Randomly loving you is so hard to do.
Missing your beautiful smile, the way I feel when you make me laugh. Oh our memories! So full of laughter and love.
I remember when my feelings grew and I finally told you, that I loved you.
Awkward? Kind of, but I couldn't help but tell you.
When I speak about you, it's hard to explain how I fell for that voice. Texting just isn't enough sometimes, but when we talk on the phone for 5 hours!, now that, is something I charish.
How can I not love who you are?
Head up high, you know where you want to go, you know what you want in life. You have a beautiful body, a fantastic smile, and the smooth voice that won me over.
I think of you daily, just to have you on my mind because I miss you being with me.
Throw me in a time machine, let's see if we could've worked out