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John F Pinto Dec 2015
I walk a tightrope and its a fine one
Between genius and insanity
Seeing connections even when there are none

God, I hope I don't fall.
Is insanity really that insane?
John F Pinto Jun 2014
From the smell in your eye
And the look of your perfume
I assume you'll turn my room,
And sense, upside down and inside
John F Pinto May 2014
Sometimes brilliance is a broken light
Flashing on and off of it's own accord.
Blinding and flickering in synchrony.

Sometimes brilliance is a fickle *****
Flipping the switch of discord
-******. I lost it. Oh the irony.

See, sometimes we're inspired
And sometimes we're not.
You can tell the difference by a lot
Of instances in which brilliance fades
Like when you need the Ace of Spades
For that beautiful royal flush
But you've got a full house of mush and gush so you hush and blush at every word and signal thrown your way because at the end of the day all you are is summed up in the words you didn't say to those around you. The people you've lifted and the people you let fall, count it up, count it all. All the times brilliance failed and all the times you've prevailed are more than just a flickering light. They are your guide and they are your sight. Embrace them while you can for they just might be extinguished at the end of the night.
Goodnight moon, goodnight stars, goodnight brilliance, wherever you are.
John F Pinto May 2014
As I sit, I stare
At the lake before me.
In peace, without a care
I can think clearly.

A green fir, rooted strong
Parallel across the lake
I have known it my life long
Never once thought it to be at stake.

The tree took root,
Simultaneous to me
I never ventured off route
And neither did he.

One, Five, Ten, and Eighteen
We matured, or so we thought
Together we’d careen
Into ideas and what we’d been taught.

Then wires, as if grown,
Creeped out of my tree
Threads, thin and tight, were sown
Reaching out to me.

“Pull!”, and like a bride’s gown
Down came my tree
I watched it topple down
As I left for University.
An oldie, but a goodie. Found in a notebook from 3 years ago.
John F Pinto Feb 2014
An Anchor
Is among one of the BEST
Things to be.
You will sink and no one will see,
You anchor them right where they need to be.
And they walked away with a smile, knowing his place: right next to hers.
John F Pinto Jan 2014
There is not a drop of humanity
Left in me.
There is not a drop of sanity
Left in me.
There is not a drop of brilliance
Left in me.
There is not a drop of resilience
Left in me.
There is not a drop of will
Left in me.
There is not a drop of skill
Left in me.
Every word from my mouth drips out
Every syllable a new drop in my round about
Story. And that's all it is.
A story, a fabrication, a hallucination,
A lie.
And that's all I'll ever be.
John F Pinto Jan 2014
Sometimes I catch myself
Thinking about things that aren't,
Nor could ever be
Actualities unwarranted:

Things uncentered
Things unseen
Things undone,
If you know what I mean.

Movies reeling constant
But only in my mind's eye
So you play the parts
And it would be my

Honor to catch you
Thinking the same
Daydream. Only,
You have the script.. And I hope it's not a game.

Sometimes I catch myself
Thinking the oddest things.
What if's and why not's
Barge into my clarity and stings
The beautiful scene I observe in you.

You paint me a picture,
I'll sing you a song.
You kiss me, I'll hold you
And we'll right all the wrong.
The crunching of paper as it's balled and thrown away, an angry whisper "It's not worth even her time of day".
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