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I'm struggling with guilt
After leaving lipstick on your collar
And hickeys on your shoulder
 Nov 2014 Jennifer Jimenez
she asked me if i was happy
i said no

i did not tell her of the scars i hid beneath my clothes

i did not tell her of the tears i wiped away at night

i did not tell her that death was something i desired

i could not tell her that

because she did not care

she was only curious
i want to know you at 3am
or on a wednesday afternoon

to know your dreams,
to be your thoughts
and explore the other side
of your crescent moon

maybe i just like
the mystery of you,
but i'm hoping you like
the mystery of me, too
 Nov 2014 Jennifer Jimenez
I was always curious about love,
But it was my caution I couldn't get rid of,
After all, curiosity killed the cat,
And I rather leave my head and heart intact,
But then you came skipping along,
Hated that my soul burst into a Bollywood song,
Stifling the feelings just didn't seem right...  
So, yeah, how about a date Friday night?
 Nov 2014 Jennifer Jimenez

(c)areful of your thoughts
(u)ndeserving as it seems &
(r)un through fields of
(i)deas with an
(o)pen mind that'll
(s)lowly guide you
Just be yourself!
Excuse me -
Can I have some help?
Oh, can't someone tell me
 Nov 2014 Jennifer Jimenez
What if I told you the sadness wasn't going away,
And what if I chased a handful of pills with a bottle of *****,
And didn't show up the next day.
Would you even notice I wasn't there?
Would you even care?
Because I want to know how you would feel,
If you lost me.
If it wasn't for my curiosity,
I would have never of sold the body of my love to the demons of the world for them to get intimate with,
for them to fornicate with.
curiosity kills,
but he was still the

I give it up,
I gave my love virginity away
to the seeds of Adam.
The ones that woman was made from the dust of
I need cleansing,
I want what I once had back

If I knew I would have never of
played in loves playground,
and this is all because
of my curiosity.

By Cheyanne Ntangu
This is a re-vamp of my poem love virginity, I shorten it and picked my favourite section
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