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 Jul 2015 Duzy
Darren Scanlon
You'll often see them running
and chasing across the plains,
a rabbit skipping and laughing
at an eagle, in great pains.

But why's the eagle running,
surely he can fly?
Sadly he’s afraid of heights
and frightened he may die.

An eagle that can't fly,
well surely that's not right,
it's just like having an owl
who won't come out at night.

But then one day the rabbit stopped
and said, “I've had enough”,
he waited for the eagle
who by now was out of puff.

“Why can you not fly my friend,
there must be a better way,
all this running so doing you in,
especially twice a day”.

“I will not fly and I'll tell you why”,
the eagle had stopped for a rest,
“I have a horrible fear of heights,
since I fell from my mother’s nest”.

“It’s ok for you just sitting there,
chewing on your carrot
but just you try catching
a pigeon or a parrot!”

“Well why don't you just change your food;
try veggies for a while?”
The eagle replied, “Are you serious?”
and couldn't help but smile.

“It’s not as daft as you may think;
it's clever, if I may say,
it'll save you all the running around,
veggies can't run away!”

The eagle thought and with a grin
ran off as fast as fast as he could.
“Where are you going?” the rabbit called.
“I’m off to find some spuds!”

Written by Darren Scanlon, 4th January 2014.
Revised 18th July 2015.
© 2015 Darren Scanlon. All rights reserved.
 Jul 2015 Duzy
phil roberts
My friends abroad think I'm peculiarly English
My English friends think I'm peculiarly northern
My northern friends just think I'm peculiar
But at least I've got friends

                                                     By Phil Roberts
 Jul 2015 Duzy
 Jul 2015 Duzy
(Thank you)
For giving people the strange,
seemingly entitled right to hurt me.
Truth is, the difference between you and I is that:
Yes, I hurt you.
At least I can be the only one to blame.
And it is only me that can stitch sorry
into wounds if needed.
But you let them say all the ***** words for my ears.
And that's the one of the saddest realizations.
You let them, with ease & sweet sympathy.
I should not be scared, I should be braver.
 Jul 2015 Duzy
Still Here
 Jul 2015 Duzy
You're gone &
if you
change your mind,

I'm still here.
 Jul 2015 Duzy
I'm running out of reasons
To stay alive
I try to help others
Always left alone to cry

Does anyone know me
Does anyone care
They say I'm great
One of a kind, rare

I'm not so great
That I know
But if you look into my heart
You'll see my glow

No one has time
To see the real me
Even I am blind
What do you see?
 Jul 2015 Duzy
Kruti Joshi
'I want to be perfect, daddy'
He looked at her, smiling
She was standing there
With her father's eyes
And a look of grit
That she got from him

Could she be perfect?
Could anyone?
He had always thought no
Perfection, so unattainable
Because with the rose,
Comes the thorn

But there she was

His heart did the thinking for him.
'You already are, my angel'
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