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iwillwaitforyou May 2014
I can still remember
how i started to tremble
My teeth snapped and unsnapped
along with my hands
fist; unfist

My eyes would gleam
my lips would become red
as would my checks
My heart would pound out of my chest

All because of the message you sent
iwillwaitforyou May 2014
when i was younger i realized i couldn't swim deeper into the pool
I was curious
I wanted to know what was there

when i was 14 i realized i wanted to swim in you
in your mind
in your heart

Then i realized, how much curiosity hurts
And the deeper i got

I could taste your salty taste in my mouth
Instead of having the water all around me
It was you, your hands, your body...

when i was 14
I realized you were drowning me

— The End —