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jer Jul 2019
Dear Little Girl,

Right now, you just stare
At the ceiling, at the wall,
Wondering if your hair
Will ever look pretty at all
Will it ever one day be tame?
I think you’ll be happy to know
That the bigger you grow
It’ll be more beautiful
But look exactly the same
This one’s about self acceptance and growth, featuring one of my all time biggest insecurities—my hair
jer Apr 2018
Where do I live?
I don’t know
But there’s a million places
That I’d rather go

Where do I live?
I don’t see
Any mountains or forests
Surrounding me

Where do I live?
I can’t feel
A heartbeat, skin, anything
If my breath is real

Where do I live?
I can’t know
My skull lost my head before
A million years ago

Where do I live?
I don’t know
I am no longer breathing
And I’ve lost my soul

Where do I live?
I can’t tell
Maybe I’ll go to heaven
Or I’ll end in hell

— The End —