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  Jun 2015 Jason Cole
brandon nagley
Worldly philosophy teacheth one
To follow thine heart
Yet God hath taught the heart is misleading
And if the heart condemneth us
To remember God is greater than thine heart
I follow the spirit
Mine soul,
Not man's philosophy
(Follow thy heart)
How false oh wretched man!!
In rain I know,
The stillness of love
Worth remembering
As memory is washed
Before the sun breaks.

In rain I am feeling,
Such warmth of love
Was once so whole
And hope a messenger,
The sun is coming.

In rain I am alive,
Earthly and heavenly,
Wrapped in offered cloud
By sympathies from sky,
The golden eye of sun.
Your love is like skydiving,
   an unnerving thought,
breathless & intoxicating
  elevations beyond exhilarating,
  as it transforms life's panorama
    nothing seemed ever the same,
         after the thrill of the fall
He's the hand I felt on my shoulder as the tornado went over me . He's the one who saved me from choking to death in my own ***** . He's the one who sat beside me on the mountaintop as I cried over my wrongs . And if I ever kneeled before him he would take my hands and raise me so I could kiss his cheek . Who is God ? My best friend who has saved me time and time again . Who understands my limits and my failures but forgives me each and every time . One who is always there for me to lean on when I am tired , lonely , discouraged . One who has shown me heaven and promised a place there for me .
Who is God ? He is in me , my past , my present , and future . I am nothing without my God .
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