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I remember that first day I saw him, noticed him
I was young, we were both young
Are young
His eyes glimmered with sadness and mystery and I knew
I wanted to know that boy
Afraid and uncertain I forgot, but then he came back
Older, still mysterious and more attractive that ever
How could I forget
That face the smile that told me he was uncertain too, and that was okay
Everything would be okay
I fell in love harder than a rock hits the ground from a thousand feet above
That's where I was one thousand feet in the air, I was flying like I've never flown before
That trust, that unconditional love scared me to death
And again I tried to forget
Pushing him away and wanting so bad for him to hold on
He was hurt, I was hurt
We had destroyed each other I thought it was the end
I was wrong
There he was again those eyes, sad mysterious eyes
And then came the smile telling me it would all be okay
He saved me, I saved him
I always will and I know, so will he
I remember when the days felt golden because I, felt emotion. Hotter than lava burning brighter than gold I was alive. I remember days twisted into nights well the days feel more like the nights now my daze complicates my thoughts. My thoughts complicate my emotions I feel like when I go on that viking dragon pirate ship ride you know the one. The one that flies high, makes your stomach twist into knots makes you want to throw up. Pure ecstasy when you fall down I am falling down. Down deeper than I ever meant to go sometimes I feel like I need to go need to find where I started and climb back up.

   I remember when you looked at me and it looked like maybe I was able to save you. Now I need to be saved and I feel like I’m being left alone, to my demons they don’t take a day off. Thoughts don’t take a day off. Memories, like itching in my brain they don’t take a day off. Itching in my brain it’s like my own cruel version of PTSD, made up by scars on my mind I swear baby I’ll get better I just need to take some time. It feels like I’m gambling and trust me I’m not a gambling man I don’t know the difference between black jack and poker so imagine my cards on the table I’m being forced a hand I don’t want. I never asked for any of this I never meant to be the cause of your sadness I just wanted what was best for you.

   I know it’s not the logical solution, so imagine this: It’s like my brain is attacking itself, it’s the big bang imploding, exploding I am a supernova. A nuclear reactor going in the red zone, a plate of eggs being cooked on the pan. Suicide never seemed like such a good choice but you know that’s where mental illness comes to play, where my demons aren’t demons I know they aren’t it feels like it though so where do I go from here? Where do I go on this stepping stone path? I want to get better for you I don’t want you to leave or be burdened by my pain I am stuck, I am scared. I need to know things will be okay that maybe you still want to fight for us but I can’t trust the doctors, I can’t trust the mental ward. It’s in my veins this mistrust maybe a therapist would work and I’m two sided on the pills.

   And so I think how to get out of the hole I’ve dug and dug but no answers were ever found. I feel misplaced or misused or overused or something I Can’t. Quite. Grasp.

   I think of the days that were golden. When you looked at me with such happiness and it’s still there but it’s my own fault if that disappears. It’s always going to be my fault. So please, don’t be surprised when one day I am gone. If that day ever comes at least understand I went down fighting. My thoughts in the form of some devilish creature, I grasped it’s neck and it grasped mine. But it’s grip was tighter. At least know that I love you.
 May 2014 Jaide Lynne
Alex Hedly
I love you more than music
And that's saying a lot considering music literally controls my life
Every breath, every step is to a beat
But now the only beat I listen to is your heart
When I'm pressed to your chest
Late nights I spent where the only soundtrack was our breathing

You see you've become my music
Band-aids to prevent the social infections that could eventually
spread to the frontal lobe,
Diseases started on Fox News, spread to the living room,
circulate around the family dinner table
putting victims of ignorance on the coroner’s slab
Alleviate the pain.
Should we let the gapping wounds of intolerance fester, decay and grow maggots?
***** bigotry, vile illiteracy, primitive ideas coat the skins of society like a black goo.

Band-aids: self adhesive bandages
We aren’t teachers. We are medics.
covering the gapping wounds of life
lathering the lesions with Neosporin.
Healing the scars from parenting gone wrong
- scars from wounded self-esteems
-lacerations to the proverbial heart

Scars lasting longer than the body itself.  
No one knows where its impact will end.

temporary fix
heal the wound fast, heal the hurt faster
A Johnson and Johnson remedy for damaged organisms
Well-meaning ones hurling scriptures scald hands with tainted words
Healing is a matter of time.

Arm teachers to protect children from the crazies who loom?
What will protect them from their own inherited ignorance?
The damage is already done when they get here.
Equip us with Band-Aids, boxes and boxes.

Hello Kitty over their ears to block the infection from coming in
Spiderman for their mouths. Stop the seepage of any contamination from spreading to others.

The remaining scars will fade, but not disappear.
even with a band-aid.
 May 2014 Jaide Lynne
Emily Mary
When I was a little girl
I had teeth so crooked that they'd stick out of my chapped lips like mountains creeping over the horizon
I smiled everyday

It seems like ever since I got metal cemented to my face that my smile has withered to nothing

When I was a little girl
I  used to sit in giant pots from under the stove and beat the tune of my lullabies
The only lullabies I hear now are the voices inside my head and they're telling me I'm crazy

When I was a little girl
I would dream of monsters under the bed
Now all I see is the monsters in my head
It seems as though my biggest fears became a reality

When i was a little girl
I loved crunching sand between my toes as I'd watch the waves
Now that I'm older I feel like the beach is nothing but washed up memories of when we were a family
Each seashell is a broken dream
Every lost vacation
Every i love you
Every christmas present
Every single sea shell is shattered
The pain is still there because the mirage of our dreams are still painted upon the sea shells that sit by my feet

When I was a little girl
My mother would cut my hair and style it every morning
now that she has moved on it feels like my hairs being cut by the hands of society
Every strand they cut from my head takes away memories of when me and my mother actually got along
Then my hair ends up looking like a child cut it with safety scissors
But I try my hardest because my mother always tells me that I can always be skinnier
I can always be prettier I can always be, better...

When I was a little girl
My dad would always tell me how beautiful I was
He would always tell me how I never had a care in the world
Saying I saw the world through rose colored glasses
He taught me that its okay to not be afraid
to not be afraid of the monsters under my bed
or the voices inside of my head
He just always told me it was okay to be me,
and to always smile that crooked little smile of mine.
 May 2014 Jaide Lynne
There is too much noise
People shouting, car horns blaring, music blasting your ears, like it's the only thing that can save you from yourself.
if it could just get a little louder.
the voices in my head that won't shut up, telling me that I'm not good enough.

It's too loud.

We cling to our smartphones, our ipods and laptops
like they're the only things that can keep us alive,
but we forget the reasons we can live.

We drive past forests, oceans and rivers, never stopping to listen.
we don't know there's anything to listen to.

Waterfalls, wind in the trees whispering like the ghosts of years passed
birds singing, calling out to us to stop and listen,
pay attention to the world around us.

We can't hear the songs the birds are singing , the secrets the trees are whispering and we'll never hear the wolves in the night
It get's drowned out
*There is too much noise
 May 2014 Jaide Lynne
Alex Hedly
Maybe if I was lightning then you would see my spark
And maybe if you were thunder I'd hear your apology
I've been and am occasionally lost
in a river of self deceit
death accompanying the flow.
my self-blindness and Ignorance leave real life far behind
that which I knew gone, in the blink of an eye.

Who i am, was and meant to be
all washed away from beneath me
in a land suddenly swept clean
Those things I've hidden are finally seen.

We walk and run and hide
oblivious to the truth we've locked inside
until it smacks us on our face
puts us soundly in our place
and then we look & see
our own self created grief & misery!

Will we be aware of that before us
or choose with eyes closed,
to continue the walk in the darkness?
My Mantra - Everything I think I know may be *******!!
Show me how
To continue the climb
Despite the burns
That sear my hands.
 May 2014 Jaide Lynne
 May 2014 Jaide Lynne
Today's been bad
           The worst in awhile
                 And it's days like these
                        That I wish I could just
                                  End it.
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