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Apr 2019 · 123
I Miss Those Days
JC Daly Apr 2019
I miss those days
When the future seemed bright
The world was so beautiful
And she was the light

I miss those days
Everything was simple
Life was easy
Only stress were those pimples

I miss those days
Spent in school with friends
And her at my side
I never used to cry

Those days are long gone
Everyone moved on
My head was in the clouds
Dreaming of the road ahead
Yet now I only wish
I paid attention instead

It's been awhile since those times
When she was only mine
If only I knew it'd change so fast
I would've pulled my head out of my ***
And thanked my friends
For years of loyalty
Now they're spread around the country
And all I have is me

Back then everything seemed okay
I miss those days
Apr 2019 · 135
Down Inside
JC Daly Apr 2019
They see you on the surface
And they think they know you well
But the feelings on the inside
There’s no one you can tell
You get praise and fortune
They have lots to say
There seems so much to live for
Yet it's a struggle each day
Thoughts flourish through the mind
Like no one else could know
But when it’s time to come through
It seems there's none to show
You have a lot to do
Though there’s no desire
The stakes feel so high
But you no longer feel the fire
Holding back the tears
And they don’t have a clue
That these feelings inside
Plague me…I’m “you”

— The End —