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7.4k · Feb 2013
jide oyediran Feb 2013
Champion are champion
Have the mentality of champions
Always wanting to be champion
People depend on them to be champion
But can they always be champion?
4.0k · Dec 2015
jide oyediran Dec 2015
It feels good to know how the head looks like
I have a green pencil
The head is the eraser
In the nite time she picture the future
She painted them green
There are plenty pencils but different eraser
This pencil is breath taking,full of life
With the pencil it feels good that anything is possible
Yes!!! anything is possible

Let's make a new kind of pencil, so that anything can be possible
We can decide to erase the old one,
With a new kind of pencil
We can believe in the new world of ours
Ours is a generation of unending love
Let's stay all night designing a new kind of pencil
Let's be creative, let's be green.
Though we are going to be misunderstood,cause people don't like trying new things
The universe is waiting for us down the lane
I hope we do it right. . .
Inthespiritofxmas. . .
2.7k · Nov 2012
jide oyediran Nov 2012
Oh Menah
Pride of africa
Pride of the blackrace
Beautiful like d morning rose
Timid eyes like the clean morning water of "ESSURUN"
Great sense of humour
Aspiring and ambitious
Hardworking and caring
Beautiful is AFRICAN and the black race
1.2k · Mar 2013
jide oyediran Mar 2013
When there is no hope
When everything seems hopeless
When there is no reason 2 laugh
When everybody around u desert u
When the dark is starkly dime
When the moon refuses 2 comeout at nite
When d bulb refuses to bring light
When d cloud is pregnant

Then came a ray of lite
Then the moon comes out shining bright
Then the stars follows winking
Then the cloud burst in laughter
Which brings HOPE
1.2k · Jul 2013
jide oyediran Jul 2013
One beautiful thing about Dreams
U discover then u recover
The funny thing about Dreams
When discovered u think u have recovered  
But you are not even close to recovering
Another funny thing about Dreams  
When you are almost there
Something pulls u down
At that point you need to discover
When u are through
With discovering
then u can  boldly recover
Stick to your DREAMS den u will RECOVER
unedited inspiration!
1.2k · Jul 2013
jide oyediran Jul 2013
Father to all, disciplinarian
Humble and down to earth
Loving and caring
Full of ideas and surprises
Hardworking and creative
True example of a role model
Didn’t realize his role model nature
Till the moment I started behaving like him
Believes solely in truth
In which he induce on all his children
Unfathomable religious nature
Which has always been his strength and refuge
He is indeed a role model
Conclusively I am OYEDIRAN
Yours sincerely jide
983 · Feb 2013
jide oyediran Feb 2013
What is Stream?
What is Life
Altitude of life
Oceans of wickedness
Barriers and obstacles
Pains and dejection
Love and hate
Pride and prejudice
War and unity
Friends and foes.
981 · Feb 2014
jide oyediran Feb 2014
Sitting @ d corner,000GMT
In the dark
Can't see blue
All dark
Flame of anger and despair
Looking down up down
Strange bubbles wrinkles
Goose pimples
Gushing down up down
Then looking up
Felt the touch
Funny enough it just a rat .
957 · Oct 2014
jide oyediran Oct 2014
The mind the heart
War in despair
Voices humming
Loud voices
Confusion in the diaspora
Don't do it or else
Do it and so?
Whispers there and now
Up down up down
Mix of hot water and cold water
oceans can talk
Wild wind around the corners of mississipi
Alarm rings crick crick
Oops!it 10am in the morning
Inspiration from REV.TUNDE AFE
929 · Dec 2014
jide oyediran Dec 2014
Who is perfect where is perfect
Why work so hard and give up so much
Every moment has its own battle
It all depends on d gun you choose
Life is beautiful black are its inhabitants
We do it twice today we get it right tomorrow

We live our life as if we have an extra match box
They say they are different but still a guy
We lock the coke dream in d cork of a bottle
They decided no one can take decisions for them
What happens when you go to bed and you realise you are no one.
Feels like droping something @ the end of the year.
929 · Feb 2014
jide oyediran Feb 2014
Ghetto dreamz
Chattered dreamz
Frustration without end
Hope lost without bound
Crying endlessly
Believe and disbelieve
Service in curiosity

Trusting in u
Regret in betrayal
Happy hour
Fulfillment beyond bounds
Light deemed
Stars lost in the sky
Dreamz fade
818 · Nov 2013
jide oyediran Nov 2013
Across oceans
Across moutains
Across islands
Flows like viper
Speed like lite
Thorns of pains
Deep down d heart

Compromising voices
Diverting hopeS
Ufailing memories
Uncontrolable tears
Beyond reach of man
He makes and own all
Piano lesson
818 · Sep 2016
jide oyediran Sep 2016
Half cast don't claim black cast
They are naturally cast
The light amongs the crowd
The victorious in battleship
The float in a ship sinking

I wonder why I don't sleep at night
I realised it is the battleship
Off-guard  in the middle of the night
I lay my head to sleep
Pondering to soaraway
The battle maybe rough
But realised am the ship.
795 · Aug 2014
Wishes Of A Lazy Girl
jide oyediran Aug 2014
How I wish (sighs)
How I wish I never have to read
How I wish I never have to study hard
How I wish I never had to write exams
How I wish I never have to go to school to succeed in life.
Wait a minute
Who says I have to go to school to succeed?
This is what our society is telling youths
How I wish
How I wish school is all about attending classes,writing assignments and taking test
How I wish
How I wish
Anyway it just a wish
A wish of a lazy girl

760 · Dec 2013
jide oyediran Dec 2013
Who is d only woman
The only woman' who is wht crying for
Who is d only woman
The woman who bleeds for 5days
who is d only woman
The woman who doesn't sleep until I sleep
Who is d only woman
The woman who will never abandon u

The only woman is d woman what waiting for
The woman what crying for
The woman what praying for
The woman with four sights
The woman with a difference
The woman of my dreams
You know d only woman
731 · Aug 2015
jide oyediran Aug 2015
Am restored,follow my heart
I was patient cause someone was patient with me
I play the piano in my limo
Good or bad life is good
My empire like a VLC player
I play hard like Laurence HARDER
You don't giveup
when you are ******, cause life itself is ******
I will teach you how to play,but don't wna take the lead
It a  lawless world, don't break rules
We rule despite in the midst of the darkness
You drive your limo,I roll my tricycle
Ain't we equal?
You don't have to giveup it not the end of the world. . .
Ascending musical tone. . .
723 · Apr 2014
jide oyediran Apr 2014
Old man speaks
What an old man sees siting
A young man can't see climbing a tree
Why being porous
Why the violence
Why the ignorance and corruption
Why are there evil hearts
Ours was generation of love and peace

Young man laughing
We would rather cut down d tree
It feels good to be porous
Why not violence
Why not pain
why not corruption
Why won't we have evil hearts
Ours is a generation of Give and take

Fetus in the womb kicks
What are u leaving for our generation
More pain and anguish
More violence and corruption
but one thing is significant
we will fight for peace
We will create love amongs us
Ours is a generation of HOPE
Four sight!
714 · Aug 2013
jide oyediran Aug 2013
A heart fulfilling story
A folk story of our great grand father
Moon lite story told under an orange tree
Goes d the old man  
Farming endlessly
Poverty in silk rag
Tragedies and diseases
Customs and traditions
Comes a ray of lite

Enlightenment  and  religion
Purpose and goal
Dreams  and  fulfillment to achieve
All  this  he  gave  to  me
What  he  never  had
But on his sick bed closing his eyes
So he said
704 · May 2015
jide oyediran May 2015
I totally did this for you
No for myself
I am a man,in my own space
I question decisions and steps
Within me a space is created
Like of lebanon gallon
Five years a slave
I make no mistake
I speak light like furnace
Seconds with a tone counts every minute
Disguised  by burning mouth
I asked them to look down and work
He asked us to look up and preach
We chase after the black linen
He chase after the white horse breed
A times I wonder if am the space
But I realised he is the MAN IN SPACE.
Secondary fantacy. . .
615 · Jul 2015
jide oyediran Jul 2015
I will aways stay awake
Till I could no longer sleep
Till winds and earthquakes no longer blows
When young and old are  no longer old
Till market places turns musium
Even guns and weapons turns powder
River niger and benue refuse to come together
Teachers and student now read together

Believe it or not I will stay awake
Even on the worst of waters
When the sun kisses the moon
When palmwine refuses to tap
In the darkest corridor
I will stay AWAKE
590 · Dec 2015
jide oyediran Dec 2015
Bring me the sit of citadel diamond
I will sit on it like a king on the throne
We crept in the sea of thoughtfulness
Forgetting that some day the sea can dry off
The sea  whistles  and reminds us to be focus
Of course focus stand for full commitment,
I will like to remind you about that.
If you don't know, it also brings orderliness
We strife to be focus because
Our usefulness is for the masses
We build our focus on the verge of death
That at some point we won't be afraid to die
Our dreams and aspirations cries out to us
Like a catholic pendulum
We promise the world to hear the bell
I already said it, in patience
My empire like a VLC player
We don't quit till we exceed the volume point.
Inspired by 23rd dec. . .
582 · Feb 2013
jide oyediran Feb 2013
Today is my birthday
And I did this for my self
Got up these morning
Brave and strong
Like I got up last year
Same morning brave and strong
What more could I say
What do I need that is greater
Than sleeping and waking up
Brave and strong like I
Woke up last year.
575 · Jun 2014
jide oyediran Jun 2014
What is your flair for this world
What is your ability for this world
What kind of passion do you have for your generation
What is your flair towards helping this broken world
What is your flair towards helping the less previledge
What is your flair towards living
What is your flair towards ur own life
What is your flair towards ur gifts or talent
What is your flair towards God
Whatever flair u have just be sure 2 flair 2 fly
God's initiative. . .
538 · Mar 2015
jide oyediran Mar 2015
Siting in the midst of birds
At st barnabas park
Can't see blue
Turning round and round
Without the help of man
Viewing point at 360degree
Unknown to human I see all

Man with his crew
Shooting of Elizabeth of Acadian
Exchange of script and cast man to man
As he handles it
Viewing  from the cardinal points
Excellent we did it
Still could not see all

I see all yes I see all
So I see more even more
more than d cardinal points,I see
Remember I created you
Don't forget a labourer can be more than his master
I have to hold you to work
You leave me with no option to destroy the work of my hand.
524 · Nov 2014
jide oyediran Nov 2014
I broke the wood
I painted the wall so neatly
I plastered the wall of jericho
I build the house of jesse
I lead the children of isrealite to the red sea
I pulled down the strong tower of babel

The wood almost pushed me away
Water almost washed the paint away
It wasn't easy plastering the wall of jericho
Jesse's family almost didn't recognise me
The eyes of the red sea was too hot
But we crossed anyway
Pulling d tower down was almost impossible
YES YES I hear a voice saying
516 · Nov 2014
jide oyediran Nov 2014
Myownartwork I nourish like a child
Myownartwork I protect and care
Myownartwork I run when call
Myownartwork I sit and listen
Myownartwork I wake at nite
Myownartwork I cannot destroy

Myownartwork I know the weakness
Myownartwork I can destroy
Myownartwork will beg to get 2 me
Myownartwork may make me strong or weak
Myownartwork I may detest
But whats the essence of building an artwork I know I will destroy?
Just thinking!!!
514 · Sep 2014
jide oyediran Sep 2014
Story for the gods
Mandi the queen
In silk sack
Can you hum a song
Witout knowing the song
Yes off course
Why of course
Bring it on the podium
Rings the othodox bell
Time to go
Mandi in shining attire
weighing options
Shining silk sack shining
Rythm fails. . .
507 · Feb 2013
jide oyediran Feb 2013
This is my own love story
Writing with smile,anger and humour
Filled with happy and sad moment
Fantancies that never came 2 past
Got too much in the mood
Find out my whole personal library
Got filled with books titled her name
Unfailing memories that would always be there
Thought she was perfect for me
But is she?
This is my own LOVE STORY with a MINUTE of SMILE.
506 · Nov 2013
jide oyediran Nov 2013
Who would cry for the little boy
Lost and all alone

Who would cry for the little boy
Abandoned without is own

Who would cry for the little boy
He cried himself to sleep

Who would cry for the little boy
Who will never have a keep

Who would cry for the little boy
Who walked in burning sun

Who would cry for the little boy
The boy inside the man

Who would cry for the little boy
Who knew well health and pain

Who would cry for the little boy
who died and died again

Who would cry for the little boy
A good boy he tried to be

Who would cry for the little boy
Who cries inside of me

Who will cry for u
Antwone fisher
475 · Jul 2016
jide oyediran Jul 2016

Sitting in the dark can't see blue. . . Different thoughts flowing through my mind, yet there is this dominant one; when do mothers rest? when do they sit back and just have rest of mind? You may be wondering what in Gods name is this guy saying; or maybe you have been thinking thus: "of course my mum is resting and she has peace of mind" now Let me take you down the lane.

Starting from when your mum got married to your dad, the first few months, as always is difficult; especially if "we never see born boy". (I wonder why there its never "born girl") #smiles.Pressure starts mounting on her from both the husband, and the family. At some point, God answers her prayers and she conceives, then carries it for good 9months; after nine months, she nutures the child for another 6 years to say the least, till the child can run around.

Now, the worry of taking the child to school sets in. After primary school, she is worried again that her Child has to get into secondary school, then the University.At this point,the worry is: the fear of bad friends. please don't follow bad friends she says constantly;shun cultism,prostitution and the likes. then before you finish University another worry sets in...

Which company is going to employ you, who will you get married to...? Are the raging thoughts at this stage.Consequently, God helping you, you secured a job, and get married, she starts thinking again just Like A clock that's is constantly on duty. "Hope your husband is treating you well? "when will you give us a grand child"? She gets a grand-child then she feels she has to look out for both you and the grand child."Mother" leaves her husband's house, and spends time with you till she feels you guys are fine,then she calls everyday to check on you guys. . .

I can decide to go on, and on with this observations but i can't but wonder when do mothers actually rest? My conclusion: My mum will have the best of things in this universe.
If you love your mum like and tag someone
472 · Feb 2015
jide oyediran Feb 2015
Good evening ladies and gentlemen
Was entrenched in a foreign sight
Illumination of lite through my visions
Then he tapped me
An unforgettable illusion
Then I imagined I commit suicide
But why will I commit suicide
When I understand the concept of life
Then I thought,what will make me do so
In another thought am not better
than people that does it

And I continue to ponder
What will my parents say
What will my loved one do
What exactly will people think of me
Maybe some will be happy and some sad

But the greatest of all
Alas! My heavenly mentor
Turned his face away from me
And watched the black coal
Cast me into the lake
The lake was over joyous
There you go I just got one
And just incase you don't know
Am on a chair
just got him, am alive
First for this year,want to make it special I hope it is. . .
372 · Aug 2016
jide oyediran Aug 2016
When you are confused  you don't know what is going on around you

Your head is boiling under stress as if you are being boiled in a kettle.

Your choice if hereby destroyed
You itch like a monkey.
You then go on oh, Why is there confusion  in this  world?
You are hereby tormented by other people's thoughts
Oh! Confusion why are you in this world? Oh! Confusion,  Why why.

Tano ogbondu
A 10yr old girl.
Inspirational child!!!
298 · Jul 2014
jide oyediran Jul 2014
Heart that cares
Giving up is not an option for me
Dig a pit
I won't give up. . .
Please help share,this helps me to move on when ever am abouth givingup.

— The End —