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 Mar 2015 JR Potts
 Mar 2015 JR Potts
He offered me a leaf like a hand with fingers.
I offered him a hand like a leaf with teeth.
He offered me a branch like an arm.
I offered him my arm like a branch.
He tipped his trunk towards me
like a shoulder.
I tipped my shoulder to him
like a knotted trunk.
I could hear his sap quicken, beating
like blood.
He could hear my blood slacken like rising sap.
I passed through him.
He passed through me.
I remained a solitary tree.
a solitary man.

*Nichita Stanescu
 Mar 2015 JR Potts
Fox Härtlis
Nobody is a stereotype
Isn't that already known?
Then why it that your view of me changes
to match every new one behind?
I've explained how each one isn't true
From the thought that we hate certain people
to the all too common polygamy stereotype
and even more extreme.
None of those are true
So why is it that you decide to trust every so called "expert"
and not what you know in your heart?
You should know that I won't leave you right when I return.
That I won't come home with a fiancé.
I'm not going to get married within a few months of getting back.
You've said that you will wait for me.
I am waiting for you too.
So, why don't you trust your heart?
I know that you hold mine
Inspired by some... peculiar conversations I've had with my love recently
 Feb 2015 JR Potts
I want to expose you
Pull out from behind static screens and caffeine
I don't want to  know you sober sugar
Only as a lover
Dipping in and out between light's fall
Light's rise
Concrete beneath never-at-home feet
Losing sand as time runs
Always in a hurry walking too slow
I catch up
Hands palm to palm
In heart to heartbeat resuscitation
I've Gypsy Blood, remember honey
Where you go
This sun drunk passion ***** follows
 Feb 2015 JR Potts
 Feb 2015 JR Potts
“I want you more than I love you,” He said.
 Feb 2015 JR Potts
Rip those seams girl
You've got a leather heart
I want to taste your deepest secret
I've a mind to tear you apart

"I urge you to turn from me"
"I beg you to leave me be"

My grief is precious, pure and chosen
Heart and lung have stalled, frozen

I've got medicine for those tears of yours
You give me the time of day
I can give you laughter and more

With loving hands, soft sighs and light
He pulled the rain clouds from my sight
Vision sure, hands true
I wasn't broken, just had to choose
My smiles may come and go
But the sunshine he brings will always show
 Feb 2015 JR Potts
I would breathe deep of midnight
If only to drown in the blaze of your dawn
 Feb 2015 JR Potts
Some Person
 Feb 2015 JR Potts
Some Person
Here I lay
With an itch to write
And fear of what I'd say
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