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I dont know
somehow i find
every other person
except me
happier than myself

they may say
'we've got issues too.'
but i say
i've got severe  problems
even minor ones
attack with
a great intensity

I'm going to turn into
a loner
a psychopath
a *****
a neurotic
and nobody will be
able to do anything about it

only will they realize
when its going to be
too late for treatment
and i'll sit and see
and not utter a word
coz each word of mine
is nothing
but malice,
if i myself,am so miserable,
how do you expect me to
tell you happy words.

i might fake a laugh.
i can try and camouflage my insecurities.
but i dont
promise to
eliminate the from the core.
coz now its inscribed
on my skin
in my mind
in my soul.
The flaws arent my problems.
being talked about
by your own
who claim to be your
only true ,family on earth,
ridiucle you
for minute,ill purposes.

mom,and dad,

u n f a i r
im so so sad these days,plus my folks seem to not let me live a dignified life,a moment of happiness ,they cannot bear.i hate them the most,you cant even imagine,i might look like a freak show,blinded by the love of my parents,but i can beat you with it,any consolation you give,ive a counter answer to it.i'm so flustered right now.
An old florist, dressed in black
Hands a white rose to a guy.
While the beggar pets a stray..
A bicycle falls by.

It’s the westerly winds again...
Rain peeking through the sunless sky…
Though everything is getting moist around..
It’s my heart that’s running dry..

There’ goes the artist’s beret
And the lil girl’s pink umbrella..
A child pays a sixpence..
To the friendly pretzel fella..

The street lamp winks
While it listens to the accordion..
Lovers falling in love again…
While I wait for my old companion

The sea isn’t getting any wetter with the rain…
Though my hands are  getting wrinkled and white…
Then the same old man in his mackintosh..
Comes into my old ,weary sight..

We just saw, gave a reserved smile..
Then I cursed the different ways I chose…
Yet he melted all my regrets…
And held out that white rose…
April 26,2011
Congested and dark clouds
Fogging up the window
Is the rain
Stealing the heat from my coffee
All its vapour
Adding to the humidity
A lullaby to my insomniac brain
Falling on my calloused soul
Seeping through my hair
Diluting all my tears
As the wind fiddles about..
Mother nature bringing me joy..
How i want to kiss her..
How i want to breathe
The scent of her body..
And hold it within me..
March 12,2014
 Mar 2014 Jimmy Solanki
 Mar 2014 Jimmy Solanki
When you say kiss
Your lips are what I miss
And years could pass in a spur
Your first touch could never be a blur.
Hazel, pink, black
Your colors are now what I lack.
I am yours...
 Mar 2014 Jimmy Solanki
 Mar 2014 Jimmy Solanki
At first the rain fell
So wide and deep
I climbed up the hill to reminisce
the dew that forms
on the flowers,
giving a new meaning
but this rain changed from blue to black
and left,
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