting myself in You, cooking and decorating everything around the guests and Laughing with them, to later see your apron look like a reign in a Coronation to come.

Brass horns sound calling us to sit down. I waited for the circulating round of the remaining minute to look again before you took off your apron. Everyone walks slowly and well pondered to the feast, I waited by the side of the window for two more minutes to stand up and go to the table "Your Table", and walk or try because maybe I had lost my sight for the mere fact of longing to wait it was my turn to see this polished reality.

You spoke to me ... calling me, being able to only read your lips saying my name, so that I could sit around everyone ...
I look for the last time through the window and forget about the complaint of the plain that I needed to travel through the beautiful and peaceful landscapes of the meadow that it was that moment of having lost my current consciousness ..., rubbed with confining steam and splendor to your offices to summon me to eternal sleep.

All gathered at a dinner for all with the photographic awareness that is nothing more than a pre-photographic moment to have the pretext of looking at you again smiling with your menu of great culinary preparation in between your hands and the mastery of the object of remembering it in his post - photographic polychrome.…

I looked but did not listen, but from so much not wanting not to listen, I could see that with the Feast of Prana a sparkling bloom would reappear from an afternoon clouded with grays of meta-gray colors, almost being confused with intruder colors of great iridescence.

"You walk like almost starting to get my hearing back, signaling that it was time to be with you. You come, I am distracted again to look out the window, not to get away from your addiction to look at you, but for the seconds that I had left to get closer to you. Your presence is closer than a soul can come nobly losing all prudence; you taking me from my whole and hugging me to go to dinner with you and the others. Then walking, floating and in silence your approaching me, I could capture your closeness, feeling the warm and bustling compaction of your right cheek on mine on the left side of heavenly candor where I hear your voice transmission, because with the right ear I listen and I have the audacity to hear the boisterous gaze that invites me to hold hands and run across the plain to meet the echo of a new meeting with you and the blessed whole. "

Baba Nam Kevalam!
You're an emerald zipped up
you are like a thousand eyes;
that traverse the Universe ...
you are like stone
made new sand and water.

Grain to Ladder Magda sand
I take you with my arms,
because my tears
reel in your mermaid kisses.

Magda mother you are full;
like a statue of sand,
leave my rib and my hip
to be attached to your zipper.

Where should you be and how are you?
if you are not dressed as a skirt,
all skirt all whole
all mine, without a change,
makes us think Magdalena.

Emerald impregnated in the stone ...
no one will change your world,
since the world grows like the wind;
like the one who catches your nose
like the one that ages your brain
spawned in fields of mist ...

You are wind ... from the high tree,
of the highest in the world,
of emerald paths ...
you are the indifferent wind that carries your weight;
condense your grief ...,
and rush your sweat into the most beautiful sand ...

Hey Magda sweat;
sweat beads raining sand on you,
you don't aged and you don't die ...
Well you and heaven
they are a poetry family
that pierce your eyes and mine,
in the conquest of having you Magdalena ...
Tuscany 1300 bC.
Blue Poem, Blue Secret

By the celestial lights of heaven as i walked on the leaves of my notebook, i see my wishes of how i want to shoe and how to walk without fear by the same brands of my feet for this blue book of awakening, on collisioning by dreams of me self-book book, where i can read me in peace without pointing out the perfection of the magnanimus know, think and reflect.

After cutting a piece of cake and taking it with my hand, i could be looking for sowing it and not have anxiety of the desire of excitement more than sugging in my fingers to take the next snack. it is that i will begin with this extract of a secret book dipped with almibar light at the ends of the blue enchanted forest …

I woke up early with the leaves on my shoulders and my mouth painted blue. mark the same footprints when i first started taking my first steps as a child. travel to prague on a sunny sunday when the clouds degraded other shades making you think of drinking and eating the delights of the prague forest. i always felt that the secrets of the footsteps of the leaves and their secrets walked through the forests of southern chile. to supraculture forestry and vegetatively reuphols its soils. The owners of the forest and princes of the bushes travel large areas to complement the soils of southern chile. full volcanic formica goal and indigenous species will bring the morning mists to paint the forests blue in blue in the first of the areas , acquired three years ago, small deciduous trees already appear among the conifers: beech, ash and maples that grew from seeds brought by the wind. the nascent native forest is also more joyous because its variety attracts birds.

Trees grow slowly and that is why generations to come will fully enjoy the native preservation forests that are beginning to emerge in the czech republic. ****** forest of boubín, the current ecological activists had in the 19th century a predecessor: the forester josef john. thanks to his initiative, the best-known ****** forest in bohemia has been conserved, that of boubín, which extends on the southern ***** of the mountain of the same name, located in the sierra de sumava, in the south-west of the czech republic.

I have risen from the inn in boubin, leaving my blue marks and exuding magenta airs of the tinting of the roofs and monuments that are dressed by these organic fabrics of the great avenues. i walked with my trembling hands to leaf through the opening ****** texts of my review of a great secret that marks the vision of the forest and its literary benefactor.

Semantics of the immunology feeling of the verb made repentance .  There were the timid words in a round courting the shadows of the timid trees with their shadow that each one of their resins ... were their noble attentions of those who discolor their face from red to blue, that falls from infinity confusing with the very genetics of the ancient mountain spreading resin cream to soften its crust herds of the Universal Uniforest .


the feeling recedes does not advance, the tears weigh less when it comes out and falls ..

The words haunt, they kneel and they murmur licentious ideas, hardened forest fruits dance round with their roots, they cross beyond where the giant demon treads with its steel feet and its guillotines with red steel teeth. They dance in a Rondinella; A molecule of crystalline water that washes its root feet to walk on the icy wind singing with its aquiline voice beyond the cold of the boreal. The World dances mute and also eloquent when it manages to survive, it lives falling without stopping to reach the end of the Rondinella Dance to lay its body in the wise humus of the brave of God's green continent.

to be continued...
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