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JMo Aug 2014
Life is so Full,
You are not alone,

Life is full of Love,
You are blessed with all things through Him,

Life is Forever Full bc of Jesus Love,
We are all going to one day know that He is the way, truth, and the Light!!!

N' well that is the Truth...
JMo Aug 2014
Intimacy draws me closer daily,
Speaking to my heart as You draw me closer,
He is coming like a fire,
Jesus is Love that is the only Eternal unbroken dream!

In Him we have all things!
Jesus Christ is the way, truth, and the light -- Hebrews 13:8,
I pledge my allegiance to Jesus,
and I said I pledge allegiance to the lamb!
JMo Aug 2014
Moving forward in life is difficult sometimes,
Pressing into the place where God has me is a must,
Patience is a virtue I have yet to attain,
Pulling me closer to the edge,

Seeing light inside of faith for the future,
Dreaming beyond my own understanding,
Living in faith alone is the reason,
I understand your Love Jesus!

Infinitely Perfected inside of all who accept your truth Forever!
JMo Aug 2014
It has been a year and you still hold my heart,
Across the water Love still keeps us bound in true friendship,
Distance is a joke for when life connects two together,
Treasures of absolute Love begin to grow,

Over time we are learning how to become who God has made us to be,
In time we will see what becomes of our friendship,
Through time we are growing one piece at a time,
On time are we always for each other,

Blessing, I mean Blessings are created each time I hear your voice,
Dreaming, -- I mean Dreams become more each time I see your Beauty,
Passion __ I mean Passionate my heart becomes more for you as I pray

To one day have you by my side!
It is not just a dream,
It is a blessing,  
That I Believe one day will be,

All bc my heart is so in Love with you,
I am all pink right now!!!
JMo Aug 2014
1,2,3 ABC - nah were not going there,
When I feel the air of life consume me from the inside out,
Passion rages through my body to understand life all the more,
Brilliance begins in every breath as there are so many operations all at once,

Stopping to understand that life is Eternal treasure....

So what do you cherish about life today?
JMo Aug 2014
As I press into the sunshine each morning with my eyes, understanding of your glory God is simply revealed! In this hour, You oh Lord do so much just by speaking, for when you do speak... Creation just happens! Your name is true strength that cannot be broken! Jesus, my life is yours and I Love all of You forever! You are True Love!!!
JMo Aug 2014
Listening for your voice inside of my heart,
There is a memory that can never be taken away,
Pulling all of me closer to you each day,

People told me to wait and I wish I had,
So many past memories,
Thank God He removes our past to bring us into a new,
Life together Forever,

So you grabbed my heart and I do not know how,
Never have I had a chance to dream of anything else,
For there is no reason to try to dream of anything more,
Telling you the truth is your dream come true,

Here I am!
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