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Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
detach myself,
drift away,
another dimension.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
The only person
you should try to
be better than,
is the person you were
You have to
at your dreams
as if
someone else
out there working
to take it away
from you.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2016
I find it rather interesting
that my heart
still considers you
a person
especially when your actions
clearly show
that you are no longer
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
Why is it that I find it hard
to look in the mirror?
Why am I so reluctant to take a picture?
Why is it when going through
photo albums I skip through
the pictures I'm in?

Why has society's idea of beautiful
affected me so much that I look at
myself with disgust?
When I say I'm not beautiful
I am not seeking for compliments.
All I want is to meet someone who not
only claims everyone
beautiful, but also believes it within.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
I honestly dislike when people
say "Oh no, here comes all the 'New Year, New Me' crap.
I mean, wow. Really?
It's all good, you have all the right
to say anything that you would like to say,
but why rain down on someone else
who has the vision that they want to change their life.
That they want to better themselves.
Life isn't easy, and I do hope that all of you do know that,
but why rain down on someone
who is trying to want to change their life?
I'm pretty sure that there was once upon a time
in your life,
that you said
"New Year, New Me! This year
I want to do this and this, and that,"
and maybe you did start with the attitude
in wanting to better your life
in whatever form that you wanted,
but somewhere around the road
life kept building itself in frustration,
because that's what life does.
Build you up, and randomly takes you down,
but life is waiting for you to build yourself up
all over again
to make you stronger,
and it kept smacking you in the face
over and over again
and you kept smiling because
you were afraid
that you could have snapped real quick
and just quit and getting back
to your old-not so good-ways,
and I know that your intentions were good,
but you eventually gave up
and, if I may say, quit.
When you say
"Oh no, her comes the 'New Year, New Me' crap,"
you're in a way saying
that it never gets better.
That your life never changes.
Reflect and list your mistakes.
All of them that you committed this year.
And when you're done listing them,
read them over and ask yourself
what did you learn because of that situation?
We should all be learning something
everyday and when the year is about to end
and you're getting ready to flip over to a new chapter
in your life,
you know that you learned many things
that you didn't know when the year
was barely starting.
So maybe next time you say that,
how about just setting realistic goals for you
that would improve you to be a better version of yourself.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2021
You deserve more than
what I can give you.
And it breaks
my heart knowing that.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
She was strong,
and most of all
she was

I love this woman.
I do.
Very much, too.

She was all I have
asked for in a
and more.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Although he knew he could not
have her,
touch her,
embrace her,
he was still madly and irrevocably
in love with her.

It did not exist,
nor was ever heard
of a greater love
than the love that he
had for her-
how he knew the right way
she should be loved,
how she should be taken care of,
held and be kissed.

The way his kisses burned
her skin with such a sweet
and tender passion;
the way it not only pleasured
her body, but her soul as well.

But she-
She soothed all of his
all of his scars.
How she were the only being
to be able to ease him
with just the sound of her voice.

And only at sunset,
that was the only
crack in the door
that he had to check
if she were doing well,
that the stars around her shined
when the clouds
hid away her broken heart.

At night when all is in silence,
suitors howled for her love,
waves crashing when they found out
that her heart was taken.
How only silence listened to her
babble about a love that she could not live.

A love that only the stars
could write about
for men to know about-
for men to learn what they have
when they have it-
for men to love and cherish
the love that they have
in their hands.

A love so beautiful.
So profound, so genuine.
A love between the moon and sun.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
She's one of those
rare women
instead of only
about vanities,
she cares
about how you make her feel;
when the stars are
the world,
your eyes
are the only light
she gazes to.
I mean,
yeah, sure,
nice things
always be nice things,
but she
cares for things
materialistic things.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
What is love?
Two souls
who are not blinded
to each other's
flaws and imperfections,
but still find
genuine beauty
that others were blinded to.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2015
Her red lipstick smeared on
his lips,
forever stained his soul
with her
unconditional and endless
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I'm here stuck
in these four walls,
and in my hands
I'm holding what could possibly
be my end,
I'm holding a gun.
Only seeing everyone movin' on,
and becoming someone in life.
Wanting my life like theirs
so my life could finally be begun.
I wish my life was like that:
graduating on time
and getting a well-paid job.
You see,
all of these fantasies
are poppin'
in my head while
I'm sittin' down here smoking ***.
Wishin' my life was different,
or at least could have
a father figure
to teach me how to live.
I want to be somebody in this life
and to achieve my goals,
and I am going to achieve them..
Yep, that's what I try
to tell myself,
to still believe.
Killin' myself has popped
into my head several times
because I feel like
I'm going nowhere,
like if I was walkin' blind.
God, I beg you
to please give me hope.
Clear my mind and simply
destroy all these evil thoughts
and give me the ability
to cope.
To cope with these problems,
bless me with a blessing
so I can finally solve 'em.
Please, Lord,
help me to become a better person
and to become productive.
I know that I've committed
a million sins,
and that I've done damages
in the past,
that I've been around
the wrong crowd,
and all drugs known to man
that has a reputation
of being so seductive.
I'm not sayin'
that I'm perfect, Lord, no!
But please,
I'm just another servant
of Yours.
Only You that I can trust
to take me from
all the negative
to the positive.
I have faith in You.
You're the only God
that loves us all,
the only one who is,
and will always be there
for us.
Yes, that's You-
The One who is forever true.
So Lord, I'm just a young man
tryin' to live his life,
and You,
the most powerful Being.
I'm just one of your
greatest creations-
a human being.
So please listen to my prayers
'cause You're the only One
who truly listens and cares.

From Heaven,
please bring down
Your Heavenly stairs
and take me
to the the promised land
right now I'm just
broken and impaired..
For my acting class I had to create a character
with a struggle and act it out.
So this is what I came up with.
Just a reflection of a young Latino male
struggling in the ghetto-
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
the Universe
capable of moving
with simply
one look;
seducing the winds
the four corners
of the
from side to side
with her hips.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2015
As she was picking herself apart
while looking in the mirror,
I said:
"My love, you have to
the fact that you are an incredible
with such a
sweet and tender heart.
A very bright, intelligent
and independent
with such an alluring
both inside-out."
And as she blushed
glanced at me
with such warmth,
I stood up and hugged her
from behind;
grabbing her closer
and kissing
on the side of her neck
and whispered
into her ear,
"I love you, my love."
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
I journeyed
the deepest
parts of my soul
in a
but found you,
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2016
And with each line that I write,
my imagination blooms
with stories engraved
in my mind of the many lives
I have ever lived.
Words become memories
that I vaguely
can recall;
but somehow I am sure
that's how it happened.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Un, dos, tres,
un pasito 'palante, Maria!

Were the words
that ignited
her flare,
seducing every man
in the room
with her dessert-like
tone skin,
cherry colored dress,
and her *Latin
awing every soul.
She embodied
she embodied
Salsa music.

She was Salsa music.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
"I could kiss the Hell
out of you,"
he told her.
And all she could
think to
reply was:
"Well.. I'm not stopping you."
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Only he who
is emotionless,
and simply shallow
labels her,
judging her if society
would accept her,
not knowing
that the only acceptance
that should matter
to her
is her own.
But as he is blinding her,
labeling her,
judging her,
a man  is out there
who loves
every single inch of her.
A man that's dying
to love her,
a man who is capable
to open her eyes
and make her realize
that a number
does not
determines her worth.
That she is
absolutely perfect
just the way
she is.
No woman should ever feel
bad because of her weight.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I feel like
and simply

Create a sea
of tears
and simply
myself in all my sorrow.

Your memory
a vicious
starving shark,
roaming around me,
and I,
just floating
in my own sorrow
not caring
if you devour
my empty
human body.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
Family is the embodiment
of love;
which therefore,
fills me with the sufficient
strength and courage
to conquer
everything in life,
life itself.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She spoke of poetry
as though it were her
goodbye letter.

not to the world,
but to her pain.

And what was baffling
about her was
how someone so beautiful,
both inside-out,
be broken and darkened
by her past.

But something
that I was blinded to
in the beginning
was that even in all
that darkness,
a light so majestic,
absolutely luminous,

It was her that was
blinded of the true beauty
she was blessed with.

Her insecurities blinded her
of who she really was,
of what she could be
capable of.

She was her own enemy.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
All this anger, what is it for?
You used to carry the fire
of your youth,
but now you lie alone,
numb to everything
that surrounds you.
When you wake up tomorrow,
where will you be?
Will the sun soak your skin
or will curtains keep you
tucked away for another year?

Does the uncertainty scare you?

It better.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
And she found true happiness
after she decided she had enough,
that she deserved much more,
that her dignity was worth far more
than his lies and infidelities.
And only then,
did she find true happiness.
Her grace,
her dignity,
her self-worth guided her to,
who we all know as, "the One",
and found the perfect happiness
she always knew she deserved.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
When she stares at herself
in the mirror,
she swears up to the heavens
that she was cursed
with every
But I tell 'ya,
when I look at her,
I swear up to the heavens
that she-
that she is the most
perfect human being
I have ever met.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
What I loved most
about her
was that
she lived by the sun;
but loved by the moon;
so deep,
so real,
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
As we both were
seemingly lost
in each other's gaze,
I asked,
"Describe the love
of your life,"
and with a simple grin,
she then responded with:
"Someone who makes me laugh,
first and foremost.
Someone who is honest
and real with me.
Someone who challenges me
and helps me grow
as a person.
Someone who treats me
the way I treat them.
Someone who sees me
as their equal
and nothing less.
Someone who treats me
like a Queen because
I would treat them
as a King.
Someone who is supportive
and always has my back
no matter what.
Just someone who loves me
unconditionally.. for me"
and as she finished,
my heart had melted
onto my organs
which gave me this
indescribably warm feeling
that I had never felt
and in that precise moment
I knew she was
the reason why I was made
and put on this Earth.
To love this woman
with all my might.
To love this woman
like no human
had ever loved another
human being.
Old conversation.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2015
As she and I walked
closely holding hands,
many glared at us.
In their eyes,
all they saw was a
beautiful matured woman
with a boy.
But what they didn't know
was that I made her
absolutely happy.
I saw many beauties in her
that others before me
were blinded to.
That I was madly
irrevocably in love
with her,
and she with I.
It did not matter what
anyone thought about us.
What only mattered was
that she was mine
and I was hers.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
A simple day
with romance in the air,
two souls
who loved each other
in every thinkable way.
Lost in a beautiful
but their feet rooted
into reality.
A lovely story
of two star-crossed lovers-
knowing each other
pretty well,
yet everyday learning
new things
about one another.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2015
She is worth
far more
rubies and pearls.

Proverbs 31:10
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2015
to make
living itself
an art,
that is the goal.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
If you want to send her
a sweet gesture such as flowers,
do not send her roses.
Although, roses are quite lovely,
you should send her orchids.
You see,
when orchids are floating
in the water,
they look graceful,
beautiful and very peaceful.
And that's what love should be;
something beautiful
floating to you
so peacefully with such delicate
grace from
the unknown.
Almost like floating on an
lake filled with possibilities
and romance.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Her hands
are quite so lovely;
and sweet.

With just her touch,
my demons
their existence,
to torment me.

With just her touch.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
She's more myself than I am.
Whatever are souls made of,
hers and mine are the same.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You and I,
deeply in love,
with a bottle of red wine.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
And as solitude embraces
my ghostly soul,
your memory soothes,
yet destroys,
me to the very core of every bone.
Many moon cycles
have passed
since those
beautifully words that
you spoke so mindlessly
faded away to the stars
and never were to be seen,
nor heard of,
but left an entire world shattered
into a million,
if not billion,
tiny little pieces.
All that you really did leave
were words that will forever
be engraved
in this sinful heart of mine,
that not even
the bread of your Lord
could ever make me forget,
nor His holy wine.
Believing once that your love
was different,
that it was a pure blessing
but ended up realizing that it was
the same treachery
God's most trusted angel
committed against Him.

You were my sinful beauty.
I wrote this when the "situationship" that I had with this beautiful woman came to an end.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
With the moon
shining bright;
all of my secrets,
all of my sins,
the night keeps.

The perfect night
with my sweet lover
The seducing caressings
from my mistress,
my bed.
The comfort and supporting
that my girlfriend,
my pillow,
gives me.

A beautiful and simple night.

The crickets serenading
with their harmonies
so sweetly
to the stars that shine
so bright.

When you can hear
the echo
of a soundless
and peaceful night,
the darkness
blanketing you
with its warmth,
when you can hear
the clarity
of your voice
inside your head.

A beautiful and simple night.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
I have never been
a creature of the sun.
The moon has always
had its way with me.
For it is only at night,
when we,
heartbroken souls,
come to life.
Finding stars like us,
who've been stripped
from their light.
Giving them what little
we have left.
And in turn,
the entire sky.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
What I look forward
to the most
when I'm with her
is that moment
when this
unique and genuine
of acceptance,
love, and assureness
just occurs
when our flesh make
A link that ignites from
within each other for
one another.
How in her eyes,
in her smile,
in her hands,
in her vast existence
my home could be found.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She is love,
she is all I need.

Yes . . .
She is love,
she is all I need.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
As he held her—
all of her—
He saw beauty in places
others before him failed to.

And as he touched her
with the most kindest
hands that she had ever
felt before,
he began to become
a part of her—
Part of her existence.
Part of her being.

If his soul,
and his soul only,
could travel through
the vast realm
that she kept within;
home of innumerable
ancient stars
that illuminated
the darkness that plagued
others, herself including.

But their love—
and their love only—
made such possibility
for two lovers
of opposite realms
to bask in their love
for one another.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
I understand that it gets
quite old
after awhile.
But please,
I beg of you,
to always smile.
You may think
that it is merely a curve
of the lips,
but I assure you
that those like me,
it is one of the reasons
to live.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Your soulmate
isn't someone who comes
into your life
in a peaceful manner,
nor are they expected,
but is sure is someone
who makes you
question life-
your life.
Your soulmate
is someone who changes
your reality.
Somebody that marks a
"before and after"
in your life.
It is not the human being
that everyone has
but an ordinary person,
who manages to revolutionize
your entire world
in mere seconds.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
Wasn't that the rainbows
were too far away, it was
that you were always close
and I never had a reason
to venture any further.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
Every human being
has a universe
A different reality
than the next
who is standing
next to them.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Dear Diary,

I can't believe it's over..
I really did believe
that she was
"The One".
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
What was utmost
about her,
was how she could
see something
filled with darkness,
but still manage
to see genuine
not just her kindness,
but grace,
so loudly
that even the most
human being
teared up.
Not help
but to feel strongly,
drawn to her
aura & soul.
A miracle
is what
she was,
and still is
to this day.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
As she studied
at night school
and worked
a minimum wage job,
in her eyes,
you could see
that she was blessed
You could see
the places,
the people,
the adventures
and new
that she craved for.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Even when I'm walking
next to her,
I am not whole
if I'm not holding her hand.
How beautifully
and perfectly molded
for my hand
to feel at home.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I cry on starless night,
I lose myself
in an empty sky,
for a love
that was just
an illusion.

You say that
I'm nothing,
that there's better
than me

I gave you
my life,
but you leave
me dying.

You have no heart,
no feelings,
just that beautiful
porcelain skin,
that face
that goddesses

Your love
was my poison.
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