England 18 year old boy from England, United Kingdom.
Starting to write poetry as a way of distracting me from my real life problems.
Some poems may be funny, some may be serious and some may be 'depressing' and mental health based. 14 followers / 40 words
I hate how it tears apart everyone I love from the inside, ripping us to shreds and blaming us for not being strong. It tells us that we are wrong or broken or not good enough to ******* carry on.
I can't see for the life of me Why there is a future ahead of me Unless I have an epiphany Or be the person I wish to be Then I think I should simply, die.
When you see Satan tell him I said, "Hi, I'm sorry I haven't spoken in a while but I've been talking. I've been talking to God and he has so many stories. But yet none of them seem true. We never really hear your side of the argument."