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 Apr 2014 Jimmy Solanki
Gigi Tiji
I'm floating in place with
no lover to face
trembling, trembling
trembling heart space
I'm spinning in circles
looking for miracles
and it's proving to be
horribly difficult
Trying to fly
with no wings to spread
I crumble and cry
a song for what's dead
the sound of alarms
ring in my head
Take me
cradle me in your arms
You are a blur to me
I cannot remember how many times we have kissed or how often you say my name but I remember the feel of those lips and the way you sound when they are speaking words only for me. I dont know how long I have spent in your arms but I know that hours are not long enough and I know that when you laugh at something I say my heart skips at least three beats. I know that your every movement is vivid and fluorescent to me. I dont know how many times you breathe in a minute but I know that your heart sounds like steady drum and it quickens when I tell you I love you.  And I do mon amour, I do.
For my darling boy
She moved me beyond words,
took me on wild rides
that made
the carnival look lame.

Her frame fit me like a glove,
I was held spellbound
in her arms,
feasted on her body,
was titillated by her mind,
I was truly in love with her.

Sadly. I never realized
how much I missed smoking,
two packs a day she did,
it was in her hair
& in her clothes
& only the Lord knows
how much I miss her badly.
 Mar 2014 Jimmy Solanki
I write to make things make sense for me.
Even if what I write is about you, it never is, really.
Writing is the one thing I allow myself to do just for me.
So much chaos, and such a desperate need to see clearly.
Putting traumatic events and rollercoaster emotions down in writing, down in order, helps more
than letting nagging thoughts eat me alive behind my brain's closed door.
I envision you in your Sunday best
Taking off my clothes in my tiny one bedroom apartment.
Just enough space for you and me.
Kissing my neck and moving down my torso,
Down to my heart shaped box.
But I'm stuck here alone,
Just for now.
Touching myself,
I like it so rough.
pretending it's you,
Oh my god, yes you.
I want you so bad right now.
I can see you in my head,
My breathing gets so quick,
I crave your touch every second,
I can't be satisfied.
Give me what I want.
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