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 Sep 2022 Jeremie
When I say your blow
Struck me to the core
Know, I am not a soft caramel center
Not melting in your mouth
I am the center of a young star
Holding it's own in the sky
 Dec 2021 Jeremie
Melissa Rose
You gave birth to me
yet I have never been born
I am alive
yet never taken a single breath

I have been caught up in currents of time
yet this moment remains eternally still
I have traveled miles across this land
yet never taken a single step

I have had infinite conversations
yet never spoken a word
embraced many loved ones
yet never touched a single soul

I have cried oceans of tears
desperately searching for love
blindly unaware what I was seeking
was looking through my eyes

I have grieved a magnitude of losses
yet lost nothing at all
felt desperately alone
yet everywhere I looked, there I was

countless lifetimes
incalculable deaths
I am billions of galaxies in the Cosmos
yet I remain infinite emptiness
 Dec 2021 Jeremie
Melissa Rose
A mountain falls effortlessly into the placid waters
and sees itself clearly
The water accepts the mountain as itself
while maintaining its body
12/6/21 Beauty reveals itself beyond the depths of reflection. There is so much more to see as you trust the wisdom of the heart.
 Jul 2021 Jeremie
Melissa Rose
I feel your love
in and as your silence
swallows the wholeness
of my starving heart
 Jun 2021 Jeremie
 Jun 2021 Jeremie
Knowledge is the great plunderer of youth
Intuition was a better friend
She knew before she was told
Have you never felt fire of life in your belly
Glass stars in your fingertips

Immaturity lacks discretion
Here we are silent, void of words
This truly is enough
If you let it be
As you are stranger
 May 2021 Jeremie
Melissa Rose
I am the edge and the cliff
the toes dangling over the abyss
I am the readiness to fall
and the terror to fly

I am the wind against this skin
and the life altering decision
I am the falling and the flying
into and above this groundless ground

I am the asker for the push
and the push into its nothingness
I am the nothingness and the manifest
playing with the idea of existence
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