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Daniel Kenneth
Boston    "I wish I could say this was a story about how I got on the bus a boy and got off a man more cynical, …
Taru Marcellus
32/M/HEREland    In a world where composition knows the heart better than blood what becomes of the words unwritten Book: Die Or Live Trying @ ©All …
62/M/Traverse City Mi.    Photo of my family Banshee, Wicca and Lilly, we hunt and forage the northern forests. Try to keep up with us if you can… I …
Johnnie Rae
25/F/New Jersey    Honestly I'm just living life day by day, and writing from a perspective that is nothing less than crazy. Don't try to figure me out, …
40/M/Mile high    My heart is like the dirt of the earth, my mind like the clouds, and my love is as the river flows. Thank you for …
new zealand   
trying to write, and trying to get by.
hello :)
Dr Don The Night Tripper
A work in progress. Comments and criticisms are much appreciated.
I'm immature and all of my poems say the same thing
Name's Maniba, 18, student :) A pen and a piece of paper is all I need in life to keep me going - everything I …
Corina Gina Papouis
London, UK    Living the dream... poetry? my one way ticket..
Jack Piatt
“He had long since discovered that peaceful sleep could provide the answer to most puzzles, and if not, what did it really matter? Wasn’t life …
Jordan Frances
[you never need to apologize for how you chose to survive]
A B Perales
San Pedro Ca.    I wrote my first Poem in 2007. I write only about the things I know,the things I've seen. Copyright 2007-2015 all rights reserved.
Paige Jones
b for short
Braavos    I came into this world nine days late, and I've been trying to make up for lost time ever since.
Jane Doe
29    This is my diary, I'm letting strangers read it. All rights reserved.
Rob Rutledge
For a so called 'Writer' I have no idea what to write here.
Ben Jones
Leeds, UK    Hi, I'm Ben Jones. I am a poet/author based in Leeds UK and am in the process of tweaking my first book, Resident: Neville. I …
Alison Anne Thomas
London area    After long unhappy marriage I am now happily divorced. At my advanced years am finally getting to know myself. I love writing but my favourite …
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