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These times are changing,
And yet I feel the same.
Sickness wracks my body,
Drugs run through my veins.
I drink coffee at three in the morning
Because I can’t tell the sunlight from the dark.
I guess I should be getting home now,
But it seems I’ve forgotten where I parked.
 May 2015 Jan Harak
Don't. Don't cry. It
makes me suffocate
and want to die. Don't
cry. I'll cradle you through
the night and tell you a
lullaby. Those pretty eyes
shouldn't carry sad tears.
Those pretty eyes should
not carry pain. This sounds
insane but when your tears
crash to the floor. I hear
screams that seem louder
from the ones i heard in
movies from television
screens. Don't cry. Because
i don't have the power to
see your smile turn upside
down and form a frown. I
don't have the power to
leave home alone in the
middle of the night to kiss
your tears goodbye. We're
parted by distance but our
love and hearts are in the
same place. The only tears
i want to see are the happy
ones falling down your
handsome face. Where the
best of memories float on
the edge of your lids ready
to sail off free. Ready to mark
gentle earth with our history.
Because I love you I don't
want to see you sad and in
misery. Come on baby please
wipe the tears and lean
forward to kiss me* ~
 Apr 2015 Jan Harak
jay may
Living in this fragment we call time
It never ends,  but yet we still die
Traveling to find everything we seek
But wait to pursue everything that makes as truly uniquely
We sit and we ponder about how life should be
Instead of facing it head on, directly
As each moon sheds its twinkling stars a new sun rises and that time you thought you had is way long gone
 Apr 2015 Jan Harak
jay may
 Apr 2015 Jan Harak
jay may
When you feel empty it gets harder to write
Or to find motivation in the broad light
You just sit there breathing in air
Rocking back and forth in my hammock thinking about pleasure and dispare
Papers are due but I don't seem to panic
Knowing if I don't do them my grades will sink like the Titanic
I want my feelings to come back because I feel empty inside
At least there's no pain withering in side
For once this emptiness has put up a stride by demolishing the thoughts of suicide that were slowly trying to take over inside
 Apr 2015 Jan Harak
 Apr 2015 Jan Harak
I couldn't be further
From believing in God
But your love has me questioning
Who else could've found
Such a sweet angel
And sent him to me.
cue "oooo heaven is a place on earth"
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