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Jaya Rose Dec 2013
Crying is nothing
But red tears came
A broken heart surrendered
A tired mind remain
Agony is here
As I cut my blood
I hang on to dear life
But then I give up
Life is but without colors
And happiness is what I lack then
Emotions so powered
But no glass to fill them in
My life rush through days
But nothing interesting
Seems to happen
Your life so serene
Mine, dull
Continue to live
But here I stop
Jaya Rose Jan 2015
weep away little child
weep your problems away
shed a tear
cry out loud
helps you in anyway
your lovely heart broken
or lost in your fears
weep out,weep out
and you will be okay
weep out little one
it's fine
you're alone
no one will hear you
don't keep your problems
to your own
whisper to your
and close your eyes
weep out,weep out
keeps your burden away
wrote this 2 years ago,dedicated to my sister.

— The End —