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  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
brandon nagley

O' tommorrow;
Bringeth me closer to mine love.


O' tommorrow;
Telleth Jane I'll be looking from above.


O tonight;
I prayeth to seeith mine empress in mine sleep.


Wherein it's mine soul;
She doth keep.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl jane nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Jimmy Hegan Oct 2015
Dwelling in the secret place,
Overshadowed by His grace,
Looking up into His face,
Seeing only Jesus.

Hidden there from all alarm
Safe from danger, fear and harm,
Holden Up by His strong arm,

Dwelling there , how truly blest!
Leaving all, how sweet to rest,
Head upon my Saviour's  breast,
Seeing only Jesus.

Resting there , no more to roam,
Drawing near to heaven and home,
Waiting  there until He come,
Seeing only Jesus.
Waiting for an audience , practicing every move , critique every nuance , critical eye contact with animal counterparts . Your display of affection is most disheartening , the only reason for you presence ? So politically correct friends can feast their eyes upon a " shelter dog " . A rite of passage like your tie dyed t-shirt , sandals and voter registration ! Claim to be  a PETA activist but your only a charade , a most dangerous psychopath walking from cage to cage ! Who stands before me ? You appear delusional as well ! In two days I'll be sentenced to the backyard , shackled to a tree ! Living off of rainwater and sporadic feedings ! Crying for release , tortured with fleas .. I have found the one ! Any guess on how I can tell ? You've the unmistakable look of loneliness coupled with the scent of depression .. An aroma within your gradient most vivid and easily detected ! The same odor within my cage , surrounding this wounded animal ! You and I will remain side by side , play off each others affections , render great joy to one another and form a bond that will last forever !
Copyright October 17 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Jimmy Hegan Oct 2015
  Deep  in my heart , deep in my heart,
I need Thy Holy Spirit, Deep in my heart,
Fill with Thy fulness,Lord, fill with Thy power,
Come in Thy majesty and touch me this hour.

Deep in my heart, deep in my heart,
I need Thy full compassion, deep in my heart,
Fill with Thy tenderness, fill with Thy care,
Give me a loving  heart Thy burdens to share.

Deep in my heart, deep in my heart,
I need a perfect cleansing deep in my heart,
Reach to its darkest depths,search every part,
Cleanse me from every spot, Thy love now

Deep in my heart, deep in my heart,
I need a new anointing deep in my heart,
Send now Thy burning fire, burn all the dross,
Help me to stand for Thee and count all else

Deep in my heart, deep in my heart,
I need Thy faith triumphant deep in my heart,
O make me worthy . Lord with Thee to reign,
When for thy loving Bride Thou comest again.
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