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Dec 2023 · 114
In My Heart
J Eduardo Ramos Dec 2023
There’s a space where you fit in
I thought my life was full but you  
Out of nowhere
Here you are
broken wings
and a lonely heart
beautiful soul in need of love

There’s a place where you fit in
i thought my time was running out
                                             but you appeared

Our lives are lived in separate ways
two ships that passed in the night
it seemed

There’s a secret spot where you belong
I thought my soul was fulfilled
                                            but you appeared

Now I that I found you
Where to begin
to make sense of the
feelings I feel?

You’re in my mind
        and night …
J Eduardo Ramos Oct 2022
La Fría: Te encontré.
Yo: No, yo te busqué…siempre.
La Huesuda: Mientes, no mientas, conmigo no hay mentiras.
No existira quién me escape, quién me mienta, quién me engañe.
Yo: Pero yo soy Don Calavera. Mi nombre vale algo, no?
La Fría, ríendo: NADA.
Nadie vale nada cuando me encuentran. Además, haz robado algo mío.
Yo: Lo sé. Tu mito.
Ella: Ladrón.
Pero tienes huevos, y yo respeto a los valientes.

J. Eduardo Ramos © 2022
Oct 2022 · 178
Sunset Boulevard
J Eduardo Ramos Oct 2022
We walked from the house with the ruby fruit tree
enveloped by bright orange honey sunshine:

We were adults playing children,
giddy and innocent.
We were children playing adults,
lustful and wicked.

Sunset Boulevard vibrated underneath our wings,
Our feet
Our hearts.

The dry November palm tree leaves were peacock tails and imperial headdress.
Our words and laughter pure poetry of youthful love.

We Three
We Two.

We One.
Sep 2022 · 184
Sol Æquinoccial
J Eduardo Ramos Sep 2022
Un Sol aequinoccial me baña
con largas lenguas
de piel dorada,
y pinta líneas de ámbar sobre mi pasto verde;
mis hijos y sus risas de felicidad pura son gotas líquidas y tibias de amor a mis oídos.
Aug 2022 · 468
Sadness of a warrior
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2022
Warriors cry in solitude
Free to let the tears slowly flow
No constraints when no one sees
The shields are now lowered down

Tears for the death of their wasted
youth and dreams
Gone, long gone
Never to come back
The winners and losers
Of the psychic wars
It’s never them, O, never them
They’re left to be
Warriors who cry
In solitude for their
youth and laughter
Long left behind…
©J. Eduardo Ramos
Jul 2022 · 162
Mar y Penas
J Eduardo Ramos Jul 2022
El hombre llego a la costa
A contarle sus penas al mar.
El mar las guardo quedito
Bajo sus liquidas olas de sal
Con las lágrimas que derramamos
Podriamos llenar un océano,
Y los sinsabores de la vida
Nos saben como olas de mar.
El hombre hincado llorando
Quería dormir bajo el mar,
Arropado en los murmullos
De hipocampos y coral
Jul 2022 · 254
Para Celina
J Eduardo Ramos Jul 2022
Para el altar de nuestro amor
Traigo una ofrenda sencilla
Un poema de amor,  dos candelas
Una gardenia y una rosa de Castilla.
Antes de encender nuestras velas
Recitare el poema:
Como nosotros, muy pocos
Como nuestro amor, ninguno.
Tal vez Romeo y Julieta,
Pero ese par fueron ficticios
Creados por El Bardo
Aquel Inglés poeta
Que si nos hubiera conocido,
Tal vez hubiera escrito de nosotros.

Los dos viajamos lejos de nuestra tierra
El Destino nos guió y no lo sabiamos.
El destino?
No lo sé.
Nunca sabremos.
Lo importante es que tu y yo
Nos encontramos.

Para donde, amor, para donde?
Este amor, como la vida, es un maraton.
Y llegamos a nuestra meta, mi amor.
Jul 2022 · 163
Cada Mañana
J Eduardo Ramos Jul 2022
Deberiamos despertar y ver el mundo
Como Niños:
Como si fuera el primer dia de
Nuestras Vidas.
Jul 2022 · 149
De La Nena
J Eduardo Ramos Jul 2022
Batallas empezadas, son batallas medio ganadas.
Tomar los retos, como se toma a un bravío toro, por los cuernos y de frente, es la manera como todos los esfuerzos heroicos deben ser iniciados.
Mi jefecita me decía:
Nunca p'a atras m'ijo...
P'a atras nomas los cobardes y los cangrejos.
Usté p'a delante, usté es Ramos chingao!
Nunca aflojes m'ijo!
J Eduardo Ramos Jul 2022
Aunque el mar de la vida se portara como perra
Y en las fuertes olas zozobrara,
Nuestro buquecito de amor
                                  a veces fue buque de guerra

J Eduardo Ramos©️
J Eduardo Ramos Jul 2022
Contemplando el crepúsculo vernal,
el golpeteo  constante al techo de su cabaña lo distrae:
las gotas gélidas del mar austral, salinas e indiferentes, son un constante en este invierno septentrional.
El poeta toma papel y pluma
( siempre pluma ) para comenzar su nueva aventura:
Pablo Neruda, escritor.

"Septiembre, 8, 1972 "
"Querido Gabo...
Mis abrazos sinceros, hermano..."

La gélida atmósfera austral, indiferente hacia los  barcos que flotan sobre su mar de sal con su rítmico vaivén, ignorando a el poeta.
Jul 2022 · 225
The Hour Of The Wolf
J Eduardo Ramos Jul 2022
A shrieking sound
From distant greyed ground
The darkened moon
Witnessing a swoon
Of trembling trees
Concealing eyes
Yellow & blood-shot eyes
Stalking prey, 2 legged prey
The hooting owl
Marks on the clock
The hour of the Wolf
The hour of The Wolf
Claiming its prey
With a harrowing howl
With a harrowing  howl
A prey’s been claimed
Two legged prey
Two legged prey
Will miss its bed

J Eduardo Ramos©️
Jul 2022 · 123
Hojas vivas
J Eduardo Ramos Jul 2022
Hoja de colores
­                              caes
                              ­  Nunca
J Eduardo Ramos©️
Nov 2016 · 492
J Eduardo Ramos Nov 2016
I will follow You:
From warm Equinoxian rain,
To Solstician pale sun.
#sun #solstice
J Eduardo Ramos Jul 2015
Of long streets marked by dim lights.

Concrete steps that ran the side,
of your leathern'd shoes worn out,
by the myriad looks that browsed,
through your soul and left you untouched.

Solemn, You, sideways the smile.

Poet Prophet of the Night.
Only you could fathom All:

Broken windows of the Soul;
Nightless smiles, and daytime Owls
Who, in smooth cadence walked,
stepping into voids of
selling their skin;
The Harlem Dark,
Of their opaque,
Lost Dream.

J. Eduardo Ramos©
Jul 2015 · 875
J Eduardo Ramos Jul 2015
From this terrestrial plateau,
Two planets of life celestial,
reach to flirt in that spatial,
One degree of separation;
June 30th and the minutes,
That brought Venus, ever bright,
Close to Jupiter the Rake,
almost kissing, barely touching,
in my version of events.
Feb 2015 · 444
J Eduardo Ramos Feb 2015
I do not claim to be God,
Although You Are my Goddess.
If I am not God,
Then why do my lips fit
perfectly on your
Shapely, tender lips?
If I Am Not God?
Then why, do my hands fit
perfectly on your
Shapely, warm body?
If I Am Not God?
Then why,
When I Rest my face,
on the soft, tender, warm,
of your neck,

J. Eduardo Ramos©
Feb 2015 · 365
J Eduardo Ramos Feb 2015
My Words
Remember Them
Day Will
There Will
For You

J. Eduardo Ramos ©
Oct 2014 · 632
J Eduardo Ramos Oct 2014
There are people who are born
To mend flying wings;

The healing comes easy and tender.

There are people who are born 
To curtail your flight;

And their uncaring ways,
rubs hard and rough on you.

Flying and soaring makes up for the times, we find ourselves dragging our mended wings on the ground;

Flying and soaring, up, high in the sky, 

Makes us feel we are one with the world.

Let us remember the feeling we love,
Living as creatures who are meant to 
Always Soar!

Soaring and Flying 
We live up above,

Loving and Living as 
are meant to 
One with The World!

J. Eduardo Ramos ©
Oct 2014 · 655
J Eduardo Ramos Oct 2014
Honey is english for Miel.
Miel is spanish for Honey.
I want to kiss the Miel from your lips, Honey.
The words taste sweet in my mouth:
M I E L/ H O N E Y
Your lips taste like Honey in my mouth, Miel.
Yo quiero besar tus labios, Honey, full of Miel.
Will you?

J Eduardo Ramos ©
Oct 2014 · 462
J Eduardo Ramos Oct 2014
In the night, dark as a coffin, we make love.
In the coffin we call night, we come alive.
*** and Death.
Eros and Tanathos.
The inseparable twins of this unwritten story;
Melancholic, true, and ancient, indicating a lost Greek tragedy;
Or a modern play, in its vibrancy and allure...

J Eduardo Ramos©
Oct 2014 · 564
Dream Within A Dream
J Eduardo Ramos Oct 2014
Impossible is nothing but a word.
Chance encounters mean more than we know, and yet, like heralds of portent or foretold, unraveled mysteries, we untangle; by following Ariadna's thread:
No Minotaurs of doom to fear; no mazes of walls to get lost in; no legends to survive.
Life is real, and lovingly cinematic, like our dreams.

J Eduardo Ramos ©
Sep 2014 · 643
J Eduardo Ramos Sep 2014
You wanted volcanic
And I gave you

J Eduardo Ramos ©
Sep 2014 · 379
J Eduardo Ramos Sep 2014
Without your warmth
i'm cold;
colder than all the shivering stars
clinging to the cerulean night.

J Eduardo Ramos ©
Aug 2014 · 552
Morning Lark
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
The morning lark
Visited my window
To tell me that poetry
Is not exclusively, like jazz music,
the domain of the night.

J Eduardo Ramos ©
Aug 2014 · 392
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
What i did
What i did
What i did not give
What i did
What i did
What i did not give

A kiss and a hug and 
A word of love
A kiss and a hug and
A word of love


J Eduardo Ramos ©
Aug 2014 · 655
Like The Chrysalis
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
H­oping to

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 373
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014

J Eduardo Ramos ©
Aug 2014 · 637
En Esta Vida
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
Hay gente que se renta
Para llorar en Funerales;
Hay gente que se renta
Para satisfacer deseos Carnales.

Hay gente que vive y
vive mal en los Arrabales;
Hay gente que vive gozando en sus
Mansiones Estivales.

En esta vida el que entiende
Que no vive mas el que
compra o vende
Ni mejor el que en sus mansiones
La miseria del Arrabal escape.

Vive despierto a lo tuyo y tuyos
Ama mas y no envidies por lo que no trabajes
En la balanza de la Vida
Los Arrabales a veces huelen mejor
Que las mansiones Estivales.

J Eduardo Ramos ©
Aug 2014 · 813
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
On this eternally present appendix
of our modern life
Called our lifeline,
What is a landline?
Our fingers glide
Our eyes slowly die
We stare, we do not dare
Look away; wait, I gotta take this!
We buy
Sometimes sell
We search:

J Eduardo Ramos ©
Aug 2014 · 431
Google Yourself
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
Go ahead.
You may find yourself or not.
Now, go look at the mirror;
Yes, there's only one of You:

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 749
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
Frente a el Monolito Esculpido de Coatlicue:

¡Terrible Madre de los Dioses! :

Ese dia domingo en un año cualquiera de el siglo diez y siete, cuando Humboldt conmovio
a los frailes Domínicos a remover
la tierra que cubria tu rúbea y sierpa tez:
La ferocidad que tus hijos, Huitxilopoxtli y Quetxalcóatl, conocieron de ti,
pasmo al santo abate y al pensador alemán.
Cuantos siglos dormida sin beber
Tu merecido y necesitado bermellón
Liquido, aun tibio, del corazón palpitante; ofrenda a ti, ¡Oh, Madre Terrible de los Antiguos dioses Aztecas!

J Eduardo Ramos ©
Aug 2014 · 657
Thieves, Lovers and Fools
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
Although Thieves may yet reach heaven,
They might do so, but not
without a season in hell.

If together, lovers have attained the heaven they want,
But heaven a hell will be if
Torn apart by jealousy and broken vows.

Fools may think they got a special
Ticket  to heaven;
But their blinding chosen ignorance is their special ticket to hell.

Thieves, Lovers and Fools
Walking in their separate paths,
They may think they know a way
To their chosen destination;
Heaven is just a step ahead
Where they may find sweet consolation.

Hell is not too far behind,
But never look back,
Never look back,
Just don't look back.
Aug 2014 · 426
O, Loneliness!
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
O, loneliness, my old foe, my relentless companion,
Inseparable nemesis of mine.
We meet again, as if we never parted;
The distant space, the arc of separation, between my
Lovely Celina and I,
Brings you back to walk those steps
I take without Her, to walk them with me.

J Eduardo Ramos ©
Aug 2014 · 405
A Journey
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
A journey of a thousand kisses,
A journey of a thousand sighs,
Begins, when two lovers, in blessed shadows,
Blighted darkness;
Meet in the desert of their loneliness,
To escape and travel
Thru The Night.

J Eduardo Ramos ©
Aug 2014 · 742
Una Noche en Tenochtitlán
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
Una noche en la Ciudad de México,
En esa ciudad antigua, espesa de cultura sobre un árido Lago de Texcoco;
primitiva como sus religiones sangrientas, y moderna como afilado
Cuchillo de plata y nácar.
Aunque las piramides de el sol
Y la luna
No fueron testigos,
Y no nos encontramos abrazados, desnudos, sobre la Calzada de Los Muertos,
La nívea sabana se tiño de virginal
Pureza en rojo de entrega,
tu vez primera.

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 623
Pure Love
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
My Dog is loyal.
The unabashedly
noisy love it professes,
I'm embarrased to admit,
Is not reciprocated with
The same hallowed and pure innocence

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 552
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
Morning light invites all the sleepy colors to awaken
from their slumber:
Red responds in a bright flash;
Yellow winks as it smiles;
Green unfolds calmly, almost asking for reprieve.
Blue is restless to heed the call ;
The World explodes, alive to the sunlit balm.

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Black Flags
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
Black Flags are flowing
In the news;
inked in
or Not
The pulp slashes
Across my seared consciousness:

What say my heart for those
Who perish?
What Say My Heart
For Those Who Cry?

Peevishly My Heart responds,
in ****** Tears,
As in a nightmare:

Weep all the tears
For the Motherless Children,
Weep All the Tears
For The Buried Child...

Weep For Yourself, And Not Without Shame,
Weep For  Humanity And
As it Slowly Dies...

Weep for Those
Whose Vibrant
Life You Adore.

Weep Not For The Cruelly Weak
Who, Knowingly,
Inordinate pain.

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 1.8k
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
The gardenias' Sweet
fragrance enveloped
the backlit silhouette of You.
Profiled diffusely against the
Aura of the Eclipsed Moon,
Our Gentle Guest.

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 878
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
Timidity not my Horse,
Timidity not my Sailboat,
Timidity not my Suave, Fluid
thru Life's  many travails.

J Eduardo Ramos©
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
A Golden Brown Mexican Royal Eagle proudly soaring and gliding on invisible æther:

Human Eyes from the ground: dark, attentive, following the Raptor's deadly arc as it ascends:

The Mexican Brown Royal Eagle spots
A frightened Doe:

The dark eyes from the leveled plain:
a startled double-take,
follow the rapid Eagle's spiraling descent:
The vaporized cloudiness slashed;
A cinematic flash
of hide torn
and shrieking delight
are jumbled,
and echoed
through the void:
The Raptor is
Voluble butcher
As it devours,
Sinewy flesh,
Peeled from broken bone
leathery skin and
curved horn;

The Dark eyes moisten
While the scene
Fills His Eyes;
What Beauty juxtaposed:
Death And Life Are Just
A House
Inhabited by
The Fortunes Named
In The Game
Life Or Death.

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
When Building the cities, roads, bridges and dams,
Blood, toil, sweat and tears
will never  suffice;

The Romans, Phoenicians, the Hitites and Egyptians,
they all knew the score, they used it for years:
Mortar, water and stone were never enough.

Foundations were crumbling, the bridges fell tumbling, the roads went asunder, the cracked dams' water pouring;

Rulers and Chieftains, Pharaohs and Mighty Heads of the State,
Convened with their Wizards, Druids, Grand Mages and Magicians:
"Solutions", they clamored,
" Solutions at once!".

Bonfires were lit, the goat's blood spilt, the entrails were read, the tea leaves deciphered.

The Oracle rose, in a whispering murmur, She muttered:
"When Building the cities, roads, bridges and dams,
Blood, toil, sweat and tears will never  suffice".

The Gods, in their infinite wisdom, had spoken:
" the elemental truth" they said
"that runs at the core, of all human enterprise
since the days of Gog,
for the formula to be true,
It needs a special glue,
a magical brew,
a mixture of fear, innocence
and tears
that can
only be found,
in the wide-eyed
Son of Man;

An infant is needed,
for Stone, Water and Gravel,
will eventually unravel."

"When Building the cities, roads, bridges and dams,
Blood, toil, sweat and tears
will never  suffice".

So it has been said, it has long been sung, the basis of Civilisation
is Human Sacrifice...

The Romans, Phoenicians, the Hitites and Egyptians;
they all knew the score, they used it for years,
Mortar, water and stone were never enough...

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 628
I Love
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
I love, not just to love;
You never understood my Love;
My love was as archaic as the medieval or Sapphic poems found as ruinous scrolls: Old and anachronistic;
***** in its innocence or faithfull as wide eyed babes.

J Eduardo Ramos©
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
A clover green bowler hat on the cars dashboard; mardi gras beads, wildly dangling from the rear-view mirror.
A cigarrete, held by the white knuckles grabbing the wheel. A mop of lush blonde hair, freely flowing in the wind. Aviator sunglasses, sitting astride
A dimpled nose; cherry-red lips whistling a long forgotten Irish
Song of Lust, Death & Fate...

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 663
My Muse
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
My Muse is fickle and thrifty with her Gifts,
She caresses my eyelids with a gentle touch,
And Kisses my forehead with Violet Lips
Suffusing my Dreams in Magical Hues
She visits me Nightly
To show me the trove
Of Her Myriad Treasures
Which I Dare not steal.

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 392
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
Living on borrowed time since  our birth,
We strive to reach our arms and grasp
The universal mysteries.
Think: a human life elapses in a cosmic blink.
Love, Knowledge or Faith
are the Distinct Wines served in Life;
Who dared to deeply drink from the offer'd cup,
To keep at bay Death's everlasting Kiss?

J Eduardo Ramos©
Aug 2014 · 497
J Eduardo Ramos Aug 2014
The hopeless, brutal love the ocean proposes,
To the immutable, unyielding, stoic cliff;
Manifested, for æons,
as ceaseless
Has spawned
the gentle and pristine

J Eduardo Ramos©

— The End —