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iwillwaitforyou Apr 2015
Its been nearly a year since I last seen you
iwillwaitforyou Jun 2014
I love it so very much
iwillwaitforyou May 2014
I want someone who wants me, who thinks of me and smile's like i made all there dreams come true
  May 2014 iwillwaitforyou
Andrew Durst
Pink lip-stick on the **** of a cigarette,
You breathe me in and I can't forget.
You taste like ecstasy but feel like regret,
And love should never feel like a constant threat.
Inspired by a cigarette I saw on the side of the road.
iwillwaitforyou May 2014
You told me you loved me after endless hours in your sheets with you in between my thighs
You dropped me off at my house, before you let me out of the car you grabbed my neck and kissed me-I was completely breathless
You drove out of my driveway, i walked into my house, giddy, never before had i been this alive
when i signed onto Facebook and seen what you had said about your girlfriend "I love her, She's my everything"
The giddiness and the alive feeling was long gone now, and the sorrow and pain was like dry swallowing a pill, my throat was tight, my eyes were filling up with tears.... I ran to take a shower hoping to get you off of me
Scrub.Scrub.Scrub nothing worked you were still here
I'm laying in bed, apologizing to my pillow for soaking it with my tears...
Looking at my phone and seeing that it was a message from you
"hey love, i really enjoyed today ;) i love you"

*I love you too
iwillwaitforyou May 2014
I wanted to know what your lips felt like
I wanted to know what your hips felt like
I wanted to know how good you'd feel pressed up against me
I wanted to see in the morning with the sun peeking through your windows and onto your face
I wanted to know what your deepest darkest fears are
How you cry
How you scream
What you do when your alone
I want to know your mind
I want to know your heart more than i want to know mine
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