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I thought I had it all
The world by the *****
Little did I know
I was slowly destroying myself
Day after day
Pain and guilt, lies and deception
This was my way of life
For a very long time
I was in the deepest black hole
Called addiction
There seemed no way out
One big circle, get up and do it all over again
Until one day
I couldn’t do it anymore
I dropped to my knees, I dropped to the floor
I picked up the phone
And made the call
That was the turning point for me
Two years later and I’m doing fine
I have hope that some day
My life will be divine
One day at a time
I love you so much
Even when you sleep
And I can't hear your thoughts
And your mouth doesn't speak.

I love you so much
When you breath soft and slow
When you're driving and singing along to the radio.

I love you when you get so frustrated
And look as if you're going to cry
And you just sit down and look at me
Like I'm the best thing in your life.

I love you when you make me lunch on Sundays,
And lay with me in the sun,
Like two cats on the back porch,
I laugh and you come undone.

You're such a gentle soul
I don't know how you ended up here,
But I crave you all the time,
You subside all the sadness and fear.

You're an angel in the mortal world,
Too humble to ever let yourself see it's true,
You're the only one that can make me feel it,
I love you
I love you
I love you
Lol I wish this was actually true!
 Jan 2015 Joey Reams
 Jan 2015 Joey Reams
4 october 2015*

I hold the smoke in my lungs.
One. Two. Three. Just as you taught me.
To think;
I’ve never even thought about a cigarette
untill I met you.
The januari night is piercing cold,
my hands tremble as I bury my head in them.
The moon turns my pale skin blue.

I am not crazy,
though two strangers are not meant
to yearn like we do.
I do.

maybe I am crazy,
though I have never been before,
untill I met you.

I know you are drunk right now,
or leaned over a toilet lid
with rolled up money between your fingers.
So I am not in my bed,
but here,
with a cigarette between mine.
 Jan 2015 Joey Reams
2:22 am
 Jan 2015 Joey Reams
sometimes i feel as though
my mind was set
to self destruct,
and i just cant seem
to find the switch
to make it stop.
maybe that's because
it's buried beneath
the very thoughts
that set it off.
 Jan 2015 Joey Reams
Dev A
Taking a look in the mirror
I hate what I see.
The girl staring back at me
Isn't truly me.

Closing my eyes
I see another girl
This girl staring back at me
Is different than the one in the mirror.

This girl in my mind
Is who I am.
This girl is full of confidence
And loves who she is.

I open my eyes
And take a look in the mirror.
The girl from my mind
Is staring back at me.

Taking a look in the mirror
Loving what I see.
The girl staring back at me
Is truly me.
 Jan 2015 Joey Reams
JK Cabresos
As I lay me down to sleep,
I can't get you
out of my head.

Come run with me
to forever,
I'll hold your hands
till we grow older.

Smile when my eyes
are frozen,
because they're all frozen
for you.

Kisses might be far too soon,
but I'll be waiting,
our hopes and dreams
are ever in our destiny.

Let me take you
to the edge of all heartaches,
and show you
how beautiful it is
to be with.

Take this love of mine
wherever you go,
no, I don't even call it love,
I call it Geronimo.
 Jan 2015 Joey Reams
Joseph Paris
He kisses her when she's fully clothed then sends her on her way He tells her that he loves her
when she's miles away
 Jan 2015 Joey Reams
 Jan 2015 Joey Reams
oh please
put your lips on mine
fill my body with
and love
send the tingles
right to my toes
make me blush
and touch my face

oh please
make this feeling
of endless yearning
stop by giving
me what i want
i want you to hold me
and hug me just a bit
tighter than normal
and give me
your love

yes please
i am begging you
i have never
needed someone
like this before
i can't let you go
you're now in my head
just read my mind
and go

just please
show me that
you feel like this too
and please don't
just casually
walk by
without so much
as the glance of
an eye
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